View Full Version : agility match news! & PICS

05-23-2004, 10:11 PM
lol ok happy does not look happy in them, but hey what do you expect when its so dreary outside? POORING rain, and mud everywhere, the agility fun match went on anyway, happy did not do to bad lol happy and lightning did pretty darned good conserding yesterday was the first time they had done any agility work in a LONG time. lol. it was acually one of our clubs students that toom 1st in like every class he entered cindy in lol, finishing the pre-starters jumpers in 10 seconds without faults! :eek: happy did starters jumpers, but her time did not let her qualify(nobody told me that my time limit was 33 seconds damn-it!) but for heaven sakes I could not believe what they did! ok first they told you in an e-mail AFTER you have completed and entered your form that if you did not specify that were did not want to work, she assumed you were :confused: umm the work half of the form gave you only 1 option, choose which job you would like to do if you want to work. I did not want to work so I did not fill it out. the first thing they did when you get there is hand you your work sheet! thats just flat out rude. and they had happy scedualed to run twice in a row, as in happy -up, and happy- on deck. umm ok a jumpers course jumping 22 inches, that is NOT fair at all to make her do that twice in a row, and not so easy in me either! we had a chat with them and they stuck one dog in between, whoopi I have 30 seconds to rest now :rolleyes: it took its toll on both of us, her time was 4 seconds slower the second time, and my voice was so tired from yelling 30 seconds ago that I had a hard time telling her what to do. :eek: anyway I am sure you are waiting for the pics lol they are all in the van though sorry guys even the photographer could not take pics in that wheather :eek:

ya know happy you really should keep your eyes on the road..
(look at the mud on her tail!)


"look are YOU the one driving or am I?"

I just love this pic, the look on her face is captured perfectly with the rain on the window she is looking at.

and here she is tired after her runs

05-24-2004, 07:40 AM
That is too bad that you got messed around by the organisers. We know all about dogs sports in the rain here, it is awful. :(

Great photos. Happy realy should look where she is driving though. ;) Very cute.

05-24-2004, 08:20 AM
Cute pictures. Sorry the weather didn't cooperate.