View Full Version : Just venting...

05-22-2004, 12:39 AM
Read no further if you don't want to hear my vent. :p

Okay, so we have about three more weeks of 'regular classes', and then the last fourth week is all Finals. My English teacher decides to load us all up with projects...

I have a 'Magnet Project' due next Wednesday, where I have to make up a business with my group, and than make a two minute commerical.

I have an 'Outside Reading Project' due next Friday. I have to take a book that I read this year, and 're-write' it so a second-third grader could understand it and enjoy it.

I have two essays due on the Holocaust. One of them is due next Thursday, and the other one is due on Friday.

I guess it would help if I wasn't a procrastinator...:rolleyes: But why do teachers insist on loading us up with projects the last few weeks of school? I know what I'll be doing for most of the weekened!

I'm all set for summer to come...and High School to end. Only three more years! :p

Sorry for the pointless post. Just had to vent a little...:o

05-22-2004, 12:59 AM
The essays on the holocaust sound rather interesting.. just because that whole time period interests me (yet saddens me at the same time)

We basically did nothing our last 2 weeks of school besides make-up work.

05-22-2004, 08:11 AM
I hear ya! My kids are going through the same thing. Its like the teacher's ran ot of time and need to fulfill their state required curriclum so are tossing the projects at you as fast as they can... what's the magnet project? If its doing something to sell magnets, or magnet related objects, I have an oidea for you! PM me if you want.

05-22-2004, 08:59 AM
Well, you could always think of it this way: Imagen how much more great your summer will be once school is over and no projects or anything need to be done? Par-tay at my house, k? lol jk. XD

05-22-2004, 09:49 AM
LOL, the 'Magnet Project', is just that; a project. It has nothing to do with Magnets. Being in the Magnet means that you, and a bunch of other students are offered special curricula, instead of just the usual classes/periods. This Magnet program inparticular is a Agriculture/Veterinary Sciences Magnet. So, our project has to have a topic that relates to that. We decided to do a commerical for Dog Obedience Training with our own 'business', with Daisy as the 'star' in it. :)

Exactly! I wouldn't be soo upset if they spread them through-out the year, but giving them all at once isn't fair to me, and everyone else. :mad: We have lives too, ya know!

LOL Audrey. Not if I end up going to summer school, to get a few classes out of the way. ;)

05-22-2004, 10:33 AM
Oh I know how you feel...every year around April and May we get loaded up with projects and assignments and also homework. They say its because the end of the year is approaching and they need to fit everything in:rolleyes: We should be enjoying our last month of school when all we're doing is stressing about homework.

05-22-2004, 03:24 PM
Awww poor Ju Ju Bean. :( Hang in there.........we all know teachers can sometimes be incredibly unfair, and we've all had to deal with them. :p Good news is, its almost summer, so before long, you can say *GOODBYE!!!* to your teachers/projects/everything for the entire season. ;)