View Full Version : Cat Mall INVASION!!!

05-22-2004, 09:03 AM
The Planes will be Coming , for all cat friends ,, who want to invade a Human Mall , sleep in the Bedding shops , raid the Pet Food Store for Cat Nip Toys , and best of all , Raid the Food Court , and the Ready to Eat Part , of the Super Market!Come On CATS , LETS GO!!!!!

Killearn Kitties
05-22-2004, 09:33 AM
The girls are all in the garden waiting for their plane as we speak! They are very excited.
Jessica is hoping that the mall has a shop which cooks chicken on a spit, as that is her favourite thing in the whole world!!:D

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-22-2004, 09:37 AM
I just checked the kitchen, and Ally and Connor are both missing! Connor has taken his favourite blankie, and Ally has taken a supply of Ham to last the flight!

They were is such a hurry they left without even saying goodbye (although they DID manage to find my handbag and take my AMEX card:eek: ).

Gary, please let me know when they arrive,and tell them to be good kitties!

05-22-2004, 11:56 AM
Filou and Tigris are gone too. I am afraid they took some fish from the deep freezer that will be thawed when they arrive:eek:

05-22-2004, 12:10 PM
Grover and Stubby are gone too! They must have left this morning while I was sleeping! I came in and the computer was on, and I guess they must have read this and decided to go on! They took their little blanky with them. They are really looking forward to this invasion adventure!!

Let me know when they arrive, so I will know they didn't get on the wrong plane! Grover gets a little ditsy sometimes, when she gets excited.


05-22-2004, 01:13 PM
Uh oh! Mitzi and Mishi are gone too. It looks like they took a couple of catnip mice with them also. Have fun kids! Meowmie's going to some partees to this weekend.

05-22-2004, 01:58 PM
My gang were SUPER loving last night (and I thought it was because I was gone for a few days). Then I wake up this morning and not a kitty to be found anywhere in the house. They must have taken off during the night. I know they will have a great time but I just hope they can cross customs (I don't know if they took their passports...)

05-22-2004, 02:06 PM
OMEGOSH! I thought it was awfully quiet this morning! No kitties anywhere!! That mall must be SWARMING with kitties by now - must of them on a catnip buzz, no doubt:eek: Bet Dylan is flirting and Emily is sitting around looking pretty:rolleyes: No telling about Eliot - ne never holds still but I am sure he has found the Salmon Temptations by now. Thanks for hosting the event Gary!!!

05-22-2004, 05:39 PM
GONE! Everyone is GONE, except Tex..who says he wants it just to be me and him again. Have fun tuxies and Monte! Please behave for Gary. PLEASE!

05-23-2004, 06:29 AM
Since Fister didn't come up in bed to say goodmorning, I looked under the cupboard where he sometimes sleep, but no Fister there! :eek. I thought he'd had enough partying the last few days, but he obviously wants more. I found a booking for a flight to Canada and he's also taken some packets of shrimps from the freezer.

Oh, he forgot his brush - I do hope he can get a good one over there!! :)

Gary, let me know if he doesn't behave himself once he arrives! ;) He may go completely bonkers when he sees that mall. :D

05-23-2004, 06:32 AM
I suppose Gary has so much to do attending all these kitties that we can't expect him to give us any info about how the party is going:)

I really hope they help with the dishes etc. afterwards!

05-23-2004, 09:16 AM
WOW, is it quiet around here too .... seems all of mine are gone as well. Of course there is the squealing of the remaining kitten! Unfortunately the 3rd passed away at 4:22 a.m. this morning! It's just as well my kitties are being entertained by you today, Gary ... as I am pretty down in the dumps! :(