View Full Version : Giz's new adventure

Laura's Babies
05-22-2004, 08:43 AM
Yesterday, my DIL called from Virginia and that is always a 2 hour conversation. I was deep in the conversation and I kept hearing my neighbors cat at my door crying... Nothing new, she is there all day, every day, crying to come in. This is the cat who had the kittens I posted pictures of. I commented to my DIL that the poor cat was STILL crying several times and then I noticed the cry had a kitten sound to it and I told her "Oh my God! I HOPE she hasn't thrown the kittens out of her house TOO!" and I went to the door and opened it. There was Giz, OUTSIDE at the door, crying her heart out!! I was in panic! How did she get out and WHERE was Amy???? I got Giz in much to her relief and looked around inside for Amy and she was curled up sleeping. I investigated and Giz had somehow, pushed out the kitchen window screen and gotten out... She had been at the window perch I made them and something must have got her attention and got her to excited so she must have jumped and the screen went out.. OH MAN! I like to have had a heart attack.. Lesson learned.. NO MORE opened windows!! I don't think she is interested in the outside world anymore either!

But, she was ready to play later.. Look at this!! Anothe action shot... To good not to post!


Laura's Babies
05-22-2004, 09:07 AM
Amy is on her last days of antibotics. I always pass treats out after she has her dose to everybody and Chester really does not care for treats...Amy has discovered that too, so she gobbles hers, then runs to Chester for his...

First picture.. Notice he has 2 and he isn't that interested.. But Amy is there checking them out. (I can hear her asking "Can I have it? Can I have it?")

So, she works her way around and grabs one.. Look at that look on his face!

So, she goes back for the last one and he watches her take it and gobble it up, being the geltleman he is, he lets her have it.

He is always so sweet to her....

05-22-2004, 09:53 AM
OMG! Laura when you found Giz out there it must have scared you to death! I'm so glad she wanted back in instead of taking off and venturing. No telling how long it would have taken you to have noticed her missing. I always think they are off somewhere sleeping. I'm so glad that it turned out ok!
Those pictures of Amy and Chester ADORABLE!! Amy is so polite and gentle while stealing Chesters treats and Chester is so kind about the whole thing! How cute!! Those were some GREAT pictures!
The action shot of Giz is hilarious! She is quit the little adorable character isn't she?! I just love her! Oh, who am I kidding! I love them all!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

05-22-2004, 09:56 AM
What an adventure. I know the heartpounding moments when yopu realize they've gotten out! Allen is great and never strays from the back stoops, but Pouncer wants to EXPLORE.

Nice treat sharing on Chester's part. Amy is so sweet to ask first, though! :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-22-2004, 10:50 AM
Giz is a NAWTEE cat!!! Glad you found her safe and sound!

And I love the story of your little gentleman Chester sharing his treats with Amy. (Hope she is all better nor her meds are finished)

05-22-2004, 11:52 AM
Oh wow, I think everyone here can feel the shock when Giz was gone.

I am happy he wanted in again. He could have been shocked or would hide!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-22-2004, 07:26 PM
Oh my! I'm sure glad Giz was smart enough to find the door and stay there and meow until she got your attention - how scarey! You should talk to Richard. He had to secure his screens somehow because Eddie kept getting out too. It would be too bad if the kitties couldn't enjoy the fresh breezes and all those tantalizing smells from outside, but I agree with you, much better to be safe than sorry! :)

Laura's Babies
05-23-2004, 09:03 AM
My son in law came yesterday and I told him about Giz's adventure and he checked the screen for me, he said it may not have been in there securley and he made sure it was and tried as we might, it wouldn't come out but he said he would come back and fix it where it would NOT come out again! They so enjoy sitting there and "sniffing" the outside air and listening to the birds. The neighborhood kids even come up and pet then through the screen from time to time and they eat that up!

05-23-2004, 11:24 AM
Thank God , you found them , and that they are safe , and well. I remember whenn I left the screen , open , in the Kitchen , and tghen there were 3 Cats , in the yard m, and a Michael , Scrappy , and Princess sized hole , in the Screen. They said it was Big Mice!And I beleived them , I was so gald that noone had broken , in! Glad that Your Cats are Fine!

05-23-2004, 02:54 PM
Oh my goodness, what a scare for you! Giz, do not scare meowmie anymore...I'm very glad that his little adventure was short lived and he's safe and sound.

Wonderful pictures too!