View Full Version : Rex

05-28-2004, 12:28 AM
hi guys it has been awhile since I was last here too many things going on I guess. I am having a problem with Rex my 10 yr old 3/4 shepherd and 1/4 lab mix. At Christmas he had an attack of some kind. He was fine for awhile but 3 weeks ago he had a stroke. The vet said he was ok and nothing could be done but putting him to sleep but he isn't in pain so we all decided he sould pass at home when the time comes and as long as he isn't suffering. Some pretty crazy things are going on now. He refuses to go out side but maybe 1 time a day he will go. He still seems to be perky meaning he is happy and his ears go up when spoken to. Today I took him out after much coaching and when we got into the field where he loves to go he had another attack. He lays there jerking and unable to move with me panicing then I talk to him real loud and he comes back too and is fine and playful again...It's killing me to see this happen. Rex has been a faithful partner to me and when I have been very ill he never left my side. I should of been put to sleep long ago if they did that to people. My problem is I want to be by his side like he was with me. The vet has never seem theses attacks and doesnt know what to do or tell me. He said it would just cost lost of money to run test and doesnt feel I should go through the exspence on such an old dog. I should keep him comfy here at home and enjoy him. He eats great still and drinks plenty. And will still want to comfort me if he feels I need it. He is also going blind. Any one know what else I can do for him? Maybe in my panic I am not doing something I could be doing. I have to be as faithful to him as he has been to me. I keep feeling quilty for having thoughts of maybe having to put him to sleep. You all must think I am crazy I know every one else does.

05-28-2004, 07:30 AM
It sounds to me like you are doing exactly what should be done. You are loving him and caring for him in a home situation. You are not subjecting him to unnecessary tests. When his time comes, you will know. I didn't believe it, but you will.

And you are not crazy!! Anyone who loves their pet as a part of the family will agree. We all go through those same thoughts as our faithful companions come to the end of their time. It's sad, but is the most caring thing you can do when that time comes.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and with Rex right now. Love him and enjoy him while he is here and store memories to help you through the hard times.

05-28-2004, 08:17 AM
Bless his heart. What a tough time for both of you. I will keep you and Rex in my prayers. Hope you will still have a lot of good times together.


05-28-2004, 09:57 AM
What a beautiful boy you've got there. You can see the love and gentleness in his eyes:) It's the hardest thing, to see our 4 legged friends in distress. From what you have said, Rex is still enjoying life and craving the comfort and companionship of his devoted guardian and best friend. Is the vet sure he had a stroke and is not having seizures? Seizures could possibly be controlled with medication. I'm not sure how invasive the tests are that he mentioned. I believe an MRI would most likely confirm a stroke. And while not painful or invasive, it could probably stress Rex. As long as he seems happy, is enjoying eating and is drinking, and is in otherwise good health, I would continue as you are, enjoying each and every day together to the fullest. My thoughts are with you and your beloved best friend. {{{HUGS}}} Sandra

Kona & Oreo's mom
05-28-2004, 10:08 AM
Rex looks like a very sweet boy. I am so sorry that he is having troubles. It sounds like you are doing the right thing, though: making sure he is comfortable and has your companionship. We'll be thinking of you both.

05-28-2004, 06:34 PM
What is being described are all the classic signs of Epilepsy in dogs. Usually low dose Phenobarbital is quite effective in controlling the seisures. There are other causes of seisures than true Epilepsy. These might include heartworm medications, insecticides, and household cleaners.

You need to get your puppy to a specialist since your current Vet seems uninterested in finding a cause and solution.

05-28-2004, 08:42 PM
Sending many good thoughts and prayers for you and
for Rex.

Hugs ((((^..^)))

05-31-2004, 07:01 PM
Rex is so handsome!!!! It does sound like seizures that may be controlled by meds. I would look into that.

05-31-2004, 08:11 PM
Rex is a beautiful dog. I love his picture.:) He sounds like he
has always been a trusted & loving friend. It is so very hard to
see our companions ache or age. :( I will keep you both in my
thoughts & prayers.

06-01-2004, 01:18 PM
We'd love and Rex update you can:) Paws and fingers crossed for some encouraging news:) Sandra

06-02-2004, 07:43 AM
Rex is a beautiful old boy. I'm so happy to know that you are there for him, being his faithful companion during his old age. All the way up to his final moment, he will be loved by you.

I know a few people already said it sounds like epilepsy. I think so, too. Your vet might consider trying meds, even though he hasn't done any tests. If it worked, that would be great. If it didn't, no harm done.

I don't thinks seizures would be uncomfortable for him. I know that people don't even remember them, after they're over. It's more painful for you, when you're watching.

My thoughts are with you during this very difficult time.