View Full Version : People still care.

05-21-2004, 02:00 PM
Yesterday a bus caught on fire on the freeway.

That meant another traffic jam and a search for an alternate
way home....

I decided to go thru Griffith Park....

GP is a huge park near Los Angeles. There are coyotes, foxes, deer, skunks, squirrels that live in the area. And lots of birds!

As I drove thru the park and fought more traffic I noticed four people standing in a semi-circle near the sidewalk, looking down.

I got a little closer and saw that they had a huge hawk surrounded. I noticed that one of his wings looked damaged.

They were trying to keep the poor guy out of traffic!

Thankfully the were yards from the Ranger station and hopefully they got him the care he looked like he needed....It was nice to see that people cared enough to take some time to make sure the poor guy didn't get run over.

05-21-2004, 02:10 PM
That's a great story. Here's one from my neck of the woods.

My friend and her husband (both volunteers for Humane Society) were driving down a busy street and noticed a seagull lying in the middle of the road. No one was stopping so they did and wrapped up the poor guy and drove to the Wildlife Rescue. Unfortunately seagull passed but it was nice that someone care enough to stop.

05-21-2004, 02:11 PM
Richard your right some people do still care. My hubby and I are turtle savers.....if we see one trying to cross the street, we stop and get out and move it across the street. Sometimes hubby has to ask me which way was he going because we would hate to think we were helping the turtle when in fact he was going the other way. :D

I will never forget on my way to work one day people were flashing their headlights at on coming traffic. I slowed down but I had a tractor trailer in front of me and did not see the HUGE turtle in the middle of my lane (and when I say huge, I mean huge...he weighed about 120 lbs....I had never seen a turtle that big in CT). I drove over him....enough clearance with my car but the car behind me was tailgating and hit the turtle..... I have never seen so many people stop their cars, get out to slow up traffin, call the police, local vets, etc. Luck for us a lady who does wild animal rescue drove by and stopped and took the animal.

So your right Richard...some people do still care. :)