View Full Version : Tricks suggestions?

05-27-2004, 04:56 PM
Me want to teach Gigi some new tricks. I think this would stimulate her little brain. Any suggestions? She already knows how to spin and push a box and back-up.

05-27-2004, 05:21 PM
Crawl :)

05-27-2004, 05:29 PM
How would I teach her? She knows how to do a down, but she won't have her little head on the floor...

And I tried to have her roll over yesterday and again, since I don't know how to train her so I was physically rolling her over. lol. It was quite funny.

05-27-2004, 05:45 PM
I taught Reece to crawl by getting him in a down then luring him under chairs with bars low to the ground. I'd put a treat trail and he'd crawl along the floor under the chairs.

After a few times of that, all I had to do was put a treat in front of him while he's laying down and say "crawl".

I know how to teach rolll over without physically rolling the dog yourself, but its sort of hard to explain without showing you. Hmm.

05-27-2004, 05:51 PM
I taught Kai rollover using a toy and had him follow it. Since you use the clicker, maybe you can click when she goes half way then try increasing the distance each time?

Bang seems to be a pretty impressive trick. It's really easy to teach too. I just say bang and the dogs lay on their side. It's really handy for grooming time too. Another one is gimme kiss. That one seems to be impressive as well and it's another easy one to teach. It's especially cute when Kai has to jump up to reach my lips.

05-27-2004, 06:49 PM
How did you teeth Kai Bang? I mean how to have them go from a down to roll on the side???

05-27-2004, 07:41 PM
It was kind of an accident when I taught him LOL. I wanted him to learn roll over but instead of rolling over completely, he'd stay on his side. But then he picked up both commands.

I taught Kaedyn by holding the treat up and having his head follow (and having his body follow his head). I also helped him a bit by nudging him just a tad.

guster girl
05-27-2004, 07:55 PM
I taught Finn to roll over by putting him in a down, and, taking the treat to his nose, and "pulling" it around to his side and around almost to his tail, making him curl a little bit. Then, I pulled the treat up over his back and over to the other side, making him roll over. It's all one fluid motion, though. Finn doesn't like rolling over at all. He's good at spinning, though. :) I want to try crawl next. I think I'll use Aly's technique.