View Full Version : Boomer found a new hiding place...

05-23-2004, 07:43 PM
and I have no clue where he is at... I checked in all of the likely places... and then I checked in all of the impossible places. The litttle stinker has me stumped this time, and all because the sweet little Japanese repair man wanted to pet the "utsukushii neko!" beautiful cat:) I keep hearing him moving around, but I'm stumped!!

05-23-2004, 07:47 PM
I'm beginning to worry that he has gotten himself trapped somewhere, or worse, got out when the repair guy opened the door... he's not wearing a collar:( which is a good thing if he's stuck somewhere, but a bad thing if he got out:(

Laura's Babies
05-23-2004, 07:48 PM
Wow! Where is he?? He couldn't have gotten outside, could he? Let us know... Check the closets...deep in the closets..

05-23-2004, 08:06 PM
Boomer... where are you? Please come out so meowmie can breathe again! Did the repairman open any cabinets that you haven't checked in? If he went under the sink, Boomer could have gotten into the crawl space under the cabinets. Can you lure him out with the sound of his favorite treats rattling in their package? This has helped me find Pouncer many many times. :)

05-23-2004, 08:08 PM
Boomer..... BOOMER...... BOOMER...... BOOMER......

Come out and quit worrying your mommy!

05-23-2004, 08:13 PM
Hmm how long has he been hiding for? I hope he didn't get out BUT if he did I know he'll come back soon. He probably is just hiding somewhere odd that cats tend to find and like. You should try luring him out with some treats or something..Let me know when he comes out and if you find out where he was hiding.

05-23-2004, 08:15 PM
Are you still hearing him move around? Hopefully if you are hearing things that means he didn't get out.

Boomer, let your meowmie know where you are right this minute!! You are making us all worry!

05-23-2004, 08:25 PM
I am on the phone with Missy about Boomer and she still can't find him. The apartment is only two rooms. Where in the world??

She has tried shaking treats - opening the balcony door - looked out in the hall....weird!

Dylan went missing once for an hour and we never KNEW where he was but this is pretty scary...

Porro Boomer!! poor Missy!!!:(

05-23-2004, 08:30 PM
He tripped a hole in a piece of furniture that we got from FMO, so it'll cost a fortune to fix, but i found him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-23-2004, 08:32 PM
Ok, I've been through this with Pouncer. The little bugger can hide in the darndest places. Do you have a pull-out sofa? They can squeeze up in the fold out mechanism. Someone I know had a cat squeeze into an impossibly small space INSIDE a desk drawer that was CLOSED... can you check there? Does daddy play golf? Could he have gotten into a golf bag? Gym bag? Oh, gosh I wish I could be there to help you look for him!

05-23-2004, 08:50 PM
Ok, we are off the phone and it is ok. Missy was so thankful for the PT replies!!!! She is so far away and had support over the puter!! Seems Boomer made a hole in a chair they had borrowed from the housing office and even gotten up past the springs and padding:eek: She had looked there and not seen him! Lil Stinker! I think she wants to choke and hug him at the same time. Whew! Boy did I feel helpless while I am here and she is in Japan! I think I am going grey! Thankful for L'Oreal!:p

05-23-2004, 08:53 PM
Ooops, my last post was posted after she said she found hm :o

I'm so glad you found him!