View Full Version : OH Trip/PT Meeting *pictures*

05-31-2004, 10:45 PM
As *most* of you know, my dad, Lauren(BluStang24) her dog Honey, my two pups, and I drove to Ohio for the Memorial Weekend PT meeting in Findlay. We left Thursday at 11pm, arrived in Vanlue at around 6 pm Friday.

We camped in a pop-up camper not to far from Findlay, at a campground in Vanlue, Oh. The weather was sooo nice until we started heading out!

Friday evening after getting washed up a bit, setting camp up, feeding the dogs we headed off to the dog park. A lady, I guess who was a regular there, was there with her two dogs (I forget their names, but one was a boxer/lab and the other looked like a Husky mix) Anyways, so we let the dogs run around a bit to get all of their energy out since they had been in the truck for so long. I figured they'd probably show up, and they did, Diana and Carl pulled up with their pups.
Taggert and Jack were very fond of Simba... as well as Simba them. Especially Taggert. Taggert looked so handsome in his new-do. :)

Anyways, after letting the dogs run around and talking to Carl and Diana, we headed back to camp.

Saturday we just went into Findlay and explored. We went to a few places down by the river there, took pictures, then headed back to the dog park. After that, we went to the store, got things to go along with our chicken and stuff to make s'mores, Had dinner and made s'mores over a fire.

Then of course, sunday we went to the PT meeting. When we arrived, Head-bunnies Karen and Paul were there as well as T & P's mom. Nala and Simba were extreme brats. Nala is far too vocal when she plays, and i'm sure everyone understood that, but I don't like it. Simba was playing Mr. Grumpy man. I enjoyed seeing everyone and their pups again, as well as meeting some for the first time. My special favorite was Tori, whom I offered to take home with me. And of course, that gorgeous Angus boy.. who was ever so patient with all of the younger pups. Of course, i'd would have loved to take them all home, and all of them were as cute as always.

On the way home it POURED. The tempature slowly got higher and higher... and I knew we were home when it felt disgusting to step outside. I'd take the 60-70 Ohio weather we had up there anyday... and some of the rain too as our grass is a crisp.

Anyways, i'll stop blabbering now and get to posting some pictures.
Our camp~
Friday night~
Taggert & Simba
Snoopy.. I love this picture.
Honey and the two ladie's dogs
Nala with them.

05-31-2004, 10:46 PM
Posing by the corn... that was EVERYWHERE. (This was right behind our camping area)
Nala on a stump, by a little park area. Full of duck poo. EW!
Then we went to another park area, which was really pretty. Simba by the dam~
Then off to the dog park..
Nala in the flowers
All three on the PT bench.
Simba & Nala playing tug
Simba and Honey
Did some more 'splorin, and found some stairs that went up a hill and led to this lake..
More coming..

05-31-2004, 10:47 PM
Sunday~ The meeting..
The complete truth.
Nala and Gabbie.. I loved watching them play together. :) Love that Gabbie!!
ADORABLE Tori, and sweet, sweet Angus.
Nala getting belly rubs from Kimmy
Nala resting on thet big ole mean Angus
Cinder and Smoke
Lizbud's Smokey
Simba's turn for cake
Nala on the ride home..
And the rest of the pictures can be seen here~

Sorry for thr quality.. it's imagestation's dern fault!

05-31-2004, 10:56 PM
I love the photos Kay! I sure wish I could go to a Pet Talk meeting. I would love to see everyone's puppers. :)

Here are a few of my favorites:

Shouldn't he be on a diet? ;) He looks like he's getting a little tubby, hehe.

Sooo cute~! :D

This one brought tears to my eyes. :( How did you guys get a PT bench there?


05-31-2004, 11:05 PM
Great Pics Kay!!
Yup!! WE have a looootttt of corn fields!!

Cass here is the Memorial thread.

There was a lot of behind the scenes action!

05-31-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me

Shouldn't he be on a diet? ;) He looks like he's getting a little tubby, hehe.


But it was Roxey's birthday cake!!!!
So it doesn't count

05-31-2004, 11:19 PM
WONDERFUL photos!!! Arrggggggggg I wish I could have been there! Ok I'll stop whining now. Looks like you guys had a great time!

