View Full Version : At Last-tears of happiness!

05-24-2004, 09:55 PM
Thank you, dear Logan for sending on my hello message to everyone! i also want to thank all of you who sent me cards thru the snail mail. I was taken by surprise and burst out in tears-I was very touched and will treasure your cards and notes forever.
Turns out, naive, stupid, computer moron, that I am, had spyware in my computer. I was so upset at not having a computer for some small amount of escape, that my mom, even though she was in intensive care, told me to call someone, anyone to fix it and she would pay for it, since I'm still not working..
I found someone who made housecalls, and 3 hours later, with Comcasr digital connected (still have AOL until all my files are saved), firewall, security etc, etc, I'm up and running. It cost umpty-ump dollars, but was well worth it. I'm now back in the swing of things.Bye bye dialup, what an fool I am. You can all breath a collective sigh of relief now! ;)
I've decided to home care my mother. As exhausting as it is and as miserable and fatigued as I am, it's still better than having her sit around in a nursing home. She has physical therapy 3x a week and nurses 2x a week. She has speech therapty because her swallowing is poor and she can only drink thickened liquids and eat pureed food. She runs a considerable risk of pneumonia all the time. Her mind is fine, as is her "in control" mechanism, but she can't walk for long as her illlness causes her oxygen levels to be low. She has to wear diapers now because of her muscle disease. We think if she was diagnosed correctly after she had the shingles in 2002, she may have been in a better state, but not totally OK. All this was caused by the shingles-it caused major muscle and nerve damage. In between all this her sister died, so she's in a depressed mental state too. Her total stay in the hospital this time was 2 weeks. This is her first stay home since February. We made our family room her place. She's relearnig steps but it'll take a few months they think.
Going up and down the steps a million x a day is killing my back. I need major back surgery but will have to delay it now. I'd be out of commission for over 12 weeks and also in a rehab center. But I have to do what I have to do. The home care aides come too early or too late so I have to wash and care for her. Tensions are high and we fight constantly, something we never did before.
You never know what the future will bring.

I'll never catch up on PT. I know I've missed a lot, My heart goes out to all of you who have suffered sadness. My prayers are with all of you everyday. I really really missed all of you so much.

05-24-2004, 10:02 PM
Karen, dear, you have been in our prayers. The task you have chosen will sometimes seem endless, sometimes thankless, but it is neither, I promise. I hope K9 Logan is at least giving you snuggles and chuckles now and then to distract you!

Consider yourself hugged across the miles, and know that we are here for you, if ever you need to vent. And I know far more about nursing homes and care-givers, etc. than most people my age, (elderly relatives, friends and my mom'd illness) so if there's anything I could do to help, do let me know!

05-24-2004, 10:08 PM
So good to hear from you! Please don't neglect yourself too much or you won't be able to care for your mom. I am sorry I didn't get a card to you. I am the worst prcrastinator of them all. Just ask Kay. Anyway, glad to hear from you. I had that sasser worm virus on my computer plus my hard drive died. Lost a lot of stuff. I don't know how you did without your computer for so long. Hope your troubles lessen some and you can check in with us more often. Give Klo a kiss from Duke.
Edited: My 55 year old friend from work took care of her mom, too. If you need any help or advice, I can give you her email address. She's a super nice lady.

05-25-2004, 12:00 AM
Karen, it's so good to hear from you.

Your post made me rather sad though, but smile to see you here. I think of you and Klo all the time, and I will also have your mother in my thoughts. It must be very hard on you. So sorry aobut your back as well, my dad knows all about that stuff. He now is on disability and can't work because of his back. He always pushes himself to do things though which makes me rather upset.

Here's some more hugs from miles away. You've been dearly missed here, although we all understand why you have been absent. Please keep us updated and check in as much as possible. Limit yourself in what you do so that back doesn't hurt too much. Wish my dad would listen to that one!!

Love you and Klo bunches {{some more hugs to the both of you}}

05-25-2004, 01:08 AM

I'm glad you are back online and that you are happier. You are such a sweetie for taking care of your mother. I worry about you and don't want you to get hurt...do you have enough help?

Please take care.

Kelly :)

05-25-2004, 07:42 AM
Its nice to hear from you. I've been thinking about you a lot lately. Every time I get a new state quarter, I wonder if your mom needs that one!

