View Full Version : Funniest moments with pets

05-30-2004, 05:45 PM
This is for sharing memories of funny moments with your pets, for a good laugh. My dog has made me laugh so hard I started crying! Here's a couple...

One time we took Sally with us and we were driving through the woods, slowly, and she jumped out the window! I was scared at first but she was running around and I just cracked up laughing.

Another time my mom and I were watching T.V. or something and Sally comes in and were like Go to bed Sally or Go to your kennel and she moaned and it sounds just like "I dont want to" It was hilarious!

Enjoy!;) :D

05-30-2004, 11:02 PM
lol not long agao at flyball, we started eraly to have a meeting afterword, now happy did not like this meeting idea lol she was soooooooooooooo board, and obviously was not afraid to show us, lol all of a sudden in the middle of the meeting happy let out a long, low, groan! :p lol everyone cracked up laughing! now misty is the comedian, so let me go in chronalogical order lol

young puppy: I went to take the garbage out, and happy and misty followed me, or so I thought. when I got back in the yard happy was with me, but misty was nowhere to be found, I was looking everywhere till I saw a little puppys head appear between the solid door and the screen door, lol she was jumping up and down so she could see while she was stuck between the doors!

about 5 months old: it was hot outside so we kept the window of the screen door open(the screen itself was broken) so misty would just jump through the window, because well that dogs LOVES to jump. well one day the bugs were getting in so my dad closed the window, misty did not know this however lol because she took a flying leap right INTO the window! lol she fell back looked kinda dazed and confused walked up to the window and pawed it like "what the heck happened?" !

7 months: mistys kiddy pool was out, and I had just filled it, misty took a running start dove into the pool, fell of her side, slid accross the pool and ended up with her butt hanging over the edge with this dumbfounded look on her face! :p

05-31-2004, 05:29 PM
LOL!! :D :D