And of course Birthday Cake calories don't count!!! Where's Roxey's Happy B-day thread?

05-31-2004, 11:33 PM
Great pics, Kay!! Looks like you all had fun. Did Simba save a bite of that yummy cake for me??? :D

My family is up in Michigan right now and I was supposed to be there too. If I had been there, I probably could've gone to the meeting, but I've had some health issues that cancelled my trip :( Maybe sometime I will be able to go!

05-31-2004, 11:37 PM
Thanks everyone. :D

Originally posted by aly
Great pics, Kay!! Looks like you all had fun. Did Simba save a bite of that yummy cake for me??? :D

My family is up in Michigan right now and I was supposed to be there too. If I had been there, I probably could've gone to the meeting, but I've had some health issues that cancelled my trip :( Maybe sometime I will be able to go!

No, but maybe Kimmy will let you lick her fingers? :p :o :p

You and Reece man, and Lolly should come to FL!!
Everyone should! :p

05-31-2004, 11:48 PM
Kay, just what I have been waiting for all day! Pictures, and more pictures. I knew you would have some great pictures, but these are even better than I expected.

Oh, the dam in the park was so beautiful! The cornfield too.

Funny, it actually looked like Simba was READING the little sign on the park bench! The picture of Simba, Nala, and Honey at the bench was great!

I loved seeing all the pictures of Angus, Honey, Tori, and Gabbie and all the lovely furkids!

Now I am off to look at the rest of the pictures. Thanks Kay, I am so glad you got home safely. It looked like everybody had so much fun!

One of these days I WILL make it to a Pet Talk meeting!


06-01-2004, 01:17 AM
oh man! Im so jealous, wish I couldve been there to meet you all and of course all the puppers!!! but thank you for letting those of us who couldnt be there be a part of it by taking/posting all the pictures! :D looks like you guys had a lot of fun!!! Dang how awesome would it be if we could have one great big PT meeting!? :D

Oh Happy brithday Roxey!! What a FUNNN party!

And the PT bench is beautiful, such a great idea.

06-01-2004, 01:50 AM

Thanks for posting those pics! I was going into withdrawl ........ didn't want to start complaining or anything ... :D

That pic of Simmy "kissing" the bench plaque is beautiful *tears*

06-01-2004, 05:33 AM
AWESOME photos :) They are really great :) Looks like you all had great time and I'm really really happy about it :) I wish I could be there :) Thanx for sharing photos, KayAnn :)

06-01-2004, 05:45 AM
Awesome pictures, Kay! :D

I began looking through the album and I got to the Simba & Nala one in front of the corn when my computer switched off. Been having problems with it for a week or so. Going to log off now - got to paint the bathroom - I'll try and get to the rest of your album later.


06-01-2004, 06:18 AM
Awesome photos. :D I had been waiting for the storys and photos, and they are all great.

Nice to "Meet" you Smokey, You sure are a handsome guy. :D

More tears, just beautiful.

Thankyou so much for the photos and storys, i am off to check out the album. :D

06-01-2004, 06:28 AM
I still am sad I didn't get to go. Want to see Angus and Katie so bad! Glad you had a good time. Maybe one day I'll make it up there. Sounds like it's a nice place to live, too. Would much prefer the weather up there.

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-01-2004, 07:02 AM
The pictures were so good!! Looks like all you guys, gals and pups had a real fun time!!

Some of those pictures made me laugh so hard...

the one of Nala rolling in the grass...


and this one of Kia eating her cake!!!


i am so jealous!! Maybe one day i will get to go!!:)

06-01-2004, 07:53 AM
The pictures are wonderful, Kay Ann!!! :) I'm so glad that you got to go on the trip. I am just envious that we didn't get to be there too!!!

06-01-2004, 08:17 AM
Ack, I am jealous too ;)

Looks like you all had so much fun! I love that bench, and the drawings are beautiful!

I loved seeing all the PT pups together, it was also a real treat to see some of Angus, as Anna holds out on us :o :p

I really like these:

There are million more favorites lol but I don't wanna post half the pictures :p

I should have told you all to give *my* ;) Angus an extra hug from me!

