View Full Version : word picture!

05-25-2004, 08:27 PM
Oh wow, if only I had a picture and a NAME for this manuever. Ok - it is time for breakfast. Kitties wait for someone (meowmie) to stumble down the long hallway and then they begin the ritual scrimmage. Always the same. Halfway down the hallway, gaining momentum, Eliot gains on Dylan and leaps over Dylan's back and gets ahead. Well today, right before the leap, Dylan *trips* on the edge of the carpet and begin somersaulting like a tumbleweed just as Eliot ascends. Eliot then becomes *part* of the moving tumbleweed and BOTH continue at least two more complete revolutions to the end of the hallway!:eek: :eek: At the end of the process, both STOP, shake their heads in a bit of disorientation and calmly trot on into the kitchen for their breakfast while meowmie has to run for the toilet to prevent wetting the carpet!!:rolleyes: I still have the vision of a rapidly growing ball of rolling fur!!!:eek: :eek:

05-25-2004, 11:05 PM
Darn where is the hidden camera when I need it!!!! Thanks for the hysterical "visual"!!!!:D

05-25-2004, 11:17 PM
LOL!! I'm sure that was pretty funny to see and I bet the both had that look of "meant to do that" on their faces as they walked off.