View Full Version : Elvis' Mum and Sister are not well... :(

05-21-2004, 12:06 PM
My Elvis' Mum (Molly) and Sister (TinTin) have not been well, They have both been at the vets over the last week on drips. They got into the left overs of a sheep that had been sprayed with poison (To stop fly strike). So could everyone please keep them in your prayers i know PT prayers work. ;)

We were going to visit them this weekend for a playdate but we will have to wait untill the poor dogs recover.


Cinder & Smoke
05-21-2004, 12:49 PM
Hello, God?

Need sum Help onna Down Under side of da Big Durt Ball...

Fur Molly & TinTin ~
they goofed up an ate sum Bad Stuff...
Need Your Help gettin it all *flushed out*.


/s/ the Prayer Pups

My Peanuts
05-21-2004, 12:59 PM
Molly and Tin Tin are in my prayers. Get well soon sweeties.

05-22-2004, 11:18 AM
Thankyou both for your well wishes. :)

I have not heard anything today but will give a call later to see how they are getting on. I will keep you posted.

05-22-2004, 02:09 PM
Oh no!!:( I really hope both recover really soon!! Get well soon, Elvis' mommy and daddy!! Keep us updated

05-22-2004, 10:49 PM
Oh dear!

How are they doing, do you know? Silly dogs get into everything!

Hopefully when they get better little Evlis can reschedual his playdate with mom and sis! :) (And pictures will be involved??? :p )

05-23-2004, 12:40 AM
I hope they get well soon. It's awful that they happened to get a hold of that sheep. I'm sure they'll be alright.

05-23-2004, 03:33 AM
Good news both Mum and Daughter are home. :D They are doing quite well at the moment, but the vet said to bring them back in a few days for a checkup. Nawtee dogs. ;)

Kay indeed there will be plenty of photos (I am getting a new camera next week). :D Elvis' 18-19 year old Grandmother aswell.

Thankyou for all the well wishes i will email the link to them for this thread. :)

05-24-2004, 06:25 AM
Oh I just saw this...Glad they are home & doing better!!!
That was quite a scare!!!!

Give them a Hug for us!!!!

Please let us know how their check up goes!!

05-24-2004, 06:49 AM
Phew - thank goodness they're OK!