06-01-2004, 08:18 AM
Wonderful photos Kay. I sure hope I have the opportunity and privilege to meet some of you wonderful PT people and pooches in person someday. I just love the pics, but it's also hard not to feel a bit sad that we couldn't join the fun.

The Pet Talk bench is beautiful. Looks like the weekend was gorgeous. Good thing it wasn't in MN :p. We've had nothing but wind and rain for days now :o.

Welcome back to all who went!

06-01-2004, 08:38 AM
it looks like you had lots of fun! i would love to go to one of these things. i never know when and where they're going on.:confused:

by the way,we have more corn in indiana.:D

4 Dog Mother
06-01-2004, 09:48 AM
Great pictures, Kay! It was so nice to see you and your dad again and meeting Lauren. And of course seeing the 3 pups. You are such a great photographer! I think that is really your calling! And I still don't get how you get those dogs to do whatever you want in those photos. You have a great deal of patience, young lady! The one of Nala behind the bench and Honey and Simba on the bench is one of my favorites.

06-01-2004, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by lute
it looks like you had lots of fun! i would love to go to one of these things. i never know when and where they're going on.:confused:

Do you ever look in the "Meetings" board? ;)

06-01-2004, 12:44 PM
Do you ever look in the "Meetings" board?
i didn't even know there was one.:rolleyes: i'm kinda dorkie that way.LOL. i will mst deffinatly check it out though.

06-01-2004, 03:44 PM
Thanks everyone. :)

Originally posted by K9soul

The Pet Talk bench is beautiful. Looks like the weekend was gorgeous. Good thing it wasn't in MN :p. We've had nothing but wind and rain for days now :o.

I think we lucked out because it POURED as soon as we left.:eek: :p

06-01-2004, 04:10 PM
Great pictures Kay, glad you liked Ohio. I'm also glad it didn't rain before you headed out. We've had a lot of rain lately.(and last summer too)

06-01-2004, 04:56 PM
Great pictures Kay! I really enjoyed seeing them.:) All the pups are so cute!:D I love the bench pics:)

Thanks for sharing them!

Holly's mom
06-01-2004, 06:47 PM
Great pictures! All of the dogs are gorgeous and they look like they are having a good time! (and Kay, I like your new siggy, too!):)

06-01-2004, 07:58 PM
Great pics! Looks like a wonderful time was had by all! :D

06-01-2004, 09:29 PM
As always the pics are fabulous! I have too many favorites to even start posting them here...hehehe. You really do have a special touch with that camera. It was great to see you and the family and hopefully we will get to see each other again.

Hugs...Robin :)

06-02-2004, 05:06 AM
WOW Kay what wonderful pics! All the puppers are smiling for you!! :D :D
I can't pick one fave., their all beautiful. Well maybe - just maybe the one on the bench - aawww!


06-02-2004, 03:21 PM
Thanks everyone. :)

{{Hugs}} right back at'cha Robin. :)

06-02-2004, 03:33 PM
You know I love all the doggie pics, but I also love the scenery pics. So I thought I would post some of those. They are great!


I really love the tree pics!

Hugs and Tailwags...Robin, Katie and Tori ;)

06-02-2004, 07:41 PM
Lol, thanks Robin. :)
I stood out in the freezing cold to take those sunrise pictures, with wet socks from the dew! :p

06-03-2004, 08:49 PM
Kay Ann,
As Always...ALL your pics are Fabulous!!!!!!
I could Never choose a Favorite!!!!!

EVERYBODYS' Dogs are Wonderful!!!!
Looks like You ALL had a Great Time!!!!

Thanks Again to all...for sharing such Great Pics!!!

4 Dog Mother
06-03-2004, 10:55 PM
I stood out in the freezing cold to take those sunrise pictures

Now, now KayAnn, it was not "freezing" when you were here - come back in the winter and we will show you freezing cold!;)

06-04-2004, 04:51 PM
Thanks. :D

Originally posted by 4 Dog Mother
Now, now KayAnn, it was not "freezing" when you were here - come back in the winter and we will show you freezing cold!;)

Oh, but when your socks are soak and wet, the bed you sleep in was wet, and almost nothing keeping the cool air out... it's pretty darn freezing!!

I'd love to come for the winter. I'm the one who had the windows down while my dad and Lauren froze on the way to Vanlue.