View Full Version : Major, what a day you had!

05-22-2004, 11:50 AM
Major and I sure had an eventful day yesterday! First, I wake up and its raining:( :mad: So....Major gets REALLY muddy. My dad and I wash him (second time so far, he did alot better this time!) Then I have to run into the house and get changed while dad makes sure Major doesn't get dirty again.

Then my mom and I take Major in the truck to Yorkton (30 minutes away) to the vets!

First he gets weighed, 22.4 pounds now! On April 12th he weighed 15 pounds. Then Major gets examined and gets his nails clipped. One was cut too short and started to bleed. He got his second shots. He squirmed throughout the whole (Edit)examintaion and barked a bit. :( I felt bad about his nail.

Then he goes and stays at the vets for a couple hours while we go get our truck worked on. Then we come and pick him up, and what does he do? Pees in the vets office. lol.

Then we go home. It's still raining. Then Major has dirahea :( It was because he wasn't used to the food the vet had given him, my fault. I had his food in the truck but I forgot to give it to them. I felt really bad:(

But today he is one happy little puppy! He had alot of energy this morning, and we played fetch for a few minutes! (he got bored) He really likes this ring rawhide thing the vet gave him. (he didn't touch it while he was there) So Major had a bad day yesterday, but today is a lot better!

05-22-2004, 11:57 AM
Wow, Major is getting so big! Sounds like poor Major did have a rough day yesterday. Glad his day is better today.


05-22-2004, 01:00 PM

05-22-2004, 02:02 PM
Aww sorry Major had a bad day.. I'm glad he forgot about it later and wanted to play. :)

(Psst... we need more pictures of your cute pup!:D :p )

05-22-2004, 02:27 PM
Well here are 3 pictures. They aren't very good because it was through the window. It was before he had his bath. (as you will soon see he is quite muddy, and we couldn't have him like that for the vet!)I can post a few more in a few days, once my brother comes back and hooks our internet up again on the right computer. Also, I'm...supposed to be sorting potatoes right now...just came in to the board lol. Here are the three bad quality ones, but I guess and hope its better than nothing. There will be more to come...soon.

Edit: I was putting them on this computer that I'm not familiar with and they are alot better than I expected them to be! I guess this computer has a really cool photo software the other one doesn't...The pictures were all blurry because of the window and now they're great! (well...better than before lol)
I spose y'all will want to be seeing them sometimes soon lol...

And yes, I'm sure he is part YELLOW lab!;) :p

05-22-2004, 05:41 PM
Aw. Those pictures made me all depressed. He looks sad. =\

05-22-2004, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Aw. Those pictures made me all depressed. He looks sad. =\

He does look sad.... and cold... :( Poor boy.

05-22-2004, 06:48 PM
Sorry that Major had a rough day. Glad he is feeling better now.

He does look sad in those pictures. Looks like he wants to come in. :)

05-22-2004, 08:04 PM
Oh Poor Major!!!
I am sorry he had such a tough day!!!
Glad hes' feeling better...
He Looks so Cold,Wet & Sad in those pics...Doesn't he have a Dog House with a Nice Off the Ground Floor???Maybe with a blanket???
He looks like he needs one....It gets so cold where you live....
Hope he is having a much better day today!!!
Hugs and Treats for Little Major!!!

05-22-2004, 08:06 PM
MariaM Major is really cute, I still wish you could keep him in the house.:( What would it take for your folks to reconsider? Have you showed them some of the happy dogs(and owners) on here?

05-22-2004, 08:36 PM
He's such a cutie!

It's ironic that the first (and only) time I took Kai to a groomers to get his nail cut, they cut the quick. I've never cut the quick..it's funny how that works. Anyways, sounds like he's growing fast! They just grow up too fast.. :(

05-22-2004, 08:59 PM
Everyone who said he looks sad - I know he looks sad:( I'm sure he wants to come in. But that's why I came out!

Don't worry - he does have a nice off the ground floor dog house! I can take a picture of it later. We have a rug and two quilts in it though sometimes (ok, everyday) he drags them out. I think he actually likes the rain because he doesn't go in his house (which I would prefer since it would keep him dry) and sometimes he'll start running around or playing with one of his toys. Then I'll come out and he'll guard his toy;)
How many of Kai's quicks were cut?

05-22-2004, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by MariaM
How many of Kai's quicks were cut?

Just one but it was enough to scar him for life. He's still really iffy about nail cutting because of that one incident. They weren't very nice to him either...they were rather rough.

05-22-2004, 09:37 PM
Oh thats no good. Have any tips for keeping Major still and ok when the time comes? (this goes for nail clipping as well as brushing his teeth which I have tried but wasn't very succesful)

05-22-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by MariaM
Oh thats no good. Have any tips for keeping Major still and ok when the time comes? (this goes for nail clipping as well as brushing his teeth which I have tried but wasn't very succesful)

Hmm..well, Kai still isn't perfect when it comes to nail clipping but I guess you just need to remain as positive as you can. Kai gets a yummy treat when I clip his nails. Sometimes, I use a Kong filled with cream cheese (since it's his favorite) when I clip him. He stays nice and still for me and it's rewarding him for staying still and keeping nail trimming positive.

But for brushing his teeth, I'd try just rubbing your finger along his teeth for a bit until he gets used to it then switch to a cloth, then a finger brush and eventually a toothbrush. When Kai was a pup, I'd keep it positive by giving him yummy chicken flavored toothpaste.

05-24-2004, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by MariaM
Oh thats no good. Have any tips for keeping Major still and ok when the time comes? (this goes for nail clipping as well as brushing his teeth which I have tried but wasn't very succesful)

My advice would be to handle his feet and mouth every day, so that it becomes something really normal for him. When he's good and doesn't struggle/pull away, give him a treat. You can handle his paws, i.e. lifting each one up, holding it and sort of going through the motions of nail clipping without actually clipping it. Now is the very best time to work on these things because puppies are so adaptable at his age.

Tasha I got as a baby and have no problem working with her feet, she even gives me each foot (front feet) as I work on them. But Tommy I got at 6 months and I don't think he had ever been groomed, it took two people to groom/clip his nails because he bucked around when people tried to mess with his feet. He's getting better now, but it would have been a LOT easier if we could have started when he was younger.

Good luck.

05-24-2004, 10:45 AM
Somehow I'd missed that you'd gotten a dog. He is so cute! I do hope your parents will reconsider letting him inside sometime soon. Dogs get lonely when they're by themselves. Also, it would be good for him socializing. Thanks for sharing the pics. Very cute pup.

Desert Arabian
05-24-2004, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by MariaM


Those pictures make me want to cry. Stay warm beautiful labbie!

Good luck with Major.

05-24-2004, 06:42 PM

I mean no disrespect but, I have to say these pictures
make me so sad.:( He's such a cute little dude.:) I do hope
you get to house train him soon.:)