View Full Version : Should I not do this?

05-26-2004, 05:40 PM
I've been taking Kiba outside on a leash, cause she really seems to like being outside. The problem is, now she is meowing to go outside. It's really annoying..I don't want to start taking her out when she's meowing either cause I don't want her to think meow = outside. She is not an outdoor cat, and I don't want her to be. We're right on a road and she could get hit by a car..or atleast that's what I'd worry about.

Should I not take her out at all? Is that being unfair to her if I only take her out on a leash? Is there some type of cage you could put her out in like so other animals couldn't get her? I'm confused with what to do. I don't want her to rush the door everytime someone goes to leave either..

05-26-2004, 06:35 PM
Oh I know how you feel. When the weather got nicer here, i've been letting my guys on the balcony during the day to get some fresh air. I live on a second floor, so they are confined to the balcony with the stairs blocked off. After when they are all shuttled inside, Mooky is the only one who will meow at the back door to go back out. Sometimes he will do this around 11:00 p.m.
First I tell him firmly NO and if he continues, then he gets a squirt with the water bottle and he stops.

To answer some of your questions:
Yes I would continue to let her out on her leash. Maybe you can get a stake that you can stick firmly in the ground and tie a good rope or a very light chain, that can attach to her leash and let her roam around a bit.
In regards to her rushing the door, keep a water bottle close by so that before you open the door, just point it at her and tell her firmly, NO. If she attempts to go towards the door, give her a squirt.
She will, hopefully, get the message as Mooky has after a few squirts from the bottle. Now I just have to point it at him and he stops his meowing.
Hope this helps you. :)

05-26-2004, 07:03 PM
I'm wondering the same thing myself. I'll be interested in what everyone else thinks. I know what you mean about the meowing to go out. It'll drive you nuts!!!

I'm thinking of taking him out on a harness and leash so that he knows his territory if he should accidentally get out. Also to spoil him more than he already is ;)

05-26-2004, 07:08 PM
I tried to spray her, but by the time I get there she isn't meowing..lol. I kinda sprayed her anyway. I did it twice and she hasn't meowed since then.

05-26-2004, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
I tried to spray her, but by the time I get there she isn't meowing..lol. I kinda sprayed her anyway. I did it twice and she hasn't meowed since then.

:D I think Kiba kinda got the message!;)

as for going *outside* - I dunno....my current three have never been in the great outdoors and show no interest. They are happy to be on the enclosed porch and do their hunting there. The last geriatrics we had - the kids liked to carry them outside and sit with them on the porch, etc. They were convinced the the kitties *wanted and needed* to go outdoors. Well, as a result, they were forever trying to sneak out the door and we DID have a few OOPS and missing kitties through the years. Now it is just hubby and I and we just like having them NOT knowing that outdoors exists at all. Makes life easier and they don't seem deprived to me. Like I said, they think the patio is heaven - it is all screened in so they have squirrels and birds to ack-ack at, bugs, ants and spiders to chase. I bring in fresh catnip, etc, Fresh air and sunshine. Sounds like a good life to me:D PLUS - minimal chance of FLEAS! EWWW!!!

05-26-2004, 07:30 PM
I bring my brother's cats, Orion and Caeleigh outside whenever I go over there. The both love it, especially walking around on the dock. He also has a back porch he lets them out on, they often hang out out there.

05-26-2004, 08:04 PM
I think Kiba hates me now for spraying her...T-T I called her when she was at the foot of my bed and she turns, looks at me (I SWARE she was glaring...) then jumped on to a near by chair...:x

05-27-2004, 09:01 AM
I Too , know how you feel , as I would love to let The Cats outside , but there is a chanvce , that they wouldntstay , on thier own property , and be hurt!

05-27-2004, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
I think Kiba hates me now for spraying her...

She does not hate you for spaying her. Snap out of it, chickeroni. As to the indoor/outdoor dilemna, well, first, do NOT leave her outside on a leash...unless you are 100000% certain (and how could you be) that NOTHING can get to her, AND, she can't get into or over anything.

I let my guys out, both front and back yard, with the exception of Monte and Minnie (like Minnie would even venture that far out of her closet :rolleyes: ). They don't cry to go outside, really. They might cry to go on the screened porch, but, that is it. Now, if I am out in the yard, then they cry to get out. I do have some 'oops' and have to scoop them up sometimes, and I admit, it is my fault, and a pain in the butt when I am trying to leave. But, what can I say. They rule. I gues my guys just aren't that bad acting to get outside that I would reconsider the whole thing. Think this is temporary?

05-27-2004, 12:27 PM
Audrey, mine are in/out cats, but we don't live on a busy road (just a quiet cul-d-sac), and I think they would DIE if they had to stay inside all the time, especially since we have four dogs that are going in and out constantly.

If I were an "inside only" cat person, I don't think I would ever let them experience the great outdoors, especially knowing how Mim and Butter love to be outside.

Just my two cents worth. Good luck!

05-27-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
She does not hate you for spaying her.

Of course she doesn't hate her for *spaying* her. She hates her for *spraying* her!!! :D:D:D

Just teasing...........just teasing..........:p

Chickeroni? He he.........I love that. :D

I'm sure she does't hate you Schleppy. She's just faking it. :p

05-27-2004, 02:36 PM
I wouldn't peg a cat to the ground, unless you are watching over them. i.e. If you were in the garden with them. It is not fair on them as they couldn't climb a tree if danger threaten.

[edit] LOL. I don't mean peg the cat :eek: I meant the cat's lead.

05-27-2004, 02:40 PM
I've never let mine outside at all, but my mom takes her cat out on a leash all the time. She has a really long leash and then my mom will sit in a lawn chair and tie the leash to the chair. Usually my mom will sit for about a 1/2 hour and read a magazine while Kitty rolls around in the grass. I don't think she ever really meows to be let out. I think as long as she is on a leash take her out, just make sure to let her know it's on your terms and not hers. Not letting her out when she meows is a good idea.

05-27-2004, 03:21 PM
No Kiba doesn't hate you at all from spraying her. Mooky still comes to me for petties and still sleeps with me at night.

I guess from some of the comments, I should have added that when you do take her outside always stay with her. Sit and relax in a chair and enjoy her, enjoying being outside. I sit and read a book when mine are on the balcony and if I have to come inside, my hubby or son keeps watch over them.

05-28-2004, 01:04 AM
Have you tried having a set time like in the morning or evenings when you take her out?
That way she goes out, and will know when to expect it. :)

05-28-2004, 10:33 AM
It's a matter of time and training. Yes, cats ARE trainable! I know cats who only go outside on a leash. We live in a city, and while it is suburban-like in some places, the roads are very busy. After a while, she will associate the leash with - "Oh, good we're going outside!" Maybe make a routine - each day you take her out for a while when you get home from school or something. Go for a walk with her, even. It's nowhere like taking a dog for a walk, it's more like meandering about in a general direction, but it's fun for kitty!