View Full Version : My Shadows

05-24-2004, 11:51 AM
I take a bath at night and of couse, am accompanied by lots of furry shadows. ;)

Here they are:

This is where Phoebe and Basie wait with me...

An abnormal area where Micah and Noah wait...usually Noah is laying right next to the bath tub, Micah in the doorway...

Noel...sitting on the counter...

Usually, Hermie joins us. She likes to sit where Basie is, on the tiolet seat. Guess her spot was taken, cause this is where she was instead...

Sami will come visit, lick the water off my fingers and then go sleep...here he is...

Anyone else have bath time buddies or shadows??

05-24-2004, 11:59 AM
I absolutely cannot go to the toilet without Dylan - infact - he now has the nickname "pottykitty". Much of the time I also get Eliot on my LAP!! Really makes things difficult you know?? I take showers rather than baths and all three love to jump in and lick the stall! So YES, I have *shadows* too!

I hope Missy sees this thread because she has a great story about Boomer and the bathtub!!!:D

05-24-2004, 12:08 PM
Aww that is so cute!:D Blueberry's never in the bathroom whenever I'm taking a shower.
But when we had Cinnamon before(we don't have her anymore), we kept her in my bathroom. Whenever I took a shower she would jump INTO the tub:eek: LOL She wasn't afraid of water or anything lol.

I miss her though.....:(

05-24-2004, 12:32 PM
Tito LOVES the shower. He likes to walk back and forth on the edge of the tub while I take a bath. A couple of times he's fallen in...I feel bad for him but it's pretty funny!!! He also loves to be in the shower when it's not in use...every time I open up the bathroom door to use it, he goes flying into the bathroom and jumps in the tub and just sits there. He also likes to walk back and forth on the edge of the tub between the two shower curtains if I have them pulled shut. He also has been known to jump in the tub as the water's draining from a shower, but only if there's just a little water left. For a kitty who loves the bathtub, he sure hates getting wet!!

05-24-2004, 12:46 PM
Why are they so amazed by something they don't like? The bathroom is a free-for-all as soon as I step in there. It doesn't matter whether it's shower time, potty time, sort laundry time, it's just any time!
I wish my bathroom was big enough for all the great spots your kitties have to lounge around and watch mama in the water. Your kitties are each and every one ADORABLE!!

05-24-2004, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
I wish my bathroom was big enough for all the great spots your kitties have to lounge around and watch mama in the water. Your kitties are each and every one ADORABLE!!
Big enough? hee hee...its sooo small. If I wanted to walk, I'd have to be very, very careful not to step on kitties or break my neck. ;)

I think its the smallness that attracts them.

The cats love the tub too...but not with water in it. They all went through their "walking on the edge of the tub while it was full of water and mommy"...I was always afraid they would fall in!

As soon as we're out of the bath or shower, they (any combination of the 7) will jump in and commence licking the sides of the tub and shower. Yum! ;)

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-24-2004, 01:06 PM
Connor isn't very curious, so if he wanders into the bathroom whilst I am in the bath he will just plop down somewhere and fall asleep! Ally fell in a couple of times when she was a kitten, so she is a bit wary!!

05-24-2004, 01:11 PM
I have bath mates as well, as a matter of fact this morning decided to take a shower with me. He jumped up on the side of the tub and layed there...so I picked him up with the water running and brought him into the shower and soaked his entire back side....he just loves the water....or maybe he just likes the after affects of getting "buffed" dry.

Mystic and Tigger both love the same spot....the toilet seat and there have been many a time that a little bickering has happened because they both want the same place.

Smokey is very content to sit on my hubby's towel or my clean clothes and he will not move. You actually have to bribe him to get up.

Laura's Babies
05-24-2004, 03:30 PM
All you have to do is turn the water on in the bathroom and no matter where Giz is in the house, here she comes!! Brushing your teeth, combing your hair...Whatever.. She is right there! Amy follows her in when I am taking a bath just so she won't miss anything... Giz has fell in the tub of water so she don't walk the edges anymore, she just sits and purrs at me while I bathe..

05-24-2004, 04:45 PM
Zelda is definitely a bathroom buddy. Doesn't matter what I go in there for, she has to follow! :rolleyes: And if I'm getting a shower, her perch is right up on the back of the toilet where she just watches until I get out! :p

05-24-2004, 04:47 PM
Tibby loves to nap on the toilet seat when I'm taking a shower.

05-24-2004, 05:41 PM
I just had the craziest thought...
isn't it a good thing our kitties can't post and upload pictures?:D :p :eek: :D

05-24-2004, 11:03 PM
Great pictures. I don't know how I would feel with that many eyes watching me bathe - LOL!

Jazz will sit on the sink while I shower and Scout usually hangs out around the door.

Ripley is my potty time buddy. He has to come in whenever I use the bathroom. If I have the nerve to shut the door he will open it because he is tall enough to reach the knob. If I lock the door he will stick his paws under the door and cry and fuss at me.

05-24-2004, 11:11 PM
Great pictures Kelly.:) Since I usually close my bathroom door while I shower, I don't have any shower buddies but Sunny will cry very loudly to make me get out quickly.:)
All of my cats are my potty buddies but Cirrus is the main one. He loves me to pet him while I'm on the toilet.:)

05-25-2004, 05:34 AM
Filou loves a freshly bathed human. He waits patiently until I get out- and then I have to be quick with the towel or he sits on my naked shoulder. Of course he has to hold on with his claws because I am slippery:D

05-25-2004, 09:15 AM
JJJ3 waits outside the Shower , and Meows , as though he thinks that I amdrowning! That would end the Whiskas Temptations supply!