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05-23-2004, 02:25 PM
I thought it may be nice to hear about everyone's family. Parents and siblings.
Whether they are deseased or alive.... tell us about them. Only if you wish to, though. :)
You can add pictures if you'd like.

05-23-2004, 02:29 PM
I just had a long, long entry written out about my family but PT came up with some sort of error and it's all erased now. :mad: :mad:

I'll do it later.:(

05-23-2004, 02:52 PM
Here's my oldest sister (and only sister :rolleyes:) Jenny feeding Gavin when he was born:
She's the coolest, she does everything with me, we shop, we go to movies, we go out to eat, and we can talk about anything. My life would definately not be the same without her to talk to. She has helped me through my parents split, and she has felt everything I have felt. I love her to death. She's 23 going on 10. :)

This is my mom:
Judy, a great mom... a little on the wacko side sometimes... lol... she's convinced Charlie's her little baby... She babies poor Charlie to death... She's 41 going on 20. Can't help but laugh when you're around her. We've had some hard times, but we're good.

My little brother the troublemaker:
This is Jake, he is 9 going on 3, and loves to annoy me to death. He bothers the CRAP outta me, but brothers usually do.

My daddio...
By far the weirdest person I know. He never smiles in pictures, but is constantly laughing and cracking jokes and picking on me. He is 39 going on 8... lmao, seriously. I can't imagine life without him either.

More in the next post so I don't lose anything if my computer freezes.

05-23-2004, 02:59 PM
Hmm. I don't really know what to say about em lol but I'll try.

grandparents: To be honest, I really only knew one of them really well, and she was really sick for most of what I can remember :( She was the nicest lady ever though. We use to go visit her all the time and play cards, and when I was little, she would tell me the same story cause I loved it haha. (she knew it by memory. It was a Winnie the Pooh story about a brownie monster or something..don't remember haha. She died a few years ago. She was the first family member that I was close to that died, so it was hard for me, and I miss her a lot :(

I met my grandfather on my moms side maybe 5 years ago or so? I've only seen him like 6 times at the most, so I don't know him well. He's really nice though.

Both my grandmother (mom side) and grandfather (dads side) died before I was born :( My mom's mother died when she was 7 or so, so I don't know anything about her other then I was named after her :)
I would have loved to meet my dad's father. He died when my dad was 20ish. He tells me a lot about him, and he sounds soo nice and fun! He was the premier of PEI, where I live.I think that is so neat. My mom told me that he wed her and my sisters father before she even met my dad..isn't that weird?! I've even heard people talk about him, and he helped a lot of people, like homeless, or people in trouble for some reason. He seemed like a really great person. I'm so sad I never met him :(

Parents: My dad is definitly the smartest person I know. I like to think he is the smartest person alive, but, I'll wait for it to be proven;) lol jk. He's a really great person, I definitly couldn't have made it through my life without him. I think I'm even a lttle too dependant on him, but anyway. I don't really know what to put about him..but, I know that since I was a kid, I had ALWAYS wanted to go to disney world. My dad hates to travel, so it was always a no go. For my birthday one year, he paid for my MOM to go with me to florida. They split up when I was a kid. Maybe that doesn't sound like much, but to me it really was the best ever. He knew he wouldn't go, so he paid for my mom to go. He just said my moms way would be a gift from my brother hehe. He's awesome :D

My mom is great too. I always lived with my dad though, I'd just visit on weekends. My mom is like my best friend. I have more fun out with her and her friends, then I do with my own. We always laugh and carry on and have a blast. To give you an idea of my moms crazyness:
Her and my aunt were talking about this orange spray they bought. (they were talking to my aunts son, wife, and his wifes mother) They began to talk about how they're going into this business selling the stuff cause it's really good. They went on, saying that they dress up like chickens and go around door to door selling it and yada yada. By the end of it, the mother (although looking at them like they were crazy - the chicken part) asked how much the spray was, and that she wanted 3 bottles. I guess it's one of those 'you had to be there' but my mom and aunt are literally crazy. The mother ACTUALLY believe the story, thats how convincing they are lol...if you don't know them well. haha

