View Full Version : Am I being a baby?

05-27-2004, 04:03 PM
There are so many people that I've talked to that have told me their wisdom tooth surgeries weren't too bad and that they were back on their feet in a day or two.. Well I feel like crap, I feel like someone has been beating me up. I look like a chipmunk and the slightest jaw movement makes me grimace which makes it even mroe painful. I hurt terribly, but I know that I don't hurt bad enough to suspect dry socket. I went to my husbands softball game last night and all the peope there who knew about my surgery were asking if I was all better yet. The best I could do was give a lttle shake of my head and a muttered reply. Did anyone else have a BAD experience with getting their wisdom teeth out? At this point I'm beginning to wish I had just left them in...Grrrr:mad: :mad: :mad: My husband got his rating at work recently (long story, air traffic ontroller stuff, It's a big deal!) so we have been planning a party for tonight. I won't have to do much, most of the cooking is out on the grill and then I'm making brisket which is already cooking. I was expecting to feel all better by friday night, but seeing as it is now friday morning i don't think that's gonna happen. Geez, I feel like such a whiner, I'll stop now. Thanks for putting up with me. I guess not talking very much in reallife is making me type a lot here.

05-27-2004, 04:05 PM
Ok, I just checked my bank account and saw that I have recieved my first paycheck from my new job. It's a healthy $497.12 and that makes me feel a little better... Once I can safely drive again I am SO going out to buy Windows XP

05-27-2004, 04:08 PM
A friend of mine had her wisdom teeth taken out and she was down for the count for two weeks! She couldn't eat for like 4 days and even water had a hard time staying down for a couple of days. I think she was alergic to the anistetic or something. You arent being a baby, anything involving the word "surgery" generally takes a while to recover from. I admire how well you're doing! I know I wouldn't want to entertain after that sort of thing. Most people try to play wisdom teeth off but it really is kind of a big deal. Hang in there!!!

My thoughts are with you :)

PS Its ok to whine, I'd be whining too

05-27-2004, 04:12 PM
My wisdom teeth came out at like 20 years old, which was over 20 years ago. I hurt, as I remember, and I got the dry sockets and infection. I'm pretty tolerant of pain, myself, and I did ok, although eating regular food was out of the question for over a week (including Christmas dinner! :eek: ).

I think you need to give it a bit more time.

05-27-2004, 04:21 PM
No Missy, I don't think you are being a baby. Remember, three of those teeth were not just extracted, they were impacted and had to be cut out and sutured. You had anesthesia. Years ago you would have been hospitalized. You have also had the complication of nerve damage. You also have Graves disease which makes you much more susceptible to any stress and surgery is a MAJOR stress.
You are also a BRAT who did not follow doctors orders and went with hubby to the BX that first day and almost passed out at the store and you don't listen to your mother either!!:eek: This is only the THIRD day post op and you are having a party and wondering why you feel like crap? You aren't superwoman you know!!!
NO, you are NOT being a baby so go to bed early!!!

PS I really AM sorry you are feeling so badly!!! (((((Missy)))):(

05-27-2004, 04:24 PM
I don't think you're being a baby.
People respond to things differently.

My brother "popped" back up after a few days. A little 'tip', put a bag of frozen peas on your jaw. It molds to your jaw and numbs the pain. We still have bags of frozen peas from when my brother got his pulled. :p

05-27-2004, 05:17 PM
No worries. :)

When I got my wisdom teeth removed, I hurt for months after. There were nights that I couldn't even sleep, even after I loaded up on pain medication and ice. :rolleyes:

05-27-2004, 05:24 PM
It's different for every person. My sister was sore far longer than I was, was more-chipmonk-like, and more sore - but in her case they did have to break her jaw (that sounds harsher than it probably was) because her teeth were so screwed up that one was involved with her jaw bone. Mine hadn't even started to come in, so it was digging and slicing, but I fared better than she.

She and I have different levels of tolerance for medications - she's like Dad - give her anything the least bit strong and she's loopy and out of it for the duration. Me, I get no side effects, and take the strong stuff for my allergies with no drowsiness at all. The stuff I take was given to her once, she took one (Rondec) and has no idea what happened in the next 18 hours. She knows she probably slept much of it, but other than that ... once her head was clear again, she called her doc and said - "Nope, try something else, PLEASE!"

Like I said before, milk it for all the ice cream and goodies you can get!

05-27-2004, 05:30 PM
you are most definately not being a baby! My best friend in high school had hers out one year... hers were impacted too.. and she was miserable for a while. Everyone kept saying the same thing to her too "oh you'll be fine in a couple of days" She was so sick for a week or so. Relax and rest. You're fine. You are recovering from a magor surgery!

05-27-2004, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
No Missy, I don't think you are being a baby. Remember, three of those teeth were not just extracted, they were impacted and had to be cut out and sutured. You had anesthesia. Years ago you would have been hospitalized. You have also had the complication of nerve damage. You also have Graves disease which makes you much more susceptible to any stress and surgery is a MAJOR stress.
You are also a BRAT who did not follow doctors orders and went with hubby to the BX that first day and almost passed out at the store and you don't listen to your mother either!!:eek: This is only the THIRD day post op and you are having a party and wondering why you feel like crap? You aren't superwoman you know!!!
NO, you are NOT being a baby so go to bed early!!!

PS I really AM sorry you are feeling so badly!!! (((((Missy)))):(

What your Mum said!!!

I definately don't think you're being a baby - you've had MAJOR surgery Missy and if you can't whine - who can?

A friend of mine had 4 wisdom teeth removed 5 years ago - and spent 4 days in hospital! Then she had two weeks off work and said she didn't feel 100% recovered for another 3 weeks!! This is a very strong lady - and said it was the worst thing she'd gone through - including having two babies!!

So - no more softball games and no more parties - go straight to bed, do not pass Go, do not collect $200!! Lots of TLC and rest!


05-27-2004, 06:36 PM
When did you get it done? I felt pretty bad for a few days. I was sore for like a week or more but it was only kinda bad for a few days..

05-27-2004, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by lynnestankard
What your Mum said!!!


05-27-2004, 08:19 PM
I think the older you are, the worse affect the surgery has on you. Not saying you're old :P Off topic but, I can only imagine the stress your husband has at his job. I'm a dispatcher for police and that's enough stress for me.