View Full Version : Guess What??

K & L
05-24-2004, 08:45 AM
Look at these babies we rescued. We got a call Saturday from a line crew working out of a substation that they found a kitten and didn't know what to do with it. Sadly mom cat had gotten in some "hot" wires and was electrocuted. We drove to the substation and in our search found 2 other kittens. They are so tiny and are about 3 weeks old. We took them to the vet yesterday and 2 technicians wanted one each. We will keep them a couple more weeks before we give them to their new homes. Here they are:



Spark, May & Relae

05-24-2004, 08:51 AM
Such cuteness!! I think I'm in heaven! So what's going to happen to the third kitty? Avon getting a playmate?

BTW: You posted the same link twice :)

05-24-2004, 08:51 AM
Aawww sweet cutie-babies. Poor Mummy cat - how sad that was.

But you've already got homes for two of them - that's such good going Lisa - hope the third sweetie-pie gets a good home too.

Good work on your part too - if you hadn't gone out to the substation when you did - they'd be dead by now - {{{Hugs}}} to you Lisa xxx


Laura's Babies
05-24-2004, 08:52 AM
Awwwee!! A Happy Ending, how wonderful!! They are so sweet I just want to pick one up and love all over it! And to have home already..YEAAAAAAAAA!

05-24-2004, 09:08 AM
Cute kitties and cute name theme going there! May, Relae and Spark!!! Electric company in May??:p

05-24-2004, 09:09 AM
Poor mama cat :( . Glad you were able to intervene on behalf of the kittens though! I love the markings on the dark colored one. Is he/she a black tiger?

05-24-2004, 09:16 AM
Aww, what cuties!! :p So lucky for them that you found them, but poor mom cat. :( Glad two of them found homes already, hopefully the third will too.

Cover them in kisses!! :)

K & L
05-24-2004, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
Poor mama cat :( . Glad you were able to intervene on behalf of the kittens though! I love the markings on the dark colored one. Is he/she a black tiger?

She is a black tiger and and adorable! Pictures don't do her justice. Yes, we grieved over mom cat, but were happy the BIG bubba lineman cared enough to call us for the kittens!:D

05-24-2004, 10:57 AM
Congratulations on the precious babies! Are you sure they are only 3 weeks... they sure look bigger than my bottle babies were, even bigger than my remaing one!:eek: Maybe mine were only 2 weeks ... but of course they weren't healthy, so maybe that is why?

Anywho ... CONGRATULATIONS, and of course we want MORE PICS!:)

K & L
05-24-2004, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
Congratulations on the precious babies! Are you sure they are only 3 weeks... they sure look bigger than my bottle babies were, even bigger than my remaing one!:eek: Maybe mine were only 2 weeks ... but of course they weren't healthy, so maybe that is why?

Anywho ... CONGRATULATIONS, and of course we want MORE PICS!:)

The vet determined they were around 3 weeks. They actually look bigger in those pictures than what they really are. I can hold them in the palm of my hand! They could barely eat and still wobbly when they walk.

05-24-2004, 11:24 AM
I'm so sad about momma kitty. What a sad thing to happen but I'm ever so happy that BIG bubba guys did call you all! Those poor babies would have had a horrible death.
They are incredibly adorable and I know they will be so well loved and cared for! It's amazing that you have already found homes for two! That is wonderful!!!
Another great job and three more lives saved thanks to you and your hubby! I'm looking forward to lots more pics of these babies growing up!

btw/How is our ever nawtee little girl Avon?

05-24-2004, 11:30 AM
How sweet!!! No wonder they got instant homes, they are adorable little things!! :)

Remember how I got Phoebe and Samson? Well, its kitten season again and I got a call saying someone found a mama cat (an orangie) poisoned at my in-laws place! :( :( :( They've been putting put out rat poison and mama cat must have gotten into it. :( I'm so sad...that means when we couldn't find the babies, they were most likely poisoned too. :(

Wait...I'm sorry, this is a happy thread. And my in-laws got a huge talking to...so its all better now.


05-24-2004, 01:06 PM
Poor momma, but yipee for the babies! :D
I bet you will find that the black one will become a solid black with age (many black start out with stripes, like my foster Timmy)

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-24-2004, 01:20 PM
Thank goodness they called you for the kittens!! They are all so adorable!

05-24-2004, 11:08 PM
Wow, they are so cute. Best of luck and keep posting pictures of the darlings.

05-24-2004, 11:26 PM
Awwwwwww they're adorable.:) I'm so glad that the guy called you to take them in and that two of them already have forever homes. Please keep us updated and more pictures please.:)

05-25-2004, 10:45 AM
What a sweet little kitty package!!! Kudos to Mr. "Bubba" Lineman for saving them.

RIP little mama. :(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-25-2004, 02:17 PM
Awww....it's so sad about mama kitty, but like you say, at least "bubba lineman" (love that name) cared enough to get somebody to take care of the kittens. I love those big burly softies. :D

The kittens are adorable, and I love the names they got - so appropo. :D

05-25-2004, 03:27 PM
I just have to stop by and drool over that beauty of a black tabby! I'm betting she'll stay those colors. ;) More pictures please? Beg, beg, grovel, grovel??:D :D :D

K & L
05-25-2004, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
I just have to stop by and drool over that beauty of a black tabby! I'm betting she'll stay those colors. ;) More pictures please? Beg, beg, grovel, grovel??:D :D :D

I will try and get some more this evening! We're taking them in for their FIV testing. Sunday they were out of the kits so we had to bring them back!

05-25-2004, 05:18 PM
Those black tabbies are very unusual.... I don't think I've ever seen one before!!!! ADORABLE! Yes, Lisa, we definitely need lots more pics of these precious babies!!!:D

06-09-2004, 07:21 AM
poor mama cat, lucky baby kitties.....they sure are cute!!!