View Full Version : "Troy"

05-26-2004, 05:29 PM
I went to see it last night, and WOW.. what a really good movie!! Has anyone gone out and see it?? What did you all think?

05-26-2004, 05:34 PM
I haven't seen it yet. Josh has been trying to drag me out to the theater to see it -- I know, he has to drag me out to a Brad Pitt movie?? What's wrong with me? ;)

I wouldn't mind seeing it, but it just doesn't look like 'my kind of movie.' We were considering going tomorrow night...but who knows.

05-26-2004, 06:04 PM
I'm going to see it next week. I went to see it on Monday, but it was sold out. Went to go today but it wasn't playing in the afternoon...-grumble- I can't wait to see it.

My Peanuts
05-26-2004, 06:12 PM
I saw it and I thought it was great. Aside from being a good movie, I would have paid $8 to see Brad Pitt without clothes that many times!;) :p

05-26-2004, 06:42 PM
I haven't seen it...but I want to. My sister also wants to see it so we might go this weekend.

Desert Arabian
05-26-2004, 06:50 PM
I hope to see it soon. I was going to go last Sunday, but I was too tired, so I didn't go- I know, how dumb....


guster girl
05-26-2004, 07:07 PM
I saw it, and, really enjoyed it. I was a little worried at first, just because the dialogue and acting seemed a little...I don't know.... bad. The first maybe thirty minutes didn't have me thinking it was going to be a good film. I love Orlando Bloom, but, thought his performance, along with the girl who portrayed his love interest, Helen, was disappointing. I felt no connection whatsoever to either of them individually or as a couple. I thought Brad Pitt and Eric Bana were tremendous, though, and, definitely made that movie. I don't know who the actress is, but, the girl who played Hector's (Bana's) wife got on my nerves a lot. She kept doing this thing with her tongue that distracted me every time she was on the screen. And, I LOVED Rose Byrne, who was Briseis (Achille's love interest). I thought she was absolutely beautiful and acted the part really well. I was completely involved and interested in their relationship, as well as their characters individually. All in all, I loved the film, but, was disappointed in Orlando Bloom's acting, although he's still beautiful and was nice to look at. ;) I also thought the music was really good (I love James Horner) and the one-on-one fight scenes were really cool. The film really ventured off a lot on the actual mythology, but, that always happens in movies. Anyway, long winded, I know.....just my inability to summarize. :)