Siblings: I have an older brother (23), and an older sister. (29) My brother is great. Although I'd never tell him that :rolleyes: When we were younger,we fought ALL THE TIME. We get along good now though, and even have some of the same interests O_O Besides, without him, who would fix my computer or electronics if they broke? lol XD

My sister was a lot different when she was younger. She was mean..or osmething lol. I won't get into the reasons though. I don't see her a WHOLE lot now, but we have fun when we do. She has 3 kids, 2 girls Emily (10) and Alyssa (6) and 1 boy, Eric (2). I'll post pics of them later when I'm home to scan them :D

Ok, I guess this is getting really long and I doubt anyone will look at it anyway lol XD

05-23-2004, 03:05 PM
Alright--- A few cousins and stuff.

This is Ava and Ethan, my cousins. Ethan is 3, Ava is a month older than Gavin, so she is turning one pretty soon.
Love em both to death!

And... can't forget... this is THEIR newest addition... Sophie!
I get to met her next weekend... I'm so excited!!!! :D

Here's beautiful Ava again... sorry, need to tilt!

Annddd... my one and only Maestro himself... singing a LOVELY tune...


05-23-2004, 03:06 PM
Oh, I have a couple pics for now..but they'reolder

My mom's side of the family. Back row is my cousin (I can't help but think he looks like Sean William Scott..the actor), his wife, other cousin, his wife, my sister and baby eric (so I guess this was 2 yrs ago haha) and her bf. Front row, my aunt and Alyssa and my mom.
Alyssa (a while ago though)
Emily and my sister...again, older lol.

05-23-2004, 06:47 PM
this is a fun thread! i have a lot i want to write , but i might have to do it in two posts because i'm supposed to be doign my research paper now :rolleyes:
Grama Mary: She's my mom's mom and she's pretty cool. she has two siamese cats (walter and louise) and a yorkie (Norton). i haven't seen her in about 3 years, but i';m trying to convince my dad to send me over to visit her this summer. she lives in ohio in a really nice house.
Grama mike (poopah): i don't know why he's called Poopah, my sister started calling him that when she was really little and i guess it just stuck. he works at Toys R Us (which my brother thinks is so cool!) he acts like he doesn't really like pets, but walter eill only sit on his lap. and he's really scared of everyone else. he tolerates my grandma, but he really likes my grampa. he has a really dry sense of humor and he loves puns (so do i!). he also likes jokes about bodily functions.

mom: my mom's pretty cool. i live with her since my parents got divorced, she's sacrificed so much for me and my brother and sister to make sure we get a good education.she just got a promotion at her job at a comminity college near here. i don't think she would really appreciate me posting pictures of her, even though she's really pretty.

more later, she's coming and she's going to yell at me if i'm not doing my paper ;)

05-23-2004, 07:47 PM
First my Mother, she passed away the summer after my freshman year of collage. She was my best friend and a amazing woman. She was a gof pro, for many years and slowly gave it up as us kids grew. I have no pictures of her as digital was not out then. :( She was a very pretty woman, a model when she was in collage.

Then there is my Father, a old army man for years and then owned his own company till he retired and move down here. I love him to death and if every man could be like him, this would be a great world.
Here's a picture of him and his high school sweet heart, who he just reconnected with a few years ago, Mary. They are such a cute couple.

My Brothers:
Barry: The middle child, as I'm the oldest. :( Barry and I have not gotton along over the last 20 years of so, till just this year. But even with that, I have always loved him. He's V.P. of a major company and can be a little cold, but when it comes to his kids, he's a marmallow. :D
A Picture of Bear with his youngest, Mary. It's was her 1st b-day in this picture.

