View Full Version : Anybody else's cat afraid of...

05-27-2004, 06:35 AM
Air conditioning?

Seriously! We don't have central air, and the only room that has it right now is our bedroom (the kids don't think they need it) Pouncer used to spend all his time in our room, but since we installed and turned it on, Pouncer's GONE. Funny thing is, Allen has been spending a lot more time in the room with me ;)

I have not seen much of my little guy since he seems to prefer to spend days and nights in the cool damp basement now. As soon as I turn off the AC, he's in our room hanging out again. So I am relatively certain its the AC unit that's scaring him.

05-27-2004, 07:19 AM
Abner is afraid of everything including the air unit in our bedroom, however he stays with us but when the compressor kicks on and makes a louder noise that when it is running he sits right up and looks around the room with eyes the size of half dollars.

Killearn Kitties
05-27-2004, 07:54 AM
Ours don't like anything that threatens to disturb their fur, such as wind. When our heating was broken last year, I had a fan heater which I used just to take the chill off the bedroom. Samantha would be off the bed and downstairs in a flash (or in the flick of a tail :D ) She hated it.

05-27-2004, 08:45 AM
The Found Cat are not afraid , of much , as we havefreight trains , that go by hee, on a fairly consistent basis , and if that doesnt bother them , than nothing , ever will!

05-27-2004, 08:48 AM
I have central air so the noise is alot less than with a window unit. But on really hot days I will have all the cats laying on the floor in front of a vent. It is actually pretty funny and looks like a series of dead cats sprawled on the floor.

05-27-2004, 09:11 AM
Well, we don't have air conditioning up here, but Kuhio was afraid of the ceiling fan. If it was on, she'd slink into the room dragging her belly on the ground until she was sure it wasn't going to come after her.

05-27-2004, 09:41 AM
My Rainbow Bridge kitty Magic hated the ceiling fans. He acted just like Kuhio - never took his eyes off of the fan afraid this huge whirring thing was going to swoop down and get him.

I have noticed that my orange tribe do not seem too fond of them either - because they will settle down in any room that does not have a fan.

05-27-2004, 10:38 AM
I live in Texas so air is a must, but now that we've moved, they are suddenly afraid when the air kicks on. I think they'll get use to it. It's kind of funny, they'll be trotting along and then the air kicks in and their ears move for take off and their eyes get big and then zoom out of the room.....I see a daily improvement though. Sad part is its loudest in the bathroom where I've put their litter box. I'm wondering if they are going to be afraid to use it in there. Going to give it a week, but may have to move it - I don't want the guys to be afraid to use the toliet, poor boys.......