View Full Version : Having the most awful day... (rant/whine)

05-24-2004, 01:54 PM
Read no further if you don't feel like seeing someone complaining.

I'm just having such an awful day that I'm just beginning to have this utterly defeated feeling and I'm just sitting here wondering what is next. I haven't really had a very happy last couple of weeks due to various things, including the loss of my birdie Twi. This past weekend I upgraded to a newer computer, my husband built himself a new one and I took his, a much needed upgrade, but so far causing me nothing but grief.

I work from home, as a medical transcriptionist. The company/clinic I type for is out of Florida, and I use specific software to hook up to a server and download my jobs, do them and then upload them again. Well their software is old, and now I moved from Windows 98 to Windows XP, I couldn't get things working because the old software wasn't compatible with XP. I got insane runaround with being told to call this person, then that person couldn't help me or had me do the wrong thing and one person flat told me I'd have to go back to windows 98. After over three hours of calling, trying things, calling again, trying things again, etc, etc, I finally get the programs working. Understand though that I do not work set hours, my work is done when I get a certain amount of lines in, so all of this is just pushing my work later and later into the day.

During all of this, I decide to take a breather and take the dogs out a bit. I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention because Tasha came running up to me and had the nastiest smell imaginable and gunk on her hair where she rolled in something dead. So she had to have a bath right then followed by cleaning myself up again.

I try to run a little game I have to just relax a few and that doesn't work right either of course.

I finally get my work system going but now my foot pedal to control the sound files won't work and this time I can't get anyone to respond to me at all with what to do. I can't even get ahold of my husband to ask him for any suggestions. I wait and wait for an e-mail from work to respond back with what I should do,but when I finally get an e-mail it's one that has been sent out to all of us telling how far behind we are and how they need EVERYONE to be working extra this week.

Well that's just great. I can't even get ANY work done much less extra. If I ever even get up and going, I will have to work till who knows how late to get caught up again. Meanwhile my Mom who drives a truck with my stepfather over the road had a load coming through this area and MIGHT stop by but I don't know if, or when.

The neighbor's dog two houses down lives out on a chain and never gets even a moment's attention that I've ever seen, and it sits out there and just barks from one end of the day to the other. The man has been out in his yard working on cars or something since spring came and the dog just barks frantically for attention from him and goes completely ignored. This goes on for hours and hours at a time, not only grating my nerves with the barkign but a constant reminder of what a miserable life it is living. There is no actual "abuse" in that it is not physically abused, has a dog house, and food/water, but the dog is clearly totally neurotic from zero socialization.

I know all of this probably is so small compared to problems others are having but at this point it is just so many things piled on top of another that I feel just completely defeated and depressed. I'm sitting here watching the clock and knowing every hour that goes by is another hour later I will have to work when/if I ever get my system up and going.

Sometimes life just hands you too many things to handle.. and each small problem piled on makes the total weight ever more unbearable.

05-24-2004, 02:05 PM
Oh Jessica... {{HUGS}}

I hope everything works out for you.

Thank you for venting to us.. it helps alot sometimes! We're always here for you emotionally... whenever you need us!

{{more hugs}}

05-24-2004, 02:37 PM
Sounds like you're having a great day like I am. Every afternoon, the computers get ridiculously slow! The county operates under one system and it gets totally bogged down. And, there's lots of traffic on the radio but the computers won't let us work fast enough for it!! What good does it do to be able to type fast if the equipment won't let us??.:mad:
And, I certainlyl have sympathy for your computer problems. My hard drive died last week. My brother got what pics he could off the computer but I had them spread all over. I lost a lot.
I feel so bad for that poor dog. I would have to arrange for it to get "stolen" and give it a good home far away from that idiot.
I am so glad that today is my Friday. Hope your day gets better.

05-24-2004, 02:54 PM
Thank you Kay and Val, it does feel good to be able to vent a bit and feel like someone listens and cares. The thing about the computer problems that is most upsetting is I know it's something I have to fix somehow, since I contract out and am not an actual employee, it's my responsibility to get things running. When I can't work, I am not earning any money. 7 hours now I've been stressing over all this and trying to get things working. Also I'm one to just obsess over something that I can't get working instead of taking a break for awhile and just relaxing.

The dog has been a distressing situation for awhile. I can't really see it much (wooden fence around the yard between us), but I have seen it once or twice from afar. It's a little white spitz type dog or maybe a pom or pom mix. David talked to the owner once about him, the guy that is home all day. He is an older "good ole boy" type and said his wife had wanted the dog but he didn't. So she got the dog anyway and there it sits. It disgusts and angers and depresses me to no end. I'm considering lodging a complaint with the animal control officer since the humane society is unable to look into it as a cruelty case since the dog has food/water and shelter. I'm hoping if Animal Control threatened them about getting complaints from neighbors, they would find it a new home. Anything has to be better than the way it is living. Its entire life is sitting on a short chain and barking. I wish I could even call it a he or she but I don't even know what sex it is. The man at least is always at home, he's retired, and he's often out in his yard doing things, but seems totally deaf and blind to the dog as it cries out constantly for some kind of attention. :(

05-24-2004, 02:58 PM
Maybe you could talk to him about the dog and ask him if he'd like help finding a new home for it? Certainly his wife didn't want a dog all that much if they keep it outside all day.

Sounds like maybe you're talking aobut an American Eskimo dog?

Poor dog and poor you. :(

05-24-2004, 03:05 PM
Unfortunately we all have those days, and Yes it is good to get it off your chest, and if venting here helps, and we can help in any way to make you feel better then thats great.

Sorry to hear you are having so many problems, a problem shared can often we a problem halfed, so never think your problem is too small compared to others, everyone on PT sympathises with your situation very much.

I am distressed also to hear of this poor dogs life, it sounds just simply awful, at least it does have shelter, food and water, but it still needs LOVE, and attention, I sure hope something can be done, and you are able to find a decent home for it.

Good luck, I hope things improve with your computer problems, and tomorrow brings you happiness and a calm day ahead. cheers.:)