View Full Version : Scariest experience of your life

Desert Arabian
06-01-2004, 03:09 PM
I thought it would be kind of neat if people shared the scariest experience(s) of their life.

I have a bunch of scary experiences, and most of them all have to do with bad weather.

Every time my mom and I go on a road trip, we always run into bad weather- since our trips are in tornado valley during tornado season. In 1998 we went to Texas. On the way to Texas we stopped in Moore, Oklahoma to stop and get some dinner. Well, as we were sitting at the table looking out the window we watched these hideously dark freaky clouds roll our way. There was a guy outside in the parking lot with his hood up trying to work on something. All of a sudden the storm hit. The guy tried to close the hood, but the wind was too strong, it took 7 guys to get the hood down. We looked at the little sapling trees in the parking lot and they were bent so far I was getting ready to see them snap. All of a sudden the power went out and the manager came running out yelling at everyone to sit in the middle of the restaurant and stay away from all windows and huddle under the tables. Thank God no tornado came. The airport across the street was demolished by a tornado two years before.

Two years ago my mom and I were going down the onramp to merge on the freeway when my mom somehow lost control of the car and it spun out of the control doing fishtails and doughnuts. We stopped facing the wrong way about two feet from rolling down this extremely steep hill. And to make it worse this dumb old man drove down the ramp, slowed down and looked at us and shook his finger at us as if we did it on purpose. I wanted to turn the car around and run him off the road. That was totally uncalled for and made me so mad.

Last year my dad, Jim (dad's best buddy), and I were fishing on Beaver Dam Lake. We noticed some pretty ugly clouds rolling it, but we really didn't care- the fishing was too good to get off the lake (dumb reason I know). We decided we wanted to re-locate to a different part of the lake, since the fishing slowed down where we were. Well, as retarded as we were, we re-located to the side of the lake the storm was approaching. We put an anchor down and started fishing, when it started to get pretty nasty. After about 15 minutes of debating on whether to stay out or not, we decided to pull into shore. As we were slowing putting back to the boat launch, about 1/4 mile away, Jim made a fast U-turn and sped past us (he was in his own boat in front of us) screaming "tornado". Dad and I looked up and right smack above us we saw the clouds suck together and started rotating. Other boaters on the lake were beaching their boats on islands and running for cover. As if we weren't retarded enough for staying on the lake, instead of heading for an island we decided to "out-run" the tornado back to the boat launch. It was raining so hard you couldn't see shore and all the tornado sirens were blasting. We finally made it back to the boat launch, but the waves were so intense we couldn't trailer the boat because it was ramming the boat around too much. Mom was at work, I grabbed dad's cell phone and called her at work. I was so hysterical I couldn't talk only babble and scream. I could tell mom was starting to get a little worried- and when I finally could speak I blurted out "tornado" and started to crying really hard. Eventually we got the boats trailered and sped away. We eventually got out of the storm and were safe. That by far is the number one scariest event of my life..

Last week nasty green clouds rolled in and the tornado sirens went off, I put the cats and rats in the basement. Whenever the tornado sirens go off I always freak out and get scared because I always start thinking about dying, finding my pets in the rubble, the pets blowing away, etc- I scare myself- which I really shouldn't do.

So, those are my scary experiences, what are yours!?! :confused:

06-01-2004, 03:52 PM
Warning... this was not the best night of my life. If you don't like college hijinks, please don't read further.

I was a freshman in college and VERY shy and not into dating. One night I woke up to the school's "coolest" jock VERY drunk pretending to have sex with me... while half the campus looked on. Then other cool jocks joined in one this mock rape. I was so scared I couldn't scream. My voice got lost in my throat. All the while my roomate and "friends" looked on and laughed at me. It might have been pretend to them, but the shame and fear was real to me.

I begged my mom to come home the next day. She didn't know what happened and I couldn't bring myslef tell her, so she made me finish out the semester.

I refused to date any guys until AFTER college because the hurt of that night was so strong. At the time, all men were just as bad as the jock who did that to me.

06-01-2004, 06:51 PM
Oh Catnapper that's so, so terrible. I'm so sorry you had to go through something like that. What a bunch of freakin pigs - makes me so angry!