View Full Version : Update on my back

05-26-2004, 11:22 AM
I'm back from the MRI now.

Good news is - it's no spondylodiscitis.

Bad news: It's a herniated disk in my lower back (between L4 and L5). :(

At this point, I have no idea what's going to happen now, I wasn't told anything. They're sending the scan to the specialist I saw last week, and he will tell me how to go on. I hope I won't need surgery. And one thing is for sure: I really really have to work in my parents' restaurant, no matter what! I need the money! :(


05-26-2004, 11:33 AM
Hi Kirsten:) I'm thrilled to hear that it's not spondylodiscitis!!! Having a herniated disc is no fun either though, but still the "better" of the two diagnosis'. I was diagnosed with ruptures of discs L4-5 (lumbar) many years ago. Luckily, I have not required surgery, though I still have bad days, with occasional sciatica and sometimes some numbness in my left foot. Still, I was able to continue nursing, a very physically demanding job! Physical therapy, hydortherapy, abdominal/back strengthening exercises, good body mechanics, perhaps a back brace and a brief course of anti-inflammatory drugs can do a lot in alleviating your symptoms. There's also epdidural injections to help relieve the pain and inflammation. I hope and pray you won't require surgery. Many think that once they have their backs operated on, all will be well. Unfortunately, that is often not the case; a great disappointment. Here in the States, they usually resort to surgery as a last resort. And while I knowyou need to work, make sure you're throughly checked out on a "plan of treatment" before returning! And remember, bend at the knees!:) I'll be thinking of you Kirsten and sending positive thoughts your way:) Take it easy, and please check back with an update. {{{HUGS}}} Sandra

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-26-2004, 12:13 PM

I am keeping you in my prayers. Sending you a big HUG!


05-26-2004, 12:41 PM
I gotta go with Sandra on this one, it is the lesser of the two evils, though neither is good news. Here is hoping the specialist will tell you something good. As to working, you need your health more than you need money. I know, I know, easy for me to say..but, I am thinking good thoughts for you!

05-26-2004, 01:06 PM
awww Kirsten! Good news but also some bad. But then you knew it was *something* and now it has a name right? I have the same thing only mine is in the cervical spine (neck area) and so far they tell me surgery is a last resort. First things they tried right away were anti-inflammatory drugs to help stop the swelling. There are also medicines they can inject right at the disc but I have not had that. Then I had physical therapy which was ice packs, hot packs, electrical zaps with a TENS unit and some traction. Traction helped so much that they sent me a unit to take home. Not sure if there is any such thing for lumbar discs though. While in physical therapy, I did see some lumbar patients fitted with belt-type things like you might see worn at places where they have heavy lifting work - sort of a support device-bust down to mid hip - like a corset!!. I wonder if they have something like this that you could wear to work in? You know, to keep your spine straight and aligned/supported? I also have a series of exercises to do every day to keep flexibility and build muscle strength with the idea of helping to use muscles to keep the dics from rubbing and touching as much by better posture, etc. Then I also have muscle relaxant and pain medication to take when it really flares up and I can't sleep. I also splurge on massages now and then! This may or may not be allowed for lumbar rupture!! The idea is to relieve muscle spasms.
So sorry you are having this! It is bad enough at the neck I know but I would think pain at the lower back would affect literally EVERYTHING you do!! I mean every motion somehow affects your back doesn't it? I sure hope that some of these other therapies will help you avoid surgery. I know that here, surgery they say is the last thing they try. But, only your doctors know your situation - still perhaps you can press for things to try first???
Take care and keep us updated please!! ((((((Kirsten)))))

05-26-2004, 01:20 PM
Ouch! Glad it's not the worse of the two. Hug and well wishes that you won't need surgery.

05-26-2004, 01:22 PM
Kirsten. I'm sure glad this isn't the worst case senario for you, but the herniated disc dosen't sound like fun either. I can sympathize with your waiting for the doctor's report and working in the meantime. right now I'm doing the same thing because I have to use my knee to help pay the bills. Only problem is I work on a golf course which isn't fun! lol

05-26-2004, 03:09 PM
Kirsten, I just don't know what to say. I am keeping you in my prayers and I'm sure there will be something the doctors can do to at least make things a little better for you. Hang in there and keep us posted on what you find out from the specialist.
More prayers and good thoughts on the way.

05-26-2004, 03:41 PM
Thanks everyone! :)

I agree, it's probably better than spondylodiscitis, but it's kind of depressing though... :(

I know health should always be more important than money, but to be honest, I desperately depend on the money I can make in the restaurant. The unemployment money I'm getting is just enough to pay my rent and phone/internet bill. There's nothing left to buy food for me and my kitties, or pay their vet bills... And I don't know how to look for an office job when I can hardly sit.

