View Full Version : gas prices-check it out!

leslie flenner
05-29-2004, 11:07 PM
I thought it to be interesting (open below and you can click on any part of the country) that Vancouver's gas prices were below a dolllar a gallon? or is their currency such that it's actually like, $5.00 per gallon? The charts, as far as I can tell, don't change the currency! If anyone knows the answer to this- I may move to vancouver!


05-29-2004, 11:17 PM
I calculated according to the cheapest in Vancouver and it turned out to be $3.58 per gallon (I had to convert liters to gallons). In american currency, it turned out to be $2.62 per gallon.

leslie flenner
05-29-2004, 11:28 PM
Well thank you for figuring that out- you are smart! So where is the cheapest to live-gas wise- well, i guess no where in canada and the map wouldn't let me click on the most northern countries (it's a secret?)
Thank you much- guess I'll stay here for now- thought texas might be cheap but it's not...

05-29-2004, 11:53 PM
Some parts of Texas are cheap.. well, cheaper. My mom always complains about the gas prices (she lives in Texas). And everytime she gives me the cost of gas it's always at least 20 cents cheaper than what I'm paying here in Az.

leslie flenner
05-30-2004, 12:00 AM
we should all head towards mexico, right? Does that have anything to do with prices? (Texas being known for it's oil?) The prices are being jacked for no real reason from what I've been listening to on npr. Or I'm missing something. REAL reason meaning- it's going up for political reasons- not shortages. And I heard there is oil we can tap but choose not to because it's deep (?) and expensive. (???) I've noticed a few suv's around here with for sale signs on them! How are you kittens uri's?

05-30-2004, 12:06 AM
we should all head towards mexico, right? Does that have anything to do with prices?

I'm not toally sure about that because in Az I'm still pretty close to Mexico, but I should check the prices in Nogales and see if it's any cheaper. My parents live in Brownsville, Tx which is right on the border. I asked my dad once why gas was so much cheaper there and he said it was because they are on the gulf so there is a big port in Brownsville so it costs less to deliver then it would to a place that is landlocked like Az.

smokey the elder
05-30-2004, 07:48 AM
Sounds like US gas is getting almost as expensive as Canadian in normalized money. We had the opportunity to wean off oil 30 years ago, but NO-O-O...that's a rant for another day.:)

leslie flenner
05-30-2004, 08:12 PM
This has nothing to do with gas prices but... Isn't Brownsville where the couple killed their 3 kids (disemboweled) because Christ told them to (they were on drugs) and it turned out the father was an illegal immigrant- and not insane but the mother was insane even without the drugs?

leslie flenner
05-30-2004, 08:14 PM
What do you mean "wean off oil" re: Canada? really? Explain please?