View Full Version : Teaching 'Heel'

05-25-2004, 07:28 PM
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to teach Major Heel. I know what it is and all, him walking beside me on the left and sitting when I stop, and getting up again when I go. But I don't know how to teach it.

There are no obedience classes available here. I have looked in books but they either don't tell you how, or I don't really understand it. Please help!:)

05-25-2004, 07:47 PM
I use different methods than most people but basically, I taught my two by just having them on leash and gently pulling them back if they got too far and encouraging them to go faster if they lagged. Everyone in Kai's first set of obedience classes used treats to lure the dogs as well; that seemed to work alright. If your dog is food motivated, you should have no problems having him follow you. When I used treats, I found it much better to hold the treats directly in front of me right on my tummy, rather than beside me. When I held it beside me, Kai would often jump up and nip while walking.

guster girl
05-25-2004, 08:09 PM
I mentioned this in dog behaviour, too. The gentle leader is a really good tool for teaching leash walking. I got mine at Petsmart, but, I'm sure you can get it at most pet stores, and, online. :) I haven't started teaching heel, but, Finn pretty much stays on my left side already. Heel is going to be taught in the class he starts in June! If you still need advice then, I'll relay what we learn. Until then, though, I'm not a lot of help!

Cinder & Smoke
05-25-2004, 08:39 PM
"Dad's Products" - the makers of Dad's Brand Kat & Dawg Foods -
publish a little booklet with some good "How to Raise a Puppy"
information. They'll send you a copy for FREE! :)

E-mail to: [email protected]

or Write 'em at:
DAD'S Products Company Inc.
Box 451
Meadville, PA 16335

Or Call 'em at:
1-800-DADS PET (1-800-323-7738)

Teaching "HEEL" is covered in the booklet.

/s/ Phred

05-25-2004, 08:55 PM
Does Major walk along with you well on leash? Once he's
learned to accept leash walking without to much trouble, he
then should learn "heel", or walking at your pace & in the same
direction as you. Sounds more complicated than it really is. I
hope you can get some clear instructions & help from the booklet
or from someone who can explain it better than I can. :D
Good luck with the training.:) Major is such a cutie.:)

05-26-2004, 07:18 PM
binka_nugget: Thanks for the tip, I never thought of that but I'm sure it will work well. Silly me:rolleyes:
guster_girl: gentle leader, as in the red one Finn always wears? I am going to get him a harness, as soon as we go to Yorkton. Last time we were there, there was small, medium and large in the brand I didn't like and small and large in the brand I did like. (I need a medium) I'm not sure if they are the same things though.
Cinder & Smoke: Thanks for the advice, I'll check it out.
lizbud: Well, in the yard he is pretty good on the leash. (of course he knows I have treats with me, not sure if that counts) He doesn't think of it as anything evil (like he first did with the brush) so he knows its not bad.

Sorry everyone that I STILL do not know your names yet, I don't have the best memory.:D

guster girl
05-26-2004, 07:45 PM
The red thing Finn is wearing in almost all of the photos in here is just a regular harness. It didn't really help very much in teaching him to walk nicely, though, cuz he was able to comfortably put all of his body weight into the harness and pull. A collar just chokes them while they pull, but, the gentle leader goes around their muzzle and behind their ears. It's not a muzzle, though. It's as comfortable as a collar, meaning that I can still slip a finger between the leader and Finn's face, but, he still doesn't want it there, just like some dogs will fight a collar that fits loosely around their necks. It just took him some getting used to. The leader doesn't prevent him from barking, panting, eating, drinking....The biggest thing is that it takes their body completely out of the equation. It's a dream walking Finn, now! Just do a search for "gentle leader" or "head halter"....you'll find out what it's all about...you can check this site out, there are photos http://www.bargraph.com/gentleleader/

05-26-2004, 09:54 PM
Oh ok! I see they are quite different. Do you think I would still need to get the harness then?
Also, did you get the 'package'? Or did you just get the Leader. On the website I think it is talking about a remote or something, I'm not quite sure. Do you recommend me getting that too? Or could I just get the leader part?
Thanks for your help!

guster girl
05-26-2004, 10:06 PM
I got my gentle leader directly from Petsmart. I only searched online to give you a better idea as to what it looks like. I didn't even read the site! :) But, all I have is the leader. It's up to you if you want to get the other stuff they offer. Just read up on it and make sure the things you do buy will benefit you and your dog. As for having the harness, too, I wouldn't think that would be necessary. I have Finn's collar on him all the time, because of his tags. I leave the leader hooked to his leash, and, when it's time to walk, I just slip it on and that's it. Before I had the gentle leader, I had his collar for his tags and his harness. Originally, I kept his harness on all the time because he was being potty trained and was going potty every ten minutes. So, it was a matter of saving time by leaving the harness on all the time. :) Anyway, I would replace the harness with the leader, if that's what you want, but, I wouldn't do both. Maybe a collar, too, just for his tags. Good luck!

05-26-2004, 11:48 PM
Ok, thanks. I'm definately going to keep a collar on him at all times, I just think it's "right".

I probably won't get a harness then, I'm sure glad I asked before I bought. (even though I didn't ask about harnesses lol)

The Gentle Leader looks really great and I think I have seen one at Superstore. I'll have to check it out.

The only petstore available is REALLY expensive and then there is Petland but that is 2 and a half hours away.

Everyong here keeps talking about Petsmart but we don't have one! Just Petland in Regina. And a really small expensive pet store in Yorkton. (25 minutes away)