View Full Version : The pet count is now FOUR!!

05-21-2004, 03:34 PM
For 12 days.... ;) :D :p

Meet Dreyfus. His dad, Mike, is visiting his brother in L.A.


Mike dropped him off yesterday late morning/early afternoon. He was a little freaked out that Mike was leaving, (it's the first time he's they've been apart for a long period of time), and since he wasn't showing any signs of settling down, I loaded the two up in the car and we hit the dog stores, the unofficial dog park at MSU, and then back home.

Walking two dogs sure is a handful! Especially when one is 100+ pounds and loves to pull. Even Kia is getting tired of being dragged around. LOL!

But we'll make the best of it.

I snapped those two pictures off last night. Hopefully I'll get some better shots this afternoon. :)

And yes, the cats are mad at me. Zam's hissed at him numerous times and puffs up whenever she sees him. But if I shut him out of the room, she approaches me and purrs. Logan has taken to hiding out under the bed. I think he is less forgiving. I woke up to Logan right in my face with a "You will PAY for this" look. :eek: ;) :D

05-21-2004, 03:54 PM
Awww!! So THAT's the "Dreyfus" that's coming to the meeting??:D

2 dogs sure is a handful..... I'd like three alot more though. :p :p

05-21-2004, 04:52 PM
Yeah that sounds like a handful, but at least you're making the best of it and having fun with them. I'm sure the cats will get over it eventually lol.

05-21-2004, 06:07 PM
Dreyfus is a good looking doggie.:) I'm glad he & Kia get
along so well. The kitties might look daggers at you for awhile,
but, they'll cope, I'll bet.:D Great pics of very very tired pups.:)

05-21-2004, 06:44 PM
I love Dreyfus! He's so cute. I'm partial to the big doggies. Hopefully, you'll get some more pics.

05-21-2004, 11:59 PM
Hi Dreyfuse!!!
He looks a lot smoother!! He must of gotten his summer cut! ;)
See you next week Dreyfuse!!

05-22-2004, 06:10 AM
Dreyfus, you are one handsome fellow. I thought so at the dog park and I still think so now. Beautiful!

Robin :)

05-22-2004, 07:03 AM
What a cutie! Do you think he might have a bit of chow in him? It looks like he has the notorious chow purple tongue. Could be just the picture. I never thought of Kia as a small dog, but she sure looks small next to Dreyfuss! Enjoy yourself while he is visiting, and the kitties will forgive (as soon as the big ole intruder leaves! LOL)

05-22-2004, 01:42 PM
That's Dreyfus? Wow, where'd the dog with all the hair go;)
I bet it is a handful walking him and Kia both!