View Full Version : New Mouse addition...**MAYBE**

05-21-2004, 03:16 PM
Today at my brothers school, someone made a senior prank my letting loose HUDREDS of mice in the school. (ha) My brother caught one of the mice, and took it with him home.

When I saw the tiny white mouse I immediatly said I want it!
When I brought it inside, my parents were like "Josh, you weren't supposed to tell her" because you know why? He was going to feed it to a SNAKE! and I kept telling him "your not feeding it to a snake" so the good thing is he wont. And when I asked my dad to keep him he was like NO, same with my mom.

But for some reason, my brother has a strong way of making my parents say yes. My mom, me, and my brother were talking, and I suppose my brother is getting a cage to keep it in. And he told her he wants to keep it in his room. But he only said that so he can keep it, and then give it to me.

So right now this little mouse is on my desk, in a box sleeping all curled up and cute!

She is pure white, with GIANT ears. She also has red *tiny* eyes. and there is a little "cut" on her tail, but it seems to be okay. I really wanna keep this mouse, it's just so cute! But if we really can't then my brother is giving it to his friend Brittany. She already has a female mouse.

and it's not like im new to these mice, I've had them before.

So if you all can hope that we keep this little mousie. I will be happy!

here is the only picture I could get... :) It's not the best though but you get the idea.

.......what a Friday!

05-21-2004, 04:40 PM
Awwww....:) she's so precious!

05-21-2004, 05:06 PM
Aww that is a cute little mouse. I'm glad your brother got it for you and I hope you get to keep it! I'm sure you'd take good care of it. It's good that it isn't going to get fed to a snake anymore.. that would be bad! Anyways, I can't believe someone would pull a prank like that and good luck with keeping it.

05-22-2004, 06:06 PM
Awww how cute!:D I'm guessing now that you're allowed to keep her?;):p

05-22-2004, 06:29 PM
AWW my gosh Amber that is the cutest little mouse!!

05-23-2004, 09:44 PM
What a cute little thing! :)

I hope you get to keep him.