View Full Version : Cubby's little problem continues

05-31-2004, 09:02 PM
He is still trying to hump us at night. I have tried giving him a teddy bear but that isn't good enough. The other day he got very violent with me and picked him up off of my leg and moved him as soon as he tried to start, he went right back and I moved him again. At this point he got very mad at me and jumped at my face, and bit my eye lid. Then he kindly walked away, then of course he tried to go back to what he wanted to do. So I picked him up set him on the floor and rolled over and he went and ate. I thought that would be the last of it. But of course I was wrong. He jumped at my face again when I moved him away. And finaly after I got so tired of it, I yelled at him to stop. Which he went back to his food dish and then left the room.

I refuse to put him back on his medication what else can I do to try and stop this?

05-31-2004, 09:09 PM

Is cubby neutered? If you get him done, he wont have this problem no more, I assume.

But if he is already, I have no advice

05-31-2004, 09:30 PM
I'm almost certain Cubby is neutered.

I'm not really sure what to say since you didn't like his reaction to the medication since it changed his personality. Maybe there is another type of medicine out there you could try.

05-31-2004, 09:43 PM
Katie - I do not know what you had Cubby on before and what side effects it caused...
My DIL has her kitty Pickles on Cyproheptadine, a medication that is an antihistimine used for humans - but in cats, it lowers their testosterone. She has not noticed any side effects other than Pickles stopped being aggressive towards his sister and quit spraying. I know that she was VERY worried about using a medication and about side effects so this might be one you could ask the vet about? She also uses the lowest dose and could have raised it but did not need to. Just a thought!!
It sounds like Cubby might have the ...uh....urge? A little reduction in hormone might do the trick. A humping kitty doesn't sound like much fun!:rolleyes:

06-01-2004, 06:11 AM
I have to agree that a different type of medication may be in order. I wouldn't want to dope him either but other medications are available. You can't have him attacking you and going at your face is a bad thing. You could be seriously injured even though Cubby may not mean to.
I would talk to your vet about trying something new and a low dosage. There are times when you just don't have a choice. I know this because of Mr. Magoo. I didn't want to medicate him either but life has been better for him and me since we did. He is calmer which makes me calmer and we get along so much better. I hope you will consider this because Cubby has to be stressing too. With the right medication he won't be so stressed and feel the *need*. He will be happier and so will you.

06-01-2004, 08:14 AM
Oh no!:( I'm sorry to hear of this. I have no idea what to tell you:confused: I do hope a different medication is available that Cubby will respond better to...Good luck and keep us posted. Poor you - Poor Cubby:(

06-01-2004, 08:50 AM
It might be a Good idea , to take him to the Vets , and make sure that the neutering , was done properlty , and that it has taken effect!

06-01-2004, 02:03 PM
I took him to the vet last year to make sure that he was neutered properly, he was and theh he was put on medication. The medication turned him into a lap cat which was nice but it wasn't the Cubby I fell in love with. I will call my vet and get an apointment set up for next week.

Thank you for the advice.

06-01-2004, 02:24 PM
I hope the appointment goes well Katie! I also would not want my kitty changed into another!! I spoke about this with my son on the phone this morning - asked about Pickles, who is FAR from a lapkitty!! He again told me that this current medication keeps Pickles from being aggressive but no other changes - he is still nawtee. playful and chasing his sister - just not the aggressiveness and spraying. The entire household is MUCH happier:D
Curious - what med made Cubby act so differently??? I know any med might affect each cat in a different way but I am mostly curious for future reference.

06-01-2004, 04:12 PM
Curious - what med made Cubby act so differently??? I know any med might affect each cat in a different way but I am mostly curious for future reference.

He was on Ovaban, which worked great, except he wasn't my little baby anymore.:( I will be sure to ask his vet about the pill you suggested and see what he says. Hopefully he will come up with something.

I know that him going at me to attack me isn't a good thing. I have already found out that he has a very hard nasty bit when he gets angry. Any time he doesn't get to hump when he wants to he will try to attack. If kids are over her will growl and then try to attack (that only started happening after my neice hit him for no apparent reason, of course she was delt with and I told her she is no longer allowed to pet my Cubby.) He has never been a very loveable cat. He does have his moments though.