View Full Version : A good way to train...

05-24-2004, 02:29 PM
I want to train Gigi to sit nicely when someone comes and pet her. She went jumping and get VERY excited when someone visits or wants to say hi to her. Any good way to do so?

05-24-2004, 02:32 PM
Nala sometimes has this bad habit too. She's much better than she used to be. I try to have her either on a leash or her harness when people come over. That way, I can make her sit and stay before she gets any attention from anyone.

Tell the people that come over not to pay attention to Gigi unless she's sitting/not jumping. If she's jumping, *you* tell her to sit. If she does sit, her reward for sitting will be recieving attention from someone else.

05-24-2004, 03:04 PM
Good idea, Kay. I will try to remember that. My biggest challenge right now is when we go to park I have to fight against all the distraction around us. She wants to say hi to everyone and every dog. And hotdog doesn't work too well any more. :rolleyes:

05-24-2004, 04:34 PM
Here's an exercise we teach in Dog Manners:

- Put the dog on a tie down or anchor the leash to a sturdy spot.
- Approach the dog calmly.
- If the dog starts jumping, step backwards and turn your back.
Wait a short time and try to approach again.
If the dog sits or lays down, continue approaching and pet the dog calmly.

You will have to start this exercise just practicing with yourself until Gigi knows what she's supposed to do. After that you can do the exercise with as many different people as possible coming to practice.

While you are walking her, just be sure to be proactive and anticipate her jumping. Before she can jump, have her sit. You can step on the leash if necessary so that after she sits, she won't have enough room to jump. If she tries, she won't be able to do it and will be forced to sit. Let people know you're teaching her not to jump and ask that they please never pet her while she is jumping, only while sitting.

05-24-2004, 05:20 PM
Can't really add anything to what Aly suggested. I have used a similar exercise myself - it works very well.

I just wanted to say that it is terrific that you are teaching Gigi greeting manners. With smaller dogs, people have a tendency to forget the "sitting nicely for attention" behavior.

Great job as usual, Jen.

05-24-2004, 06:09 PM
Thanks, I will definitely give it a try. I sort of remember we learned something like that in puppy class.