View Full Version : I hate FedX I hate FedX. my usless vent for the day

05-24-2004, 11:55 AM
I'm so mad at FedX right now, I just need to rant some. OK?

We have a on-line buz here at home and have been waiting on a package, so we can ship out to our buyers. Well, Wed., it made it to the local station, but FedX in their wisdom decided we where not open on Thursday and Friday. :rolleyes: It's a home, it's always open!!!

They told me they do that on holidays where they belive a Buz might not be closed. Ok I understant that, but Thursday and Friday are not holidays!!

Anyway, Friday I called and thats when they told me, Yes they made a mistake and it will be taking care of, call back Monday morning and talk to so and so. So I called this morning. I explained to Mr. so and so that because of their mistake we now have to ship our items Over night, to get them to our buyers on time, costing us over $300. They told me, so sorry, but not our problem and then to top it off told me that my package won't make it here till 5:00!!!! To late for us to even get them out today, so now we have to add one more day to the whole thing.

What really makes me mad is Friday, I was told, yes we will make up for your losses, then today its sorry we can't help you, your out of luck. :eek: I was lied to and that pisses me off.

It be nice, if my life could work out that way. I make a mistake, costing someone else to lose out, but I don't have to make up for my mistake, They do!!! I just might make mistakes left and right, if I knew I didn't have to suffer for it.

Never ever ever will I use FedX again. Plus we just informed our supplier that we won't be buying from him anymore as long as he used FedX to ship. So he got hurt by this too.

Ok I ranted, feel no better for it. Tell me I'm not wrong, for feeling they did us wrong. When you make a mistake, don't you have to make up for it? Are am i just living in a dream world?

05-24-2004, 11:58 AM
Is there any chance that you know the name of the person at Fed Ex that you spoke with last week? I never remember to do that until after I experience a problem!!! :o

I'm sorry for your trouble and I don't blame you one bit for ranting!!!!!

Rant away!!!! :D

05-24-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Logan
Is there any chance that you know the name of the person at Fed Ex that you spoke with last week? I never remember to do that until after I experience a problem!!! :o

I'm sorry for your trouble and I don't blame you one bit for ranting!!!!!

Rant away!!!! :D

Oh yeah, I have all the names written down. They manger today, told me that guy, friday, misslead me, when he said they would make up for it. Or there must have been a misunderstanding on my part. :eek: :eek: Right!!!! :rolleyes: My hearing works fine.

Cinder & Smoke
05-24-2004, 12:38 PM
*HATE* :mad: when dat happens!

Take a Deep Breath and see if you can't *make a deal* with FedEx...

Call their Customer Service 1-800 number and very *politely* ask to
talk to someone about a "late delivery".

Tell the whole *Tail* -
and be prepared to hear that "they can't do anything for you" :mad:.
(Remember - THEIR "contract" is with your supplier, not you!)

Listen the the Rep's explanation;
then ask to speak to your LOCAL "Station Manager".
The Rep will try to tell you that "Station Managers" -
1) Can't be reached by phone;
2) Do NOT "talk to" customers;
3) and maybe another excuse or two...

Stay *polite* - but be FIRM - TELL the Rep he/she can either -
1) Sent a message to the Station Manager to call you;
or 2) Pass you to a higher supervisor

Work your way UP through the chain -
sooner or later; they WILL notify your Local Manager.

When you do talk to someone who at least seems apologetic;
ASK for some concessions from FedEx to "make it right"...

Possibly give you "free" Overnight Service for your out-going
shipments that were delayed by THEIR "mistake".

"Remind" him/her this "could have" long-range repercussions on
your Future FedEx business...
1) Your telling your Suppliers to use only "UPS" -
:eek: FedEx doesn't like to "hear" *UPS*!
2) Your out-going shipments may no longer go via FedEx...
3) -OR- a "favorable concession" or two will cement your
future relations with FedEx.

A lil *Sugar & Honey* (as opposed to :mad: *rage*)
might go a long way here.

And you have Nothing to Loose by trying!

Good Luck! ;)

/s/ Phred

05-24-2004, 01:06 PM
That's HORRIBLE. Even if the guy mislead you on Friday or not, that is what they said and that's what you expected. They messed up, they should pay.

05-24-2004, 03:08 PM
Cinder & Smoke, I did all that you said and I was very nice. I saved the rant for here. :D

I nicely informed the local Station Manager and the Station Manager that not only did this effect me, but it might just in the long run effect them, as we will no longer ship through them. As well as asking any of our 90 some supplies to ship UPS, if they want our Biz. That in the long run, it could cost them more then the little $300 it would take to make this right.

You know what all 3 of them told me, we are sorry you feel that way and we will reund your supplier shiping for the item, his cost back. :rolleyes:

Now you know what brought me to this rant. After spending hours on the phone, holding for one higher up after another, going through the same speech each time. I get sorry we made a error on your shipment and we hate to lose your biz.

I guess I just come from a differnt school of biz. When you make a mistake that cost your customers, you make up for it, even if you take a lose. In the long run you gain more by getting a faithfull customer

Oh well I have just spent the last few hours talking, leaving messages, to the customers effected by this and explained what happend. The few I talk to personal where very nce about it and understood. Some have had problems with FedX in the past also. One lady even told me that one of their trucks hit her car backing up and he just left. :eek: :rolleyes:

Oh and the package is still not here yet, might be tomorrow now. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's taken them 5 days to deliver a package thats only 1 hour away. :confused: :confused: :mad:

Cinder & Smoke
05-24-2004, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal

... "we hate to lose your biz".

... It's taken them 5 days to deliver a package
thats only 1 hour away. :confused: :confused: :mad:

Eeee-Yipes! :eek: = :mad:

So-Long, FedEx! :mad: :rolleyes:
(They must not "hate to loose the biz" too badly!) :(

HeLLOW, UPS! :) :D

Be sure to TELL your Friends! ;)

/s/ Phred

05-24-2004, 05:11 PM
All I can say now, is "Go BROWN"!!! Oh well, I like my UPS guy, he's cute. :D