View Full Version : my two caught in the act of...playing..

05-22-2004, 10:01 PM
I could not believe my eyes today, Ash and Lexie were playing together outside, now Ash is the dominant cat here and normally tolerates Lexie, but will swipe her when and if he feels like it, she backs down and just leaves him alone.

At first I thought he was fighting with her, and I growled at him, but then I noticed a very fiesty Lexie stalking ash and pouncing , they never clawed each other, or jumped on each other, then I noticed Ash doing the same, his bottom wriggling, running towards her and backing off, it was the cutiest thing I have ever seen, and not something I ever imagined I would see.

Just had to share this with you all, as I am truely amazed at my discovery, wonders never cease, My old cat Ash has also become a lap cat after five years, he jumps up every night and sits between hubby and I.:)

05-22-2004, 10:14 PM
Kitties always continue to keep us guessing and amazed!!!

05-22-2004, 10:28 PM
I just LOVE those butt wiggles when they go in for the attack.
My Katie is like Ash, the dominate one of the guys. They just have to come near her and she is growling her head off and then next thing I know she is running and playing with one of them. Go fugure eh!
Like Kim said, they always keep us guessing.

I hope Ash continues to play more with Lexie rather than do the swipe thing.

05-23-2004, 12:35 AM
How cute that they were playing together, it must've been such a nice thing to see. They are both gorgeous kitties.

05-23-2004, 11:35 AM
That is great that they were playing together.

Makes me hold out hope for Ripley and Scout.

05-23-2004, 11:40 AM
Awww... amazing things have been happening around here lately! Old cats are becoming friends! Thats so exciting to hear that... wish I could have seen those butt wiggles though. :)

05-23-2004, 02:32 PM
How FUN! Don't you love it when things start to come together!
I hope they keep on playing!!

05-23-2004, 02:47 PM
Where are the pictures :D :D !!!!

05-23-2004, 03:26 PM
sorry folks I don't have a camera, I sure hope to get one this year, then you will be crying STOP the pics, there will be so many, yes I wish I could have got pics, it would have really been worth it, we went to video it, but the battery was flat, DUH, next time, and I hope their is a next time, maybe I will have that camera and get pics.

Yes never give up on your kitties being friends, i would say they have a love/hate relationship, lexie would befriend the old guy in a minute, but he is not having that, he likes to keep her in line, but he at least is not mean to her or bothered by her, so he shows a good tolerance, so its not bad at all.

Ash is a little on the tubby side and not so agile these days, but man you should have seen him climb that tree, he was as fast as Lexie anyday. just goes to show.,:) ;)