View Full Version : Medicine?

05-19-2004, 11:47 PM
How do you give your dog their meds? Like if it's pills. Do they take it willingly? Josie has had a ton of pills she's needed since she was a pup. I use to just put it on the back of her tounge, and touch her nose so she'd lick it and swallow. But she learned how not to swallow the pill :rolleyes: It got hard, esp if the pill was one of those powder filled ones. She'd end up with the powder all over the floor O_O

Now that Josie needs her seizure meds daily, I've just been putting it in a small piece of hotdog. She greatfully takes it, and since it's smallish (I say ish, cause normal dogs would chew it) so she just swallows it with no spitting out pill problem. I use to use cheese, but she would eat the cheese and spit the pill out :rolleyes:

05-19-2004, 11:52 PM
Kaedyn takes pills really well so I just give him the pill as it is. Kai on the other hand is like Josie. He learnt how to eat the food that it was in, and spit out the pill. I've found that a small chunk of cream cheese works far better than the hot dog. He just gulps down the cream cheese instead of chewing the hot dog (and eventually spitting out the pill).

05-20-2004, 08:00 AM
Greta and Cassius both love bananas, so if they need meds I break a small piece off and stick the pill inside. They gulp it down.

05-20-2004, 08:04 AM
With ours, we just put the pill at the back of their throats and rub their neck and they swallow it, very simple ;)

05-20-2004, 08:06 AM
I too use cream cheese. Bitsy has seasonal allergies and she takes her pills well in cream cheese.
Too bad pills for dogs aren't all like heartguard, a meaty treat. How much easier would that make it. My dogs love to take their heartguard.

05-20-2004, 08:06 AM
Murphy is having six pills, twice a day, now. In the morning, I give her a little scoop of canned dog food and push the pills down in it, along with her dry food. In the evening, I wrap them up in a slice of cheese or turkey and she gobbles it down (unfortunately, she's caught my fingers a few times too, so I don't like this method at all!!! :eek: ). None of my dogs are hard to pill because they all love to eat so much!!!! :D

05-20-2004, 09:59 AM
Bear takes a thyroid pill every morning. I put a dab of peanut butter on my finger and he gladly licks it off.


4 Dog Mother
05-20-2004, 10:11 AM
I use peanut butter too. But you have to be careful that there is enough peanut butter that they don't notice the pill. I make a cracker sandwich and make sure the pill is in the peanut butter good because Jack has "found" the pill once or twice and spit it out!

05-20-2004, 10:28 AM
My Tawny will eat anything that has peanut butter on it, she also thinks her heartworm medicine is a treat, she always looks for more. My old lab Bert used to roll everything is his mouth and if he found something foreign he would spit so hard it would bounce off the floor. He had to smell and taste everything before he would swallow. Every one of my babies were different, but Tawny has to be the easiest to get meds into. The say cheese whiz is good too.