View Full Version : Why can't we just all get along...

05-31-2004, 08:40 AM

Hubby decided we have been watching too much news and getting too cynical so he flipped over to CMT (country music) and who is on but Bocephus! Here is what he was singing which sure seemed appropriate! Oh - and it starts out like a newscast!!

This crime in the city streets
Always trouble in the middle east
How’d they let things get so out of hand
Just watchin’ the evening news
that would give anybody the blues
The more I know, I think the less I understand

Oh Why can’t we all just get a long (neck)
And make a toast to peace and harmony
Why, Why can’t we all just get a long (neck)
And see how good getting a long might be

I’d like buy the world around
In the honky tonk neutral ground
So we can see that on the inside we’re all the same
Pop a top and let the good times pour
Til we forget what we was fightin for
I’ll ask again can someone please explain


As different as we may be
We’re all one big family
Cuz if we just agree we’re gunna disagree

~Hank Williams, Jr

05-31-2004, 11:38 AM

That song is pretty good, and funny.. :D

06-02-2004, 10:59 AM
Amen to that!!