View Full Version : It is ALL your fault!!

Laura's Babies
05-24-2004, 02:07 PM
In checking out things on that neighbors cat.... I found out we have a local shelter.. While is is a kill shelter, they only do the ones that are to sick to cure. SO, before I tell my neighbor to take her kittens to that shelter, I want to go check it out, RIGHT??? So, I grab my photo ablum of the photo's I have done and I head out.. I was real impressed with this place and when I walk in, what do I see but STACKS and STACKS of Cuddle blankies that someone made and brought in!! I told her I do that too and she told me, they even furnish the stuff if I want it!! (left with a garbage bag so big that I JUST could get it to my car!)

I explained to her how I work and that these are some mighty long 28 days off with nothing to do and IF they wanted help, I would be more than glad to come help out, doing whatever they need.. So, that is in the bag! I will be helping on my off days. I also showed her my ablum of the pictures I can do and asked if she had anyone who takes pictures to put on their web sight and she JUMPED on that, agreeing that I could do that for them.. (I told her about the little wicker buggy too). So, soon as I come home, I have something to do on my off days and help the homeless animals in our area!!

I have to add here, that the word "Fault" in the title of this, really means INSPIRATION! (I just used fault to get your attention) All of you who do rescue and shelter work here have inspired me to jump in that spot and get off my tuff and DO something more!! I just feel like there is so much more that needs doing and sitting here thinking about it, accomplishes nothing!! I am so happy!!!

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-24-2004, 02:15 PM
That sounds like a really great way of passing your spare time!!! Great idea!

05-24-2004, 02:16 PM
What wonderful news, Laura! With your loving heart, you will make a HUGE impact on all who come through those shelter doors!!!


Laura's Babies
05-24-2004, 03:07 PM
I checked out their websight and they have very few pictures for the ones they have... I KNEW I should have taken my camera with me!! Chester smelled me all over when I got home, he knew I had held another furbaby somewhere!!

Oh, I printed out tons of stuff (on unspayed animals) and printed pictures I had taken of my neighbors kittens and took over to her today. She is in the hospital so I doubt I will get to see her before I leave.

05-24-2004, 04:32 PM
YIPPEE!!!! for all the homeless babies in your shelter because they are about to meet one sweet lady!! I'm so glad that you are going to give it a try Laura! You will be great at it! I can't wait for you to get back and get started. This is exactly what happened to me. You will be addicted in no time! Just don't bring home any innocent looking blind kitties ok!?http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

05-24-2004, 11:06 PM
I think that is wonderful!!

I would love to volunteer at a shelter but my time is limited with caring for my father. On top of that the shelter/rescue group that I adopted Jazz and Scout from closed their main adoption center last month and that is where I would go play with the kitties in my free time. I checked into our local county shelter and they basically said they don't need volunteers because they have so many.

Maybe someday I will have the time and find a place that needs some help.

05-25-2004, 10:13 AM
Tha is a Great Idea , and The Cats really appreciate it , too!