View Full Version : Have you ever gotten an offer?

05-28-2004, 04:13 PM
I was walking Mickey back home today while on our way, a lady and her husband stopped me to look at Mickey. She started saying how she thought Mickey was beautiful and how she owned a Sheltie also. I was pretty excited to meet another Sheltie owner. Then she asked me if he was a male and if he was neuteured. I told her he was and she said "Oh that's too bad!" It then hit me that she was a backyard breeder. :mad:

She started petting Mickey and talking to her husband...oh he's so nice, what a handsome boy. Did he just have a bath? He looks so fluffy...blahblahblah. Really lady, I'm flattered, but get the hell away from my dog.

During this entire time, Mickey was barking his head off at them. Like he could sense something wrong with them. When she tried to pet him, he took this mad dash and backed up and just kept barking. He smelled her hand and got even angrier. I truly do belive that animals can sense these things from people so I tried to cut the conversation short.

It's too bad, she really was a nice lady, but I just can't have much respect for someone who'd pick out any male dog from across the street to stick together with her female so she can make a quick buck.

Thanks for letting me vent. ;) Has anybody else had a similar experience?

guster girl
05-28-2004, 04:24 PM
Not quite like that, but, I did have someone offer me a couple hundred dollars for Finn at the dog park. Whatever. He's priceless.

05-28-2004, 04:25 PM
Awww but who couldn't want Finn? Hehehehe. Don't they know the only way to get a PT dog is to virtually steal it? *steals* :p

guster girl
05-28-2004, 04:27 PM
Yeah, and, as much of a mama's boy as he is, you'd have to steal me, too. He won't even let me go to the restroom alone. Ha ha.

05-28-2004, 04:28 PM
LOL same with Mickey. :o He'll just scratch at the door and cry.

guster girl
05-28-2004, 04:30 PM
I just let Finn in with me. :) He lays on my feet. Weirdo. And, he usually gets in the shower with me, too. Water dog through and through.

05-28-2004, 04:48 PM
Yeah I'll let Mickey in too. Not in the shower though...but he does wait up in the bathroom or hall for me. I guess the water relaxes him because he always falls asleep. :)

05-28-2004, 04:48 PM
No, no one offered anything. But there are idiots out there keep asking me HOW MUCH GIGI IS.:mad: :mad: Not that they want to buy her from me (I don't think), but wanting to know how much it cost me. GIGI IS PRICELESS!

guster girl
05-28-2004, 04:52 PM
If Finn doesn't join me (and usually freak me out by doing so!) in the shower, he sleeps on the floor. Always on my clothes or the rug. :) Dogs are so fun. But, if I don't take him to a dog washing place, I will bathe him while I'm in there. It's just easier that way. :)

05-28-2004, 04:53 PM
I've had people tell me how much they love Moose, but never had any sort of offer on him.

However...with Zoey, it's a whole 'nother story. :rolleyes:

The other day Josh and I took the dogs to the beach and this woman came up to us and asked us if we were going to be breeding Moose and Zoey together. Josh just kind of laughed and all I could do was stare at her in disbelief. As if that wasn't bad enough, she then proceeded to ask me if we weren't, she had a Husky that she would be more than willing to breed Zoey with. :eek: :mad: :eek:

I didn't say a word, all I did was shake me head and walk off.

Some people can be real idiots when it comes to dogs.

05-28-2004, 04:56 PM
Jen, I know what you mean. Mickey is priceless and is my baby. Ask any mother to put a price on their daughter or son. That's exactly how I feel.

LOL guster girl, it must be easy for Finn to dry off. It takes Mickey a good 45 minutes to get completly dry so I try to keep him dry unless it's super hot out or it's his bath time.

Brooke, that's so awful. I'll give that lady credit...she singled out a dog that was the same breed as hers. :rolleyes:

05-28-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by primabella
Brooke, that's so awful. I'll give that lady credit...she singled out a dog that was the same breed as hers. :rolleyes:


I was about ready to smack her upside her head!!

05-28-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Moose
The other day Josh and I took the dogs to the beach and this woman came up to us and asked us if we were going to be breeding Moose and Zoey together. Josh just kind of laughed and all I could do was stare at her in disbelief. As if that wasn't bad enough, she then proceeded to ask me if we weren't, she had a Husky that she would be more than willing to breed Zoey with. :eek: :mad: :eek:

I didn't say a word, all I did was shake me head and walk off.

Some people can be real idiots when it comes to dogs.

Moose, next time, say something to her(or whomever). Nothing mean, nothing snotty, but, just matter of fact. "You know, with all the unwanted animals in the world today, I couldn't sleep at night knowing I contributed to that problem". Remember, some people aren't 'stupid', they are merely uneducated.

05-28-2004, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Moose, next time, say something to her(or whomever). Nothing mean, nothing snotty, but, just matter of fact. "You know, with all the unwanted animals in the world today, I couldn't sleep at night knowing I contributed to that problem". Remember, some people aren't 'stupid', they are merely uneducated.