Mike, the baby of the family. Mike was only 5 when our mother passed, so he's more like a brother/son to me, as I raised him after her passing. Mike is the youngest V.P. of one of the largerst Ad. companys in the world. So I didn't do to bad of a job raising him. :D I still can't belive he made it that far in life, he's a nut. I'd give my life for him though. I just wish he get married soon and move out of the city. ;)
This is him with Barry's other two kids Alex and JC.

Next post.

05-23-2004, 07:48 PM
Now my better half or worse half, depending on how you look at it. ;) Several years younger then me, but sometimes he seem a lot older then even me. I love him, what more needs to be said. ;)
His life is me, cars, bikes and me again. He well know around here for his work on RX-7's, so I've been forsed into the world of cars. :rolleyes:
He didn't want his face on here, he funny about those kind of things on the net. So I picked this picture of him after one of his races, helmet head. ;)

There is more family of course, but this seem like a good time to stop. I have to cook dinner. LOL

05-23-2004, 08:54 PM
This thread is a great idea, Kay. I will try to come back and post something later.


05-23-2004, 09:18 PM
Sorry don't have any pics, I have an older sister Margaret, who lives in the big smoke Auckland City about 2 hrs away from me, she has been married for over 30 years and has two Children a girl turning 21 and a son turning 25, she has worked as a bank officer most of her life, starting there at only 16, met her future hubby on our farm at about 14, then met up later, and married young, travelled the world , got a house before having their family, hubby is also in the bank and worked his way up to Bank Manager.

My parents are Ina and Charlie, they live about 10 mins away from me,, and that is all my family here in NZ, apart from my husband steve and two children Scott and Melissa, who you have all heard about, they are 11 and 22., and scott is in England playing cricket and doing his big OE right now.

All my other relatives are in Scotland, most in Aberdeenshire, I have lots of cousins, aunts, uncles, 2nd cousins etc, my mother came from a large family, and is one of two still living today, so that is most of the clan. cheers.

Rio and Me
05-25-2004, 03:16 AM
Oh boy family You cant live with em you cant live without em!!
No pics though.
The best mum in the world, is all i need to say
Dad well what ever (new wife/family)
well he's a tipicall older bro, protective, kind odd, Car doctor,lol (cant spell that other word) so my car os safe.
christian, kind animal lover, farmers wife, great cook etc.
Grandad (deceased) well he was mean grumpy old man and i never cared for him at all (i just hope he is kinder were ever he is now)
Uncles/ants to many to name, all nice animal lovers country dwellers (my kind of family when there not interfearing).

05-25-2004, 12:39 PM
Oh heck where do I friggen start?!

My grandparents (dads side): Grandma, while rather much nice to me and my brothers kind of ticks my dad off. The family has deemed her the nutcase, especially since my grandfather passed on two years ago. I don't have a lot of interaction with my grandmother now. She used to babysit me when I was younger and I'd always get into trouble for climbing her willow trees :D. She likes to talk and talk and talk and well you get the idea. The family agrees that she will never die because she has survived several heart attacks, strokes, acciedents etc. She is never shy about telling you how all this happened either. Her stories about her life in Minisota (where she grew up) are interesting I will admit as well as her stories of Valejo, California (where they ended up moving when my dad was 12) and Nevada, where she somehow ended up after Dad moved here in the 70's.

(moms side): I don't know my natural grandfather. Supposedly grandma met him in the Navy but he left her for a man and moved to SanFransisco (YES this is true!) My grandmother remaried several times and booted mom out on her ear at a very young age. I think mom moved to Reno at 16 or 17 and stopped talking to grandma for a long long long time. Just reciently my mom and her, and her stepdad finally chatted and reconciled. Im glad because I really don't know much about them and I'd like to get to know them better.

