View Full Version : The trouble with crushing NSAIDs (Ibuprofen)

05-27-2004, 03:43 PM
Well... apparently my grand act of swallowing an ibuprofen tablet whole was a one time performance. I tried to sneak up on myself:rolleyes: :D and take another today but it didn't work out... I ended up spitting the quickly dissolving tablet onto the computer screen. So I pulled out my little plastic baggies and the rolling pin and smushed that little sucker to bits. I then mixed it up with my chocolate shake (who says a liquid diet has to be all bad:rolleyes: :D ). Now, crinking a chocolate shake is a wonderful thing. It's thick and cold and yummy and full of little white specks that burn the crap out of my throat.,. Huh? Yes, I made the mistake of holding the milkshake on my teeth for a few extra seconds and one of the pieces of pill came into contact with my throat and wouldn't let go till is dissolved... Long story short: Ibuprofen BURNS like the dickens if not washed down immediately and completely... there I'm done.
I guess I'm getting better, I feel like someone smasherd my jaw with a baseball bat, but I guess that's kind of good seeing as I'm obviously getting feeling back :eek: :confused: I called my boss and am off work until Tuesday but am allowed to call in again if I'm still not up to par by then. My boss felt better the DAY after his surgery, or at least he says he did. Lucky stinker. Oh well

05-27-2004, 03:50 PM
I guess we are back to wrapping you in a towel and using the pill-popper:rolleyes: