View Full Version : He's back to NawTee

05-20-2004, 07:06 AM
Why does Pouncer act so WONDERFUL one day and then so NAWTEE the next? I know that you are all as proud of Pouncer, and how well behaved he was at the nursing home. Well my little angel has a crooked halo ;) because last night he broke the screen out of my daughter's window and proceeded to climb onto the roof of the porch below the window!!! :eek:

We couldn't get him because her HEAVY daybed is right in front of the window - we couldn't move the bed and we couldn't climb out onto the roof after him! I ran and got his Temptations and he sat watching me shake the package for a minute before he decided that he wanted some. Then he ran up to me and got close enough to take the treat, but too far for us to reach. Just then Allen heard me shaking the Temptations and jumped up onto the bed looking for HIS treat :) I gave one to Allen because, well, because he asked so nicely.

Meanwhile my husband was telling me "forget Allen, we need to get Pouncer" But apparently what I did was the BEST thing because Pouncer saw Allen get HIS treats, so in climbs Pouncer, trying to weave himself through the metal of the bed's backboard. :rolleyes: to get the treats before Allen could.

We now have Pouncer off yet another roof. And a broken screen to fix tonight. How do you think he woke me today? MEOW MEEOOOW MEEEEOOOOOW at the door to the balcony! Which he's still doing at this moment

Gosh, how NawTee can a boy be?

05-20-2004, 07:33 AM
How NawTee can a boy be?????? Very!!!! ;) ;) You know they can always be so good and just when we think that they are angels....they become NawTee again:rolleyes:

Laura's Babies
05-20-2004, 07:39 AM
Pouncer and his antics! Before you got him, life had to be so dull, what did you do to amuse yourself then?

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-20-2004, 07:40 AM
Sounds like Pouncer just HAD TO release all the pent-up NAWTEENESS which was stored up whilst he was being so good doing his Therapy work.

Pouncer you are a NAWTEE boy, but we love you lots!!!

05-20-2004, 07:53 AM
Pouncer, I smiled when I saw Meowmie's thread! I knew, just KNEW it was about you!!! You are such an adorable NAWTEEKAT! He he he...keep Meowmie on her toes, it is the secret to staying young.

05-20-2004, 08:59 AM
Hes not NAWTEE , like JJJ3 , he has the Whiskas Temptation Monkey , on his back! JJJ3 wants REMPTATIONS! MewHoo!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-20-2004, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy
Sounds like Pouncer just HAD TO release all the pent-up NAWTEENESS which was stored up whilst he was being so good doing his Therapy work.
That's exactly what I was thinking! He says "OK, Mom, I'll be good while we go visiting, but I expect something in return, like a good romp on the roof!" ;) :D

Naw-tee boy, but you have to be careful sweetie. I know you like the outside lots and lots, but there are big nasty things out there that we don't want you to experience. So will you please just trust that you mom knows best and listen to her when she says you can't go out.....please? :)

05-20-2004, 02:01 PM
Wait until you have to chase the cat outdoors naked......;)

05-20-2004, 06:28 PM
Oh Pouncer, what were you doing? Trying out for a role in "Fiddler on The Roof."
Boy you are one nawtee kitty for sure. But darn, you are just so cute though.
Please don't go doing something like that again, you might not be so lucky the next time and you are just getting over a big boo-boo, so we don't want to hear of you getting hurt again cause you were nawtee, okay sweetie.:)

05-20-2004, 06:58 PM
He's something else! But he's my baby... and I love him regardless how nawtee he is!

We got a call today from the nursing home. They wanted to know when we'd be back, and if we would mind coming every Wednesday night. I don't know... I'll have to check with his schedule ;)

They said that the residents LOVED his visit and have not stopped talking about him. I have the feeling that next time we'll be busier and seeing a whole lot more people! :)

05-20-2004, 08:06 PM
Pouncer just heard how proud we all were of him, and.... well... after all, he has a reputation to protect! He couldn't let us keep thinking he had turned into a boring old nursing home kitty! :)