View Full Version : I need some information about Cockatoos

05-21-2004, 09:49 AM
Hi my neighbor got this cockatoo over Easter weekend and it hollers and screams constantly. From six in the morning disbrubing my son's sleep at midnight. It is very annoying and distruptive we live close together so it is even very loud. What annoy's me the most is that she is never there to look after it properly and we allready had words about if you know what I mean. She is gone all evening and all day she works. She is moving soon so soon it will be peacfull here once again. Now before I go and hate this bird if I had some information about these types of birds maybe I can understand it a bit better. But I do not think she should be leaving it alone all day and all night like that. I will not talk to her about it because I don't want anymore words with her if you know what I mean. So if anyone can help me out with some general information about these birds I would appricate it. I just needed to vent about this problem I feel better now he he. But really sorry if I offeded anyone here who love cockatoos. If I had some information about them maybe I can grow to love them also. But this woman should not be having pets she is never there to look after them. Is there any place I can call to report that? Thanks Laura

05-21-2004, 11:15 AM
I think the main problem is the bird is alone most of the time. In general, cockatoos are known to be relatively quiet compared to other larger birds. These are animals that need LOTS of attention. One should not have a cockatoo if they are unable to provide it with enough love and attention. I'm certain this bird is screaming only because its upset, lonely, or bored. If he is left alone most of the day, I'm sure he's doing it out of boredom. Poor bird. He needs more attention. :(

05-21-2004, 11:23 AM
:) Thankyou very much yes he is left alone constantly last night from four occlock untill elven at night she is never home she works all day and goes out all night. I'm very annoyed with woman right now for even thinking about having a pet like this. I feel sorry for the bird and for the dog. She also has some type of exotic bird dog and she leaves the kids look afte it. SHe never covers the bird at ight. So it hollers. It hollered this morning from six occlock onto now. I srill don't think this woman should a bird like that it is huge white and has yellow on it's head very pretty. I feel sorry for it. Thankyou very much

05-21-2004, 12:48 PM
My guess is he is probably a umbrella cackatoo, they are rather common and easy to get. Cockatoos are very loud birds. They are natural screamers, weather they have enough attention or not. I have a goffin cockatoo, she screams at sun up and sun down, thats natural for them. However the constant screaming is probably from lack of attention, that's not normal. Also cackatoos are notorious for feather plucking, out of boredom. Does he have many toys in his cage to keep him occupied? My guess is probably not. Cackatoos are generally very sweet birds, personally I like them much more than parrots. Mine spends much of her time out of her cage and she has a lot of toys to keep her busy. I would get information on cockatoos and put it into your neighbors mailbox.
Good luck.

05-21-2004, 01:14 PM
Thankyou very much for the help. Like I said I don't want to have words with this woman who owns the cockatoo because she has a temper. I just feel sorry for the bird. Why get a pet like that if your not going to be around to enjoy it and leave it alone all day and night that is so sad. They are moving soon probaly end of the month so peace will fall in to the neighborhood once again. To answer your question about toys I'm sorry I don't know I've never looked inside the cage but I did notice the cage is small and the bird is rather large. Thankyou very much for the information I appricate it. Hope the bird will ok. Thanks.