View Full Version : Did everyone survive May 30 storm?

05-31-2004, 06:35 AM
Hey midwestern Pettalkers, just checking in to see if everyone is ok.

HUGE storms and tornados ripped through Indiana/Indianapolis yesterday.....Ritz took a dive under the sofa and we had everything ready to go into our storm shelter (along with Ritz), but were thankfully spared any damage - didn't even lose electricity.

Check in please! LIzbud, you ok out there? From the looks of things, this storm reached the whole state, and probably Kentucky and Ohio were hit too...

Cataholic? Edwina's S? T&P all ok in northern quadrants?

05-31-2004, 06:37 AM
Oh, and it was so odd - the cicadas actually stopped "humming" right before the storm hit....VERY spooky! (BUT they are back in full song this morning----much to my ears' chagrin)

05-31-2004, 06:46 AM
There was a pretty bad storm going on when I left the dog park in Findlay. I drove out of it though and made it home safe. Liz left before the storm hit there. We haven't heard from her yet. I hope she is at home safe and sound.

I hope everyone is ok.


05-31-2004, 08:13 AM
It seems like we have had more thunderstorms, tornado watches, tornado warnings, flood watches, in the last four weeks than we've had in the past four years. I'm worn out from the level of *impending doom* that goes along with them. Corralling the dogs to go to the basement as the tornado sirens are going off is not always able to be done in a timely manner, adding to the stress factor. Fortunately, we have been spared and the vegetation is thriving from all the rain, but enough already, I need a break.

Edwina's Secretary
05-31-2004, 09:15 AM
We were driving home from a graduation in Fort Wayne into that rain! It was almost impossible to see anything. The concern is ... is it safer to stay the course or pull over on the shoulder? We choose "stay the course" and made it home. Exhausted!

05-31-2004, 10:54 AM
We drove right through a bunch of rain! Man was it nasty.

Hope everyone that was at the meeting made it home safely, I was worried on the way home!!

05-31-2004, 11:36 AM
Everything's OK up here - - I hope everybody else is alright too!

05-31-2004, 11:44 AM
We didn't get the storm like people in Ohio/Indiana etc. did. I guess we were lucky. We barbequed yesterday and to the east and west both were HUGE walls of storm clouds.
Hope everyone was safe throughout the whole thing.

05-31-2004, 11:45 AM
I'm glad that they who wrote here they are Ok and hope everyone else os Ok too ;)

05-31-2004, 04:39 PM
Pretty scary night......

We were first under a tornado warning, and then we went through a watch. We had a powerful storm, and then the county next to us, Mercer County was in a tornado warning, and I was freaking that it was going to come over to auglaize. (where I am)

but it didn't.....just a really bad storm.

05-31-2004, 09:10 PM
In southern Kentucky I think 1 or 2 tornadoes touched down in counties close to where I live. In my hometown (southern Tennessee) I know of @ least one little girl who was killed and there wasn another possible death. Power is still out in some of my friends houses. :(

06-01-2004, 09:13 AM
When we were leaving Findlay, we could see the skies getting dark south west of us. We hit some driving rain, but nothing worse.

My clocks were blinking when I got home this morning.

My friend was near the University of Indiana and saw one of the tornados. :eek:

06-01-2004, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
When we were leaving Findlay, we could see the skies getting dark south west of us. We hit some driving rain, but nothing worse.

My clocks were blinking when I got home this morning.

My friend was near the University of Indiana and saw one of the tornados. :eek:

I'd faint if I ever saw one!

06-01-2004, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by ramanth

My friend was near the University of Indiana and saw one of the tornados. :eek:

I kept telling my dad on the way home that I would have loved to see one of the tornados, but from FAR away.:p

06-01-2004, 01:32 PM
I don't know if this will work or not, but it's supposed to be
a slideshow of the storm & tornado damage here.


Can't believe it but Smokey slept through tornado warning
sirens & t-storms with howling winds all evening long. He was
one tired pup after his trip to the dog park. I kept his leash close
by in case we had to hurry to the basement, but I'd probably
would have had to carry him downstairs. LOL.:D

Edit: Check out the damage here;


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-01-2004, 10:57 PM
We were in the motorhome in a rinky dink campground in far Western Ohio when it hit. The good news is we got pulled in and parked before the rain hit. Terry had gone inside to pay when the worst of it hit. I was on the cell phone with my mom, as I was sitting in the front seat with my feet up, looking out the big front window of the motorhome. I knew it was bad when the motorhome started rocking from the wind and I couldn't see even 4' in front of the motorhome! :eek: :eek:

I had the NOAA channel on the CB and after it was all over I heard there was a tornado sighted about 10 miles from us. :eek: Kinda nice, in the motorhome it doesn't matter if the power goes out because we always have the batteries and generator to run off. :p And we didn't even plug in anyway because of the chance of a power surge. Even though we have a surge protector in the motorhome, we didn't want to take a chance on frying the entire electrical system. :eek:

And 1/2 hour later, after all the heavy rain and wind was done, the sun came out and we had a beautiful double rainbow. A FULL rainbow with a slight double behind it. I got pictures, but haven't had a chance to get them off the camera yet.

So overall, it was an interesting experience. So far that is the worst storm we've been in while in the motorhome and overall we faired well.

Glad to hear everyone else is ok. :)

06-02-2004, 09:53 AM
Wow Debbie!

That is the one time Kia hates thunderstorms is when we're camping. We had a nasty storm come off of Lake Huron and the trailer was shaking and Kia just yelped and panted. When it was over, tents had blown away and some awnings were bent over their trailers. :eek: