View Full Version : Looks like my pigeon problem is here to stay :( :)

05-23-2004, 07:04 PM
Well, some of you might remember the thread I started a while ago about my adventures in cleaning the pigeon droppings off of my back porch... I was all set this morning to start another post about what a health hazard my back porch has become. Seriously, you never know WHAT type of bacteria are growing in that pile of poop... anywho. I kept seeing this one pigeon sitting in the corner of my balcony by the drain pipe. I went out to scare it away today and when it flew off I saw this:
Looks like Momma bird decided that my balcony would be a good place to have her baby. I have very mixed feelings right now.. I'm excited about the prospect of a teeny tiny baby birdie on my balcony, but at the same time I'm annoyed because those pigeons cause so much mess and so many problems around my apartment. Anywho, just thought I'd share:) I'm trying to get a pictures of momma bird sitting on the egg, but I can't get a good one through the screen and she gets scared when I open the door.

Just in case anyone was wondering...: I am annoyed at the pigeon problem, but I wouldn't dream of getting rid of this nest or anything like that!

Laura's Babies
05-23-2004, 07:21 PM
Yea, but I would be so excited about watching this progress into babyhood, researching on the web about how long it'll take it to hatch and all I could learn... That is SO cool... Growing your own snack food for Boomer?

05-23-2004, 07:23 PM
Oh My! Looks like you are in for some new adventures! You and Boomer get to watch the progress of the new Pidgie:D We will expect pictures of course! The poop cleaning can wait awhile - I promise it will still be there later!!:rolleyes:

05-23-2004, 07:33 PM
Too bad the pigeon decided to lay it's egg there since they are nuisances.. but a litle baby bird is going to hatch now.. aww how cute. I hope the pigeons all flock somewhere else once that baby hatches. I hope I get to see some pics of it when it's born too.

05-23-2004, 09:16 PM
I figure since there is nothing I can do to get rid of the pigeons now I might as well enjoy them. Here are some pics of the new family on the block:rolleyes: :D I think that I should name them, what do you think?
One of the birds was carrying another twig for it's nest:)
I haven't a clue what this little one was doing... trying to scare me away perhaps?

05-23-2004, 10:00 PM
Awww... thats so neat! Name them! That way you'll feel a bit attached to them as you're scooping up their poop! They look like a nice young couple. Invite them over for cocktails tomorrow night ;)

05-23-2004, 10:11 PM
I have never seen a baby pigeon!! I'm excited!! I know they make a mess but now you get to watch a family wait for their new baby! How cool! You better keep us posted with pictures of your little egg/baby to be!! Boomer will have lots to watch through the glass now!!

05-23-2004, 10:13 PM
Wow, just when you thought your problems were over, BAM, little egg on a birdie nest. Does this mean you're going to become Grandbirdie:eek:

When the little one has left the nest you could try stringing up some aluminum pie plates around your balcony to keep them away. That's what our neighbours do here and it works.

05-23-2004, 10:14 PM
Awwww!!! How cute!

Well.... everything but the poop!!

Maybe you should try putting some kitty hair out there? I'm pretty sure they'd come pick it up and put it in their nest!

05-24-2004, 08:37 AM
How adorable...I too look forward to seeing pictures of the baby as it grows.

Now as for the poop problem here is my suggestion.

Recipe for Bird Poop

1 long handle brush or toilet brush

1 large bucket

bleach and water

Mix 1 cap full of bleach to 1 to 2 gallons of water and scrub your patio.

The bleach and water is diluted enough to kill the germs but not toxic enough to cause harm to the birds or Boomer.

05-24-2004, 10:59 AM
You will have to be careful ,that Boomer does not get attracted by the Pigeons m, and in Hunting them , fall off the Balcony! That almost happened to my Pouncer , twice , in fact!

05-24-2004, 03:50 PM
I checked in on Fred and Wilma (teehee) this morning and there are now TWO eggs in the nest. Hubby is not too happy about my taking an interest in these birdies, he'd rather me try to gently relocate the nest or something. But, I batted my eyes and quivered my bottom lip and guaranteed safe passage fr the birdies until A) they come to put up netting (fat chance) or B) the babies are old enough to fly away and DO fly away. Anyone know about how long that'd be? right now Momma bird is nice and quiet, but Daddy birds cooing could wake the dead!

05-24-2004, 03:54 PM
Fred and Wilma... how cute!!!:D So two eggs now? I guess they would be Pebbles and Bam Bam???:)

05-24-2004, 04:34 PM
They may be cute now, but once they nest, they will claim that balcony as their home and continue to nest and proliferate. We ended up glassing in the airways in my apartment building because of the pigeon problem. At first it's cute and then it's poop and then it's a pain, although you will get a lot of acking out of your kitties and probably some pretty darned cute videos and pics. It's a mixed blessing.

05-24-2004, 05:43 PM
Awwww!!! How CUTE!!! I just love pigeons. We have pigeons on our roof too..........pigeons, AND doves, and both couples have nests on opposite ends of the house. I can hear little babies cheaping up there too, so I believe they have babies right now. The doves have been living on our roof for as long as we've been living under it. The pigeons moved in this year.

Because they've built their nests on top of the roof, we never have to deal with any mess. I believe their poop must be way up there, but we have never seen any. I can imagine it must be a pain to have them pooping in the balcony, but I can assure you one thing. Now that they have claimed your balcony as *home*, I'm certain they have no plans on leaving. These birds stick to their homes, for years. They won't leave, so you might as well get attached to them. ;) Pigeons can become VERY friendly and loving if they get used to you. They are messy, but sweet at the same time. I do feel your pain though. You didn't invite them there. They just *came*. He he he. But I guess animals have a right in this world too, and they build their homes wherever they wish too. I wouldn't have the heart to make them move once they've laid an egg.

Consider Fred and Wilma your new pets. ;) That way cleaning up after them won't be as annoying as it is when you feel you have nothing to do with them. :o:o

05-24-2004, 06:18 PM
thanks for all of the well wishes:) I do plan on just getting used to them, but I won't mention to my hubby that they are probably here to stay:D :D :rolleyes: Momma bird really is quite cute sitting there keeping her eggs warm. I'm trying to get a picture of her in the nest, but I scare her away when I try.

by the way.. I'm just ASSUMING that it is the female pigeon that stays home and tends to the eggs while the male pigeon is out gathering stuff for the nest, anyone know if that is accurate for pigeons? I know in some species it is the male that tends to the babies. Just curious which one is Fred and which one is Wilma.

05-24-2004, 07:18 PM
You got me curious too, so I went looking it up. Pigeons take turns sitting on the nest. Looks like the pigeon on the nest during the day is Fred and the one on the nest in the evening is Wilma. ^.^

05-24-2004, 08:00 PM
Hey Lacey! That's good research! Did it also saw when we can expect Pebbles and Bam-Bam to hatch?:D
Hope they don't invite Barney and Betty to move on the other side of the balcony though!!:eek:

05-24-2004, 08:38 PM
*zooms back to see* Now, where was that? Ah, here we go!

Looks like it takes about 18 days for the eggies to hatch.

Pigeon facts! (http://birds.cornell.edu/ppw/coolfacts.htm)

05-24-2004, 09:42 PM
Cooool thanks so much Lacey:) It's 11:45 am right now, so I guess that Fred is on the nest right now:)
and just 18 days! Holy cow! we're going to have hatchlings in no time.:D :eek:

05-24-2004, 10:41 PM
Aww, how cute! I love their names.

Sorry they are so messy but this will be fun to watch over the next month or two.