Even without these health problems, my situation is difficult since I've lost my job last year, but now, with this diagnose, it seems hopeless to me. When I cannot stay in my apartment, I cannot keep my girls... :(


Killearn Kitties
05-26-2004, 04:06 PM
I don't have any advice Kirsten. I don't know anything about these kinds of back problems, but some of the stories here seem quite encouraging. I very much hope that surgery is not required, and that the condition can be controlled by other means.

Try to be positive, and keep your spirits up. Apart from bring good for your health - your furry nurses need you.:D

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-26-2004, 04:12 PM
Prayers on the way for you!!

Glad to hear it is the lesser of the two evils.. and don't start thinking your situation is hopeless.... keep you chin up and have faith that things ARE going to get better..


05-26-2004, 04:14 PM
your furry nurses need you.

I know they do - and this is what keeps me going these days.

I've been through so much lately, not only the health problems, but also through betraying, back stabbing and mobbing by someone I considered to be a friend, and all this resulted in my job loss last year. I don't want to go too much into detail, but it's been a horrible time, and I kind of lost my faith in friendship and justice in this world. Not even to mention how the entire incident hast ruined my existence. And the back problems don't make it easier... :(

My girls are probably more important to me than they will ever know!


05-26-2004, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
Prayers on the way for you!!

Glad to hear it is the lesser of the two evils.. and don't start thinking your situation is hopeless.... keep you chin up and have faith that things ARE going to get better..

{{HUGS}} Ditto from me too. Please take care. Things can only get better.:)

05-26-2004, 11:01 PM
{{{Hugs}}} Did you ever find that God steps in and offers you exactly what you need and want at the right time? This will happen to you! I know it will!

Hubby hurt his back years and years ago too. He'll occasionally have back pain after doing hard physical work but its not something that botters him all the time anymore. He didn't have to have surgery either. He went back to school on the government's expense because he needed to go back because he could no longer do his old job - he was a mailman. They paid for him to go back and be re-trained as something else. He's now a teacher. Will they do that for you in Germany? Could you get new training for a job that doesn't require prolonged sitting? Just a thought. :)

Let your nurses take good care of you and somethign will happen soon!

05-27-2004, 01:01 AM
I am relieved that it isn't the spo...... (you know what I mean.. lol)
I know a herniated disc can be very painful as well, but hoping that it can be corrected for you soon!

Edit: just saw your more recent posts....

Oh dear Kirsten, I am so sorry that you've had so much on you for the past full year! Please know that God always has a plan for us, and when we have come through some of our most difficult trials, we will see His divine purpose! Try to keep the Faith!



05-27-2004, 03:37 PM
Thanks! I'm trying to keep the faith, for me and my girls, but it's not easy. During the past two years, it seems like everything good in my life has vanished, and things are getting harder and harder. I know I shouldn't say that because I still have my girls - and wonderful people on the internet, like those here on PetTalk, which is for sure a huge support!

I still have some friends left in my real life, but they all have families of their own now, so we're not so close like we used to be, especially since some have moved away. Same goes for my sister btw. And the one friend I considered to be something like my soulmate has betrayed me and spread lies behind my back, which eventually has cost me my job... I'm not over this yet, and I wonder if I ever will be. Something has broken inside of me when that happened... :( I don't have much faith left in humans, I now prefer my girls' company.

Catnapper, yes, sometimes the unemployment office pays for a new training. At this point, I don't know if this is an option for me. I think I first have to find out if physiotherapy (or whatever the doctors' plans are for my back) will improve my situation, so that I can do an office job again. What worries me is that I'm sure the job in the restaurant will make things worse, but I have no other choice but to do it. That's the worst about the entire situation at the moment.


05-27-2004, 04:54 PM
As a victim of back issues I offer my sympathies...its so hard not to get mad at yourself for not being able to do things...at least for me. Happiness is a state of mind, not of circumstance my hubbster always tells me. It IS hard to put that smile on your face everyday but know that your furkids love you and there are a lot of people on PT that care about you too!!


I always say God never closes a door without opening a window

Steffi N
05-27-2004, 09:10 PM
Kirsten, I hope your doctors will be able to put together a course of treatment for you that will help and that you will not need surgery. I have had family members with back problems, so I know how awful they can be. I hope things start looking up soon for you. Get plenty of kitty cuddles. {{HUGS}}

05-28-2004, 12:32 PM
Thanks, Steffi and Fyrewolf! :)

DJFyrewolf36, I know exactly what you mean, I'm mad at myself that I'm unable to do many things now, especially the restaurant job when on the other hand medical care is needed for Luna, because she's sick again! :(


Ally Cat's Mommy
05-28-2004, 12:40 PM
Kirsten, we are all here for you, and so are your special girls! I wish I could do more to help, just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. You are such a special part of PT, and a great friend to me.



05-28-2004, 02:09 PM
((((THANKS!!!)))) :)
