View Full Version : I Need Help!!!now!!!

05-29-2004, 10:08 PM
i got a show dog. that i am wanting to use for junior howmanship. she's an 8 year old siberian husky.

i got her about 6:00 this evening. the first thing she did was try to attack Beanie! even if he just looks at her she growls.same thing with my 6 year old brother. i want to keep her,but i don't want her hurting Beanie or my brother.she's fine with me and my older brothers though.

is there something i can do to make her calm down and accept them??? if i don't get an answer tonight she's goin back to the breeder tomarrow morning.

05-29-2004, 10:14 PM
I wish I could offer some help, but I'm afraid I have no advice.

Did you really think this whole thing out? I don't remember you ever mentioning this before.

I'd hate to see her go back to the breeder after less than 24 hours, but I'd also hate to see her in an improper home. :(

05-29-2004, 10:18 PM
i didn't say anything about it becaus i didn't think anyone would like to hear that i was taking up showing. i had asked the lady that gave her to me if she was nice with dogs and kids.she said yes. i was gonna give her a little while,but she's just not liking staying here. if she'd better in the morning i'll reconcider,but it's not looking good.

if i do give her back i'm gonna ask if she has another dog.

05-29-2004, 10:18 PM
Please try to give it some more time.

I really, really regret bringing Chloe back to the shelter..because she didn't get along very well with Molly and Daisy the first day.

I really have no advice, but hopefully someone will be of more help too you. Good Luck.

05-29-2004, 10:21 PM
I've heard about alot of problems arising on the first day. This happened to us as well. Kaedyn attacked Kai at every opportunity. We highly doubted we'd be able to keep Kaedyn but things smoothed out on their own within the first week (they still weren't perfect but he wasn't attacking him anymore). Use your judgement. If you think it's possible that she may be able to stay, give it time. If you think it's too risky, then by all means, take her back. It's much better for the dog and for yourselves to take the dog back if there's no possible way that you would all be happy.

05-29-2004, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by lute
if i do give her back i'm gonna ask if she has another dog.

I'm sorry, and I don't mean to start anything here, buuut...

What if that dog doesn't work either? Is it really fair to the dogs, breeder, or your own dog to just move from dog to dog like that? And I'm sorry, but I really don't think its fair to give the dog back so soon ... I mean, I just don't really feel right about that.

But it's your life and your deal, so do what you want, I guess.

05-30-2004, 12:36 AM
I agree with Moose. I would definately give her more time. You could get another dog and then she'd be perfect. But problems may occur later. You just kind of have to go with the flow and stuff. But I would definately give more time. Major was extremely yappy the first few days but he's a lot better now! Give the dog more time, and if its REALLY not working out, then maybe take her back. See if you can bring your dogs with you next time to see if they get along with any possible others.

05-30-2004, 11:49 AM
8 yrs of age is eligible for the Veterans class and I believe she can be spayed and shown in this class.

I am not shure what to tell you about her getting
along with your brother or Beanie.
I would say talk/and gather as much info. as you can from
the breeder about her.
Hopefully she just needs a few days to get use to her
surroundings, but if not make sure the breeder
will take her back.
Some breeders sell or give away their older show dogs
to make room for new ones.
IF homework is done to make the right match than
the senior dog has a good forever home.
I realize it is hard on a dog to be returned
back to the breeder, but you want to make
sure she goes to the right home for her senior years.


05-30-2004, 01:51 PM
She's a showdog so she's not spayed, right? How close is she to a heat cycle? I've seen lots of dogs in heat. I've never seen ones as bitchy about it as huskies!! Even spayed female huskies tend to be more trouble than the males--in my experience.

She may just need some time to adjust. Look at it from her side--she's just lost everything familar to her. Everything she's known for her entire life is gone. Wouldn't you be a little freaked out?

05-30-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Glacier:She's a showdog so she's not spayed, right? >>>>>>>>>>>

The breeder might not have spayed her before placement,
but correct me if I am wrong, that Veteran class can
be "altered" and be shown.

P.S. Lute I wanted to clarify to you that
I was not saying you have not done your homework. :)
A good breeder screens for the right homes since they
know their dogs.
I DO hope the match works out for you both and
keep us posted when you start Jr. handling.

05-30-2004, 02:05 PM
Any updates???? :confused:

05-30-2004, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by KYS
Originally posted by Glacier:She's a showdog so she's not spayed, right? >>>>>>>>>>>

The breeder might not have spayed her before placement,
but correct me if I am wrong, that Veteran class can
be "altered" and be shown.

Yes dogs can be spayed and shown in the Veterans class. lute won't be showing her in Veterans. Although that doesn't matter as lute is showing her in Jr. Handling so she can be spayed anyways and well really doesn't even have to be show quality as they judge the handler and the handlers knowledge.

05-31-2004, 05:01 PM
we still have her. she has made improvments. we are giving her some more time. we are starting to think it's gonna work out,but not compleatly convinced yet.

the breeder is going to contact AKC and see if it's k that we get her spayed because in juniors they don't judge the dog,they judge the handler.so we are strongly looking into that!

my brother and i took them both for a walk today and they did great. Beanie walked right under her nose multiple times and she didn't even bother looking at him.

shes hanging out in my room right now,and that's for posting your concerns.


05-31-2004, 06:34 PM
Sounds very promising.
I hope it does work out for you.
I also can't wait to hear about your Jr. Handling classes.
I was to chicken to go out their and handle a dog
in front of people. (but I love to watch)
I'll be your Pet Talk chear leader in the side lines. :D

05-31-2004, 07:23 PM
LOL! my PT cheerleader. that would be funny if ya had like pompoms and did little chants.:D :D :D nevermind i'm just rambling stupid crap to myself.:rolleyes:

i hope it does work out. my dad still wants me to call, but i'm gonna try to push it off. pray that it works out!!!