View Full Version : Dog Training Treats

05-22-2004, 03:18 PM
Ok there are two types of "treats" I would like to ask you about.

First of all, we all know biscuits and some of the other dog treats(Beggin Strips, Snausages, Puperoni) have more fat than dog food. So here is my idea: Buy a SMALL bag of different dog food. Benefits? Healthier, Already in small pieces.

Do you think its a good idea? Cause when training, you have to give lots of treats you know? And even if they are cut up really small, I still think dog food might be healthier. And as far as taste wise, Major eats anything and everything so I really don't think that would matter that much to him!

Also, what do you think about using cat treats? I don't really think so but...just wanted to hear your opinions, they might change mine!

05-22-2004, 03:24 PM
Well if he eats anything.. then a different dog food would be good since the dogs treats do have more fat. Maybe you could see if he likes other healthier things like carrots?.. or something else. Cat treas? If he likes them then ok.. don't they have as much fat though?

05-22-2004, 03:27 PM
I'll see with the carrots. Any other good healthy human foods that dogs like? I've heard cheese but I'm not sure if its healthy or not. Same with hot dog.

Well the vet gave us some cat treats (since they were small) and I know they are alot healthier there, thats just where I got the idea from.

05-22-2004, 03:40 PM
It depends on what dog food you would give him when training. In some cases, the treats would be more healthier for the dog (but that would only happen if the dog food was a really low end type of food). Some people set aside 1/4 of the dog's regular food to use as a training treat.

You can always buy low fat treats or use carrots (as suggested). Cheese is okay but there's fat in there. You can also make your own low calorie treats and cut them up into very very small pieces. When I use treats, I cut them up into very tiny pieces. Probably the size of half of my pinky nail.

I'm not sure about the cat treats though..

05-22-2004, 04:49 PM
I buy the Pup-Peroni training treats which are already a small size since they're training treats, but I break them up into even smaller sizes (I usually break one treat into about 5+ smaller treats). That way I can train with Ruby longer since I'll have more amounts of treats. I don't like her to have more than a few treats so it works out nicely. Especially since she isn't as attentive working for plain dog food as she will for her treats.

I'm sure whatever you choose as long as you just limit the amount you give your dog it'll be fine. Keep the quantity small and they won't have a huge fat intake. I use dog treats because that's what gets Ruby's attention and keeps her focused more than anything. Good luck :)

05-22-2004, 05:21 PM
Thanks for the replies. I also have some Pup-peroni. Its good I agree, though I breakt it up REALLY small. I was just looking for alternatives for him.:)

Edit: I never meant *I* think its good lol I haven't tried it!

05-22-2004, 05:29 PM
Sometimes I use TINY pieces of beggin strips, carrots, milk bones, dog kibble, or any other type of treat we have. Always in TINY pieces though. I use maybe 1-2 in each training "session". I also switch it around alot, just so they don't get bored of plain ole milkbones.