View Full Version : Smelly Smelly Smelly...

05-23-2004, 07:48 PM
My baby has rolled in horse poo today. and i mean ROLLED AND PLAYED AND whatever else she can do in it and now she is smelly... ^.^
BUT she FLIPS when i bath her. i use warm water in a hose and stuff but she freaks. hyperventalates and cries and hides for days. is there anything else? will rain water wash it away or make it worse. she has NEVER done it this bad. :p it is so gross. i am thinking about leaving her out all night but not if the rain will make her worse.:confused:

05-23-2004, 08:16 PM
ewww that sounds kinda bad. Maybe you should really try coaxing her into taking a bath. The rain may make her worse but she'll also be cold! Wet dirt dog doesn't smell that good anyways.

Cinder & Smoke
05-24-2004, 11:21 AM
Horse Pooh!?? :eek: :(

Horse Pooh STINK does NOT disappear by itself very quickly!

An :eek: *bath* is certainly in order...
Be sure to use DOGGY Shampoo ~
(several soap - soak - rub - rinse cycles may be required! :p

She doesn't *like* baths? Imagine that! :p

Use the old Horse Trick - Cross Tie her to keep her
reasonably under controll for the bathing process.

Dog stands between Two Fixed Objects...
with a leash or rope tied to each Object (at or slightly HIGHER
than the Dog's standing height),
and Both leashes / ropes snapped onto Fido's Collar.
"Adjust" the tension of the tie ropes to keep her head at
"standing height" - she can still *sit* - but not much else!
Note: Her collar must be *tight* enough that she cannot
"slip out" backwards.

Use "comfortably" warm water - a gentle flow from a garden hose
usually works well. Start applying the water to her legs and
feet first, with LOTS of soothing words!
Work up to her shoulders and back slowly; and
leave her HEAD *dry* for a while... don't rush it!

The Cross-Ties will keep her HEAD in one place;
but you'll need a hand to keep the *rear-end* under control!
And... plan to get a bit *damp* yourself!
Amazing how well a dog can :eek: *SHAKE* without
being able to move its head!

*PRAISE* (and treat) for good behavior;
back off and *ignore* if she gets rowdy.

A good Tutorial for teaching a Horse to "TIE" is here >>>
"Teach your Horse to Tie" (http://www.saddleshop.com/sentinel/articles/ground_tie.htm)
Most of it also applies to Tying a Dog.

Be sure to *Rinse WELL* after the final Soaping!

/s/ Phred