View Full Version : I think I'm going to get a Dumbo Rat!

05-20-2004, 12:34 PM
Yay!!! My co-worker just got a 6 week old Dumbo named Sage and I'm in love!!!

Can rats and cats safely live in the same house?

Are rats hard to take care of?

05-20-2004, 12:56 PM
I don't have too much advice to offer seeing as how I'm still very new to being a rat mommy. I do know that you will want to get two rats because rats are VERY social and they get lonely if they aren't in pairs. There are a lot of people that have cats and rats, but it's normally best to introduce them when the cats are kittens. So far luckies4me, YellowLabLover and this website Rats Rule (www.ratsrule.com) have been my best resources.

Desert Arabian
05-20-2004, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Can rats and cats safely live in the same house?

P.S- title of thread really should say "I think I am going to get dumbo rats. Rats need buddies. ;)

Are rats hard to take care of?

Not really, the less you have the easier it is, the more you have the harder it is. Cleaning the cage is the hardest part, it takes a good hour and a half to two hours to clean the cage- sometimes three or more depending on what cage mine are currently in (switch cages a lot), what bedding I am currently using, etc.

The only thing that kills rat owners are the vet bills....won't even go there...."$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" just about covers that. :rolleyes: :o Their life span sucks just as much.

Rats Rule, posted by UABassoon, is the best place for rat information. All your answers to your questions are on that forum. I am Crazy4Rats over there.

05-20-2004, 03:57 PM
AWW those pics are just precious, I never knew cats and rats could be so compatiable, thanks for sharing those wonderful pics.

05-20-2004, 11:46 PM
I just learned that I'll need to have two ratties. :) I also learned that boys tend to be sweeter, is that true in your opinion?

I'm so excited!! :)

Those pictures are precious!!!

05-21-2004, 02:20 AM
I definitely thing boys are sweeter. :)

05-21-2004, 04:50 AM
YLL, those pictures are awesome -- sooo convincing!!

Best of luck finding your perfect match(es), Noah'smommy! :)

Desert Arabian
05-21-2004, 03:03 PM
Thanks for the comments on the pictures. :)

My boys are extremely sweet, Freddy was the most sweet. They are just big fat squishy barrels of love! There is nothing better than a big fat kissable pokeable squishy (male) rattie tummy!!!!!! Males are real laid back compaired to females. My girls are extremely sweet too, it's way more harder to bond with them because they are too busy exploring the world. My males love to curl up with me and snuggle for hours on the couch. Once my females get tired of exploring, they will curl up with me too, mainly Phoebe, and lay with me on the couch.

I personally LOVE males when it come to mushy love and I LOVE females for their personality. :)

05-21-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by carole
AWW those pics are just precious, I never knew cats and rats could be so compatiable, thanks for sharing those wonderful pics.

You think those are cute?! Look at these....





05-21-2004, 09:53 PM
I am laughing so hard, these pictures of cats with rats are just so cute and so funny!!

This one: And what are you looking at??
(image deleted)
And this one, looks like the rats are coming!!! News alert, Rat Invasion!!

Now aren't those just the cutest things you ever seen?????


05-21-2004, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
And this one, looks like the rats are coming!!! News alert, Rat Invasion!!

Willie you crack me up, but I was just thinking a similar thing! LOL! :) Kelly, keep us posted. I know you will be a good rat mommy! :)

05-22-2004, 04:04 AM
Oh Cass those pics are priceless, sooooo.........darn cute, beautiful ratties and kittys together, harmony.......!!!:) :D :cool:

05-23-2004, 09:21 PM
Awwww! Those are great pictures too!!! :)

I think we may be waiting on the ratties. I worry about my kitties not understanding they aren't allowed to EAT the rats. I told David I wanted to get two ratties and he thinks we should wait until we move to a house, where we can at least have a room the cats aren't allowed in (as if that's even possible).

I'll just have to stare at all your ratty pictures instead. ;)