I know, I really regret that I kept my mouth shut. But I was so shocked that she would even suggest something like that, that I wasn't even comprehending the rest of her words -- or the rest of my thoughts. After we got in the car to leave, though, I thought of hundreds of things I wish I would've said. :rolleyes: So I said them all to Josh instead...:p:o

05-28-2004, 05:21 PM
Moose, next time, say something to her(or whomever). Nothing mean, nothing snotty, but, just matter of fact. "You know, with all the unwanted animals in the world today, I couldn't sleep at night knowing I contributed to that problem". Remember, some people aren't 'stupid', they are merely uneducated.

You're right Johanna. I wanted to say something to tell that woman but I decided to just keep my mouth shut. I regretted that after we said goodbye and all. I guess Mickey said all I needed her to know for me. ;)

05-28-2004, 05:25 PM
It is always easier to say what I **would** have said...so, don't stress about it. I just think these people need to be educated!

05-28-2004, 05:30 PM
Ahhaha you're right. If I could re-do the whole situation, I probably would have *still* kept my mouth shut. :rolleyes: But that's just me. Shy and quiet around strangers...

There's no wrong in what you're saying, they DO need to be educated. I wasn't educated on this until I joined PT. I guess I can consider myself lucky for learning about these problems.

05-28-2004, 05:32 PM
I've had people offer to buy Bailee and Felony from me. I had someone offer me $350 for Bailee once... And the most I've heard for Felony is about $200-250... I just say "Nope, these are my kids, and my kids aren't for sale!" :p

A lot of people will say "Why didn't you get that boys ears cut, he would look a lot better!" :rolleyes:

Or when I say that Annie is Bailee's mom when I bring all 3 of them to Petsmart, they say "Well are you going to breed her again? I want one of the pups.".. I say "No, she's spayed now, and it was an accidental litter anyway!".

05-28-2004, 06:09 PM
Yes, I have.

Daisy has gotten the most 'bids' from people. :rolleyes::p "Oh, wow! Is that a Golden Retriever? Would you be willing to sell her to me? I'll offer $100 more than what you payed for her!"

Uhhh....no thanks!

05-28-2004, 08:07 PM
Just the other week that happened to me. My husbands working on some guys car and the guy stoped by with, I think. his brother. The first think the brother said to me as he came in the gate was. "Wow what a great Boxer, do you want to breed him?"

Ok, I had to be nice here, these guys are paying my husband big buck to modify their car. So I just nicely said "No, we don't do that." Of course I got the "Why Not?" I just told him, "we don't belive it add to the dog problem." I got a LOOK out of him, but he didn't question me again about it. Some times you can just tell by looking at people they they will never get it as the money means more to them. He's one of those people.

I found out later that he has a female Boxer, chained up to a trailer in his DIRT yard that he wanted to breed. He said she stays there all day long. I'm thinking WHAT!! What was he going to do have puppies be born outside, in the diry, next to this trailer in the hot Florida sun!!! Of course now I just want to steal his dog and save her from that chain. I know, I can't steal a dog....But I can at least think it. :p

I having a hard time time dealing with these people, they come over offen now and they just say the dumbest things about animals. They want to know why we don't eat our chickens, Why we don't raise our rosters to fight, Cats are only needed if you have rats in your yard, etc etc. Some people are just wrong and biting your tounge is so hard to do.

05-28-2004, 08:54 PM
I have been through this a few times:rolleyes:

And about breeding, my moms friend was at our house, and she was saying her dog stopped doing alot of puppy things after he was neutered, and I said Jasper hasn't.

She gave me this look, and she said he's neutered?!, I said um..yes...and she was like :eek: why aren't you going to breed him? lol I said umm..why would I????? She said money....:rolleyes:

Someone also offer 1600 dollars for him when I first got him:eek:

05-28-2004, 11:41 PM
Wow..I've never had someone offer money for my two before LOL. I've never even heard of that happening to any of my other dog owner friends.

I've had someone ask to breed Kai with her female (Sheltie) though. What made me mad was that he isn't even close to show quality (well, I guess she couldn't tell since she has NEVER seen him :mad:). What was even worse was that my mom wanted to go through with it. I had to go into a big huge song and dance about over population and all that mumbo jumbo.

05-28-2004, 11:51 PM
Shortly after Merlin was fixed I had a neighbor who has a female 6 months younger ask if they could use Merlin for thier Daisy. I had to say it was too late he was fixed, she was disheartened as she really likes him. I didn't want an arguement (she has 6 kids and no intentions of stopping) I just told her about his lasy back feet . I think it's his lasyness but it could be genetic.
I get asked a lot as I live in a huge bird hunting area.
side note the breeder called me out of the blue wanted to know if I wanted another ,he wanted to trade for some taxidermy work from my hubby. Thankfully hubby took the call I would have taken the pup. just what i would need another dog.

