View Full Version : Oh, Boys, NOW look what you did! :(

05-25-2004, 08:40 PM
I am really sad tonight. I should've known that this was going to happen at some point, and tonight it did.

For a wedding present, my parents gave us a china closet. It was a wedding present that they were given when they got married, and I have very early childhood memories of it. It stands about 4.5 feet tall, and has big glass doors that cover it.

Well tonight, the boys were getting rough, and before I could stop him, Emerson backed right into it and broke the glass door. THANK GOODNESS he is OK, just shook up a bit. No cuts or blood. Mark gashed his hand on it when he went to take care of it. :(

Emerson looked so scared like he knew he had done something wrong. He came and looked at me with these great big sad eyes, and immediately everything was forgiven. :p

05-25-2004, 08:41 PM
And thinking in 20/20 hindsight, I just have to wonder if it was really smart to have something so potentially hazardous around two rough and tumble bumble-butts. :confused:

05-25-2004, 08:44 PM
I'm glad Emerson is okay and hope Mark's hand isn' too bad.

I have a cabinet with glass doors that I worry about. It is behind the couch, in sort of a hallway, so they don't play there too much, but I have all my music boxes in it, so I worry about those getting broken, espically the snow globes.

05-25-2004, 09:25 PM
Oh no! I'm very glad to hear no one was seriously hurt, but I'm sorry to hear about the cabinet being broken, it sounded very special. Perhaps it could be restored? I do not know a lot about those things. We don't really have anything fragile on the doggie level around here for I'm sure if we did it would have been shattered long ago, Tommy and Tasha are not at all delicate when they romp around here like a herd of elephants!

I'm just glad no one was seriously hurt but I do hope something can be done to restore your cabinet.

05-25-2004, 09:34 PM
Sorry to hear about the cabinet! :( I'm just glad everyone is ok, and no one is seriously injured. There's a good reason why I have rubber walls! ;) I wouldn't trust my hellions around anything fragile if my life depended on it! LoL Hopefully you can get the glass replaced and still keep the cabinet.