I'm glad you got your computer up and running.

05-25-2004, 08:48 AM
So good to hear from you, and glad you got your PC running again.
Sending you lots of good thoughts for you and your mom.


05-25-2004, 08:55 AM
Karen it's so wonderful to hear from you!

I know how terrible it is to have those nasty problems with your computer (I think I just now got mine in good working order after months of work:o ).

You are really a special woman to be taking care of your mom instead of putting her in a nursing home, not too many people have the time or patience for that these days.

I hope your feeling better and like others have said don't neglect yourself:)

Many {{{{HUGS}}}}
Anna & the gang

05-25-2004, 11:46 AM
Karen - so good to hear from you. Just sorry things aren't all that good. Please take good care of yourself - remember to rest when you can and feed yourself too - it's so easy to forget to eat when you're busy. You and Mum are in my thoughts and prayers - {{{{XXXX}}}} across the miles.


05-25-2004, 04:06 PM
:) I'm so happy you checked in and that you at least now have the computer up and running! Being on cable, you can keep it on all the time and send us a quick update and get your "quick fix" looking at pictures right here!!!!! That ought to be good for a few smiles!!!

Hang in there, my friend. We love you!


05-25-2004, 11:31 PM
thanks everyone..it's good to be back even if it's for a few minutes...
Unfortunately, I've learned more about Medicaid, Medicare, Nursing Homes etc since my dad was in one which is why I fought for home care for mom. Never in my life did I imagine I'd have to go through this again. Help? Don't get me started about my brother, but I guess he can't handle it, or wants to. My boyfriend moved in parttime and helps with physical labor things but I do the nursing care and cooking etc.
Maybe for my next job I go into the medical profession..I think I found my calling,,either that or become a lobbyist in Washington for better care for the eldery. Maybe you'll catch my big mouth on TV some day!

05-26-2004, 07:16 AM
I hope that things are able to settle down to a routine with your mom so you get to spend a little more time with us . Oh, forgive me for saying such a selfish thing, but when you are not around, we miss you so much. I'm absolutely addicted to your wit and self effacing humor, and really need to know what is going on with the brown eyed girl.

Now that you have switched to Comcast, having started on AOL, you can convince me to take the plunge.

05-26-2004, 11:57 AM
Karen, I'm so glad that you have your computer back and are able to be on line. I know these are difficult days, but in the end you will look back and be glad you did everything you could for your Mother, I'm sure she appreciates it in her own way. My prayers go out to you and Mom, it's nice to hear from you again.
Take it one day at a time.
Love Ya
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

05-26-2004, 12:21 PM
Karen, it's good to see you back here. :)

I'm sorry it's been rough. I've been thinking about you. Hugs and Well Wishes abound.

05-26-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by K9karen

Maybe for my next job I go into the medical profession..I think I found my calling,,either that or become a lobbyist in Washington for better care for the eldery. Maybe you'll catch my big mouth on TV some day!
You would have be backing you up every step of the way! We need someone to shake Washington up on behalf of the elderly.

Glad you are back! (((HUGS)))

05-26-2004, 12:54 PM
Karen, so glad your computer is fixed and you are able to 'talk' to us. :)

Originally posted by jackiesdaisy
... I know these are difficult days, but in the end you will look back and be glad you did everything you could for your Mother, I'm sure she appreciates it in her own way.
This is so true. Without making a long story out of it, events that took over my life distanced me, physically and mentally, from my Mum in her last couple of years. Though, thankfully, we were home and living with her for a month or so before she died, I will always, always, regret not putting things on hold and causing her so much distress.

Keep on holding on!

Many Hugs and much love to you, your Mom, Logan, and your fella too!
Keeping you all in my prayers.


06-08-2004, 06:44 PM
you are receiving good ideas/thoughts from others here. just know you are doing what you should be doing. this will be the thoughts that ever carry you on. i wish for you friends/family who will also reach out and help. this is what we are supposed to do. i wish i were able to offer you more. you are a wonderful daughter....hold on to that!

06-08-2004, 07:12 PM

Welcome, welcome back .........

{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}} across the miles to you and your precious Mum.
I personally would love to see "your loud mouth" on TV!!! You go girl.