Mom: My mom is a caring and wonderful lady. She gets upset at me sometimes but always forgives and is ready to give me helpful advice when I need it (even if I dont think I do lol)

Dad: I'd be here all day If I said everything. I have a wierd relationship with my dad *I happen to work at the same place* He hates my husbands guts which really makes me angry but at the same time I can't just not love him, you know? I feel like Im always being forced to choose but I never stoop to that level, or at least I try not to. Somehow I always feel like Im not good enough, but lately Ive been ignoring it especially since Ive moved out. Ugh...one of these days I'll work things out but for now he is daddy and I gotta love him ;)

Brothers: I have two older half brothers, Steve and Jeremy. Steve lives in town and is always bugging me but we have a lot of fun. He just had a kid so he has mellowed a lot. He was always the troublemaker in school. Jeremy I dont know too well because he lived with his dad for a long time (mom devorced him and then he moved to CA with Jeremy). He joined the army and disapeared for 8 years and suddenly turned up again, an Army Ranger! He just graduated Green Baret school and is overseas *again*. He has already been wounded once, so Im worried about him. He has a little girl, who is just turning 3 or 4.

Hubby: Sigh, what do I say about him. The guy is the most sensitive and caring man Ive ever met and dispite the fact that his mom hated me at first, he stuck by me. His mom has since accepted me :). He has helped me work through a lot of my issues and honestly has put up with more than I thought he should have ;).

Thats pretty much all...

My family is odd...

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-25-2004, 12:51 PM

This was at our Vacation House is South Africa on Christmas Eve)
Left to right:
Hubby (Warren); MY Dad; BIL (Darren); SIL (Donna); ME!!; MY Mom; DIL; MIL;

These are my gorgeous kids:
Shane (My son's best friend and my Best Friends Son - sheesh - confusing!!); Amy (my youngest); Amber (Middle Child); Cameron (Oldest)

05-25-2004, 01:45 PM
At the age of 55, I'm the youngest kid in my family! I have one older sister and two older brothers. My oldest brother is 62, next oldest brother is 59, and my sister is 57. My parents are deceased, Mom (Helen) passed away in 1997 age 86, and my dad (Daniel) passed away in 2000, at the age 96! I have a bunch of nieces & nephews too many to mention here. So that's my family!

guster girl
05-25-2004, 09:59 PM
Well, let's see....I have two older brothers, John William and James Kirkland, and, two step brothers, Rob and Allen. My parents, William Kirkland, and Elizabeth Marie, divorced when I was about five and my mother remarried about a year and a half later, to my step dad, Kenneth Ronald. I lived with my mom and step dad and my brothers stayed with my dad. My dad died in a car accident when I was 9, and, my brothers had to move in with us. My step brothers are each married, Rob to Marge and Allen to Sarah. Robyn is my oldest niece and will be 21 this year. She's Rob's daughter. Gaby is Allen's, and, she is young, I think four. Can't remember for sure! I've only met her once. My brother James can't have children because he was sick with leukemia for five years of his life (diagnosed at five), but, is with a girl that he's been with for about four years now. John makes up for both James and me. :) He's never been married, and, has three children, Amber and Andrew are incredible and I see them when I get to go to South Carolina. Austin is their half brother and I've never actually met him. He's beautiful, though. Everyone mentioned in this post, except for my brothers and Austin, live in South Carolina. My brothers and I live in Texas, and, Austin is in Minnesota. And, I have one grandparent left, and, it's my mother's father. He lives in Alabama and his name is Buddy. :) I'm still also pretty close to my ex husband's family. His parents are Don and Dorothy. And, their children, from oldest to youngest are....Donella (who died in the summer of 2001), Darla and Dana (my ex). Yes, they're all "d"s! Donella had two sons, Derek and Daniel. And, Darla had Danielle, Brandy, and, Lucas. And, her husband has a daughter named Alaina. I see them all a few times a month. But, Danielle is my best friend. She's just turned 19, but, she's the shiznit. :) Anyway, I don't have that many pictures online, but, I'd like to add pictures of my family to this or another thread at some point. I think this thread is a good idea. Although, I doubt anyone will read my post! It's too long! :)