05-29-2004, 12:07 AM
When Nebo was just a pup I had him on our trip to Yellowstone/Grand Tetons. I had a ton of people offer to buy him from me, especially down in Jackson Hole. Of course he was 8 weeks old then, people love puppies. I haven't had any offers to buy him since then that I can remember. I have had several people ask me if he could be a stud dog though. I remember one lady at this pet fair thing who wanted to breed him to her son's husky...I said he was neutered and she's like "Oh that's too bad, why did you do that?" :rolleyes: I did have one other person tell me that he should never be bred because his facial markings aren't perfectly semetrical. Mmmkay...whatever, wasn't going to breed him anyway...

05-29-2004, 09:18 AM
I have not had offers to buy *Unless an 8 year old girl counts. ;)* but i have ALOT of breeding request. :rolleyes: :mad:

A while back some *Cough* Guy *Cough* wanted to breed his Male Bull Terrier/ Am Staff mix with Clover (Rotti/Aussie cattle dog mix), because we could get $300 a pup. I not so kindly told him where to go. ;) And when i said no and that she was spayed he also asked why i did it. URGH.

One of my "Friends" wanted to breed her Curly Coated Retriever/ Lab mix with Clover also. Another big Urgh. And cominig from the same person the other day "Penny and Theo would have had gorgeous pups you should have kept them both intact" My reply "Penny had Pyometra she would have died if she did not go in for emergency spaying" Her "You should have bred them before she got sick" My reply "No we should have had her spayed before she got sick"

Some people are so uneducated.

And i would never sell any of my dogs, no matter how much someone offered me. ;) They are my babies. :D

05-29-2004, 09:52 AM
A few years ago, a lady called me and told me she had a female sheltie and asked if she could breed her to Jake.

I said "Sorry, he's neutered."

I don't think she was a "backyard breeder" in the sense that she was some malevolent person. I think she was simply ignorant of all of the problems we have with pet overpopulation and that she didn't realize she was being irresponsible.

I wasn't mad at her at all - she didn't know any better.

05-29-2004, 03:23 PM
I having a hard time time dealing with these people, they come over offen now and they just say the dumbest things about animals. They want to know why we don't eat our chickens, Why we don't raise our rosters to fight, Cats are only needed if you have rats in your yard, etc etc. Some people are just wrong and biting your tounge is so hard to do.

UGH that is so frustrating, especially since you have no way of avoiding them. And I cant believe that about that poor baby living life on a chain. :( I wish you could go steal her. I doubt they'd notice anyway...

People are so weird about these things.. It can get really irritating hearing all the dumb comments people make. Like what Amy said about the comment those people made about Nebo's facial markings, I mean, who asked them anyway!? Does that make him less of a dog?? WTH.

It is always frustrating to see intact dogs, but ESPECIALLY pitbulls. And it is ALWAYS pitbulls. As if there werent enough unwanted pitbulls as it is! They are probably the most misunderstood and mistreated breed of all. Ive been with the humane society for over 10 months now and I would say that pit bulls/pit mixes are definately the most prevelent breed there & Im sure it is the same in other shelters. Theres virtually no apartments that will accept them, they are excluded from many insurance policies, and they are banned from tons of cities. And many shelters automatically euthanize them. Errrrg.

05-29-2004, 04:59 PM
I for one have never had any person offer to buy Alex, or use him as a stud dog. I'm not sure how I would handle it, because in some situations, I'm absolutely horrible about keeping my mouth shut (and sometimes I have to suffer the consequences). I have had someone offer to buy Holly from me, on the spot, at a horse show. I of course said no, I had just gotten her (and if I was ever to sell her we have an agreement with my cousin that she would get her back).

Originally posted by veegan
It is always frustrating to see intact dogs, but ESPECIALLY pitbulls. And it is ALWAYS pitbulls. As if there werent enough unwanted pitbulls as it is! They are probably the most misunderstood and mistreated breed of all. Ive been with the humane society for over 10 months now and I would say that pit bulls/pit mixes are definately the most prevelent breed there & Im sure it is the same in other shelters. Theres virtually no apartments that will accept them, they are excluded from many insurance policies, and they are banned from tons of cities. And many shelters automatically euthanize them. Errrrg.

I've been with our shelter for around 4-5 years and many pitbulls come in, being turned in by their owners, or by caring people who found them in a ditch on the side of the road, torn up like heck:mad: We have horrible problems with fighting rings here, and the worst part is is the athourities can't arrest the people even if they are positive they are involved!:mad: They can only arrest if they catch the people in the act:rolleyes: Our shelter will usually not adopt out pitbulls, just because they are afraid that they might fall into the wrong hands, or will do something because of the way they were raised. I love the breed, and it's horrible seeing the dogs chained up in yards because I can tell they aren't always loved and cared for like they should (not all the time, just in certain cases). In fact, our neighboors have a pitty that they got as a puppy a year or two ago, and they keep her chained in their yard. She's a gorgeous dog that's as sweet as she can be, but they don't give her the attention that she needs and deserves. If there was any way possible, I'd take her, but they aren't doing anything illegal. Some people just make me so mad, and sick:( :mad: