View Full Version : Delta photo shoot...

05-23-2004, 11:14 PM
This is Delta. I doubt I've ever posted his pic before. Delta is half of my pair of very timid brothers. Antare is his littermate. Antare has come out of his shell much more than Delta. Delta is still a timid little guy who greatly prefers dogs to humans. But he's very sweet and we're making progress with him. For instance he no longer runs away from the camera!



He's such a pretty boy! I adore this little dog. We spend a lot of time talking. He stays a safe distance away from me and he wooooos at me. My goal is to get him into a harness this summer. I think it will do wonders for his confidence.

05-23-2004, 11:36 PM
He's such a cutie!!! Good luck harnessing him! :)

05-24-2004, 06:00 AM
Well Hi there Delta!!!!
Welcome to Pet Talk!!!!

We will enjoy hearing about and eagerly waiting the first pic of you in your Harness!!!

Just Listen to Hobo & the Gang!!!
They'll tell you how Happy & loved they Are!!!!!;) :)

{{{Hugs}}} from Afar Dear Delta...We won't get too close till You're ready!!;)

05-24-2004, 09:40 AM
W:eek:W Delta is stunning. That is great that you are making progress with him. :)

I cannot wait for more photos and updates of sweet Delta.

05-24-2004, 10:30 AM
Delta is so cute. I'm sure he'll come around. I would love to hear him talking to you. At least he doesn't run from the camera now.

05-24-2004, 03:32 PM
Sigh............with everyone of your posts. I swear my jealousy grows larger and larger.

All of your dogs are gorgeous.. You're one lucky lady!!!
Wonderful pictures!