View Full Version : My Girls

05-27-2004, 06:45 PM
I haven't been posting too much lately. But here is a mini update on my kitties.

Maya and Missy were spayed last Friday. Both are doing VERY well and practically acted like nothing ever happened. Although little Maya did earn a bright red 'CAUTION' sticker on her file at the vet :o :o :o :o :rolleyes:

Now that Maya is spayed, she is allowed complete run of the house all the time. She has somewhat disturbed the peace, but its nothing too terrible. The only way I can describe her is a "spitfire". Whenever she approaches Skylar, he rolls over on his back and puts his paws in front of his face, hehe. Everyone will pretty much get out of her way, except of course Shiloh and Missy (the other girls!). Maya doesn't really care for Missy and Missy loves to antagonize Maya by sitting about 2 feet from her staring at her. Maya will hunch down and growl at Missy until they have a little scuffle or one of them just leaves. Every time Shiloh hears a scuffle, she will run from wherever she may be and jump right in the middle of things. They aren't actually fighting, so its not too bad, and I can't help but laugh at these girls sometimes. My boys all love everyone and everything, but these girls sure have major cattitudes!

The girls after their spays





Lucky with a foster pup I had a couple weeks ago


My Skylar boy


05-27-2004, 07:01 PM
I know this is about kitties...but look at the baby puppy! I want one SOOOOOO bad but can't have one in an apartment!!!! Kitties are adorable too....but the PUPPY!

05-27-2004, 08:45 PM
Aw, I'm glad the surgery went well for both Maya and Missy. Maybe the Caution sticker was a "Caution - this girl is too darn pretty" :D

05-27-2004, 08:47 PM
Glad the girls' spays went well. Beautiful pics, and it is sooooo great to see Skylar... but it REALLY makes me miss my Casper!!!!:( :( :( At least I know he got a good home where he is being spoiled wrotten I'm sure!;)

05-27-2004, 08:50 PM
Miss Hoppy congratulates Maya on her "caution" sticker and heartily approves!

Sweet pictures, by the way!

Steffi N
05-27-2004, 09:27 PM
I am glad that Maya, Missy and Shiloh are recovering from their spays and now have the run of the house and can fully exercise their cattitude.
A BIG KISS for Skylar's pnk nose. Also the picture of Lucky with the puppy is adorable. :)

05-27-2004, 11:03 PM
Glad to hear all went well with the girls spay.
Great pictures. The one with Lucky and the pup is so adorable.

05-28-2004, 01:43 AM
Oh how I missed your furkids:)

Give Skylar a kiss on his cute nosie from me:D

And scritchies for everyone. Beautiful girls that you have now too.

05-28-2004, 02:00 AM
YAAY pictures!! Hello to my Missy :) and everyone looks as cute as can be!! :) Glad to hear they are all doing great!

05-28-2004, 05:48 AM
Glad all went well. What beautiful kitties you have. Cute doggies also ;)

Robin :)

05-28-2004, 06:32 AM
I'm glad the spaying went well! :) Maya (the first one?) sure looks like she has attitude! LOL! What wonderful pictures of them all.

Aww, that pup and Lucky, they're just adorable! :p And just look at Skylar! Cute and content as he can be! Give him a kiss on his little pink nose from me too! :)

05-28-2004, 07:10 AM
I'm glad that the surgeries went well for the girls. Thank you so much for sharing those wonderful pictures. I love the puppy dog too...he/she was so adorable. Of course I'm partial to Skylar....he is such a sweetie!!!!

05-28-2004, 08:59 AM
WE love your Cats , and the Pup , was a pleasant suprise at the Sun Room Parteee! Andyou Cats , wearehappy that they got through, the White Coat Visit , so well!

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-28-2004, 02:03 PM
Glad the girls came through their ops well. Congrats to Maya on her "CATTITUDE" award from the white-coats! What pretty young ladies they are!!

Skylar's markings are REALLY showing now as he gets older! (That close-up of his little pink nosie is priceless)

05-28-2004, 02:33 PM
You know, I LOVE all your furries, new ones, old ones, doggie ones, kitty ones...but, I swear, I just melt when I see Skylar!

05-29-2004, 06:24 AM
OMG! You really need to post more pictures! I had almost forgotten just how beautiful they all are!
I'm so glad the operations went well and are over and done. Great pictures!!:) :) http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

05-29-2004, 10:44 AM
Glad all went well for the girls.:D

And I heartily second catcrazylady's comment ...

Originally posted by catcrazylady
OMG! You really need to post more pictures! I had almost forgotten just how beautiful they all are!

06-02-2004, 06:13 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by aly
My boys all love everyone and everything, but these girls sure have major cattitudes!

Same here :rolleyes:

I'm happy we don't have that Caution red sticker here as Koxka sure will be banned at any Vet around here. She has to be sedate before left home and then put to sleep ;otherwise she's,virtualy, not "handable" :o

Could you add me to the "Skybug Fan Club" please? :D

06-03-2004, 01:16 PM
How adorable. :D

06-03-2004, 01:37 PM
If it isn't miss Aly, the queen of oh-so-adorable photos, posting even more photos (which she should do more often) to steal our hearts away!

The kitties are soooo sweet and that foster pup --melts--.

And Reece-man is a perfect gentleman sharing his home with all of those kitties.

Now it's time for Reece and Lolly photos in DG, don't cha thing? :p ;)