View Full Version : Plastic bags?!

05-19-2004, 05:38 PM
For the past few days, my cat has been sleeping on a plastic bag and cuddling with it!!! What is with plastic bags? Anyone have the same problem? SHe just LOVES it and i don't have the heart to move it...even though it looks tacky. Do you think it's a danger or not? (i think she would be able to claw her way out)

05-19-2004, 05:44 PM
Mine love plastic bags also. If it the kind with handles - it is a good idea I read here to cut through the ends so they don't get tangled with their head in them. I think they like the crinkly sound it makes!!

guster girl
05-19-2004, 05:58 PM
Yeah, I wouldn't leave your kitty unsupervised with a plastic bag. Maybe you could even get one of those cat toy tunnel type things that sound like a bag....does he like paper ones? I'd just watch him with it just to be safe. :)

05-19-2004, 06:22 PM
Yup, they LOVE plastic bags. It's something in the chemical compound .... Mitzi MUST chew on them; Mishi must sit on them, oh and now Mishi has taken to sleeping on the crinkle sack! silly boy!

05-19-2004, 06:53 PM
Kuhio loved to sleep on them also. I think the vet told us something about the plastic holding in body heat. We keep all our bags shut up in a cabinet, but Kuhio would sneak in every now and then and make herself at home. It was okay for her to crinkle the bag, but if anyone else did, she'd race out of the room in terror. :rolleyes:

Silly kitties.

Steffi N
05-19-2004, 07:14 PM
Lovable is especially fond of chewing the blue plastic bags my New York Times comes in. :D

Felicia's Mom
05-19-2004, 08:08 PM
I used to stretch and tie knots in them. (Sorry, that's not a very good discription). They made good (and cheap) toy for the cats to bat around.

Laura's Babies
05-19-2004, 08:25 PM
Giz can not resist them and she will curl up and sleep in them. Chester got hung up in one at my daughters once and now he is terrified of them and runs when he hears the sound.. Amy could care less one way or the other.

Cinder & Smoke
05-19-2004, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Phred
Taken from the Original "Halp, Dad! ..." (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5202)

Wednesday Nite, as related by Boots, the Kat ~

I wus on the dining room table playing with sum stuff and sorta kickin' the dead flower in the plastic dome thingy. I was making great progress towards pushing it over the edge when it *squeaked* on the table an Dad hollered to QUIT! :mad:
I went back to the stuff. Wus having almost as much fun with the Blue Bag when it happened.

*Rustle, rustle rustle* Big *THUMP*
Sounds of fast moving nails on kitchen floor punctuated by
*Banging & Bumping* into kitchen cabinets.

Cinder: M'gosh, WHAT wus That? :eek:
Smokey: It wasn't ME! I right here onna floor.
Dad: (examining back side of eyelids while pointing head at TV box) "Huh? Whass wrong?"

*Loud screaming noises* from hallway...

Cin: Kat headed westbound in the hall; big blue thing right behind him...
Smoke: I KNOW I dint do NUFFIN, Dad.

From the baffrom: *Loud THUMP* (Kat hits closet door)
*Loud BUMP* (Kat jams body between tub & hall door)
*Serious RATTLE* (Kat jams oversize body through narrow opening of shower door)
The Dad *sprints* (fast walk) down hall into baffroom (notices throw rug pushed half way up closet door) hears *violent struggle* in tub. Three heads, (Dad, 2 dogs) peer into tub to observe Kat fighting to the death with one each large blue plastic bag. Dogs excused with a friendly "Get outta here right NOW! or I'm gonna..."

I sorta 'member Dad hollerin "Calm down, Boots; you're OK." But with all the hissin' and Growlin' going on, I had a hard time listening to him. Then sum hand-paws started ta try an hold me down - that's when I turned on the Hisser an the Growler reel loud an made sure all my knives where out. I flopped around inna tub for a while till I hadda stop an catch a breath. Dad grabbed me again an held me down while he started pullin' the vischis Blue Baggy offa me. I *screamed* an he noticed the Baggy was holdin' onta my tummy - wrapped all around me, it was. He tried pullin it over my head, but I used all 10 knives ta suggest that wasn't a great plan. He finally used both his hand-paws an *ripped* the Baggy where its hanz where holdin' me.
Thanks, Dad; did the Baggy hurt ya very much? I notice you're leakin' sum red stuff on your arms. Gotta watch them Baggies - they can be very dangerus.

"Boots, CALM down, for Pete's sake.
Let me pick you up and we'll go sit down."
Grrrrrr. HissssssssssGrrrrrrrHisssssGrrrr.
"Stop that."
Can't, Blue Baggy might be sneakin' up again.

Cin: Dad, what's wrong wiffa Kat?
Smoke: Has he got mad cow disease?
HisssHisss! GrrrrHisss! HisssGrrrrrr!
Cin: Aw, he's OK, Smokey. Sounds normal ta me.

"Now quit hissing and growling and tell me what happened."
It was the Goons did it to me.
"Who did what?"
Your two Goons - ya know, CinDip and SmudgePot; they putted the Baggy over my headbone an' started kickin' me.
"It's Cinder and Smokey; and they did't touch you. They were lying on me feet watching the Tube. Looks like you stuck your own head through the bag handle hole and then panicked. You were kicking yourself in the tub. And stop growling!"

Oh. Is THAT what happened?

"And where'd you get the bag. I don't leave them out."
Not tellin'. And you'll never find the others I got stashed.
I still think the Dawgs dun it. THERE! Sumbodys 'tackin' me again.
Grrrrr! Hisssss!
"STOP IT! That was just the SmokeKid giving you a lick/smooch on the ear."

Oh... Felt like I wus being 'tacked again.
Lemmie offa your chest, Dad -
I gotta go eat sumpthin ta calm my nerbs.

Editor's Note: As usual, it was an interesting evening at Phred's Place. :D

05-19-2004, 09:47 PM
Yep my kitties are plastic baggers too, Lexie was sitting in the supermarket plastic bag the other day, and Ash loves to dive into them and play even at his old age.

05-19-2004, 10:48 PM
She's BAD! I remember hearing her crinkling around one night but didn't think anything of it...i wasn't getting out of bed to look. I woke up in the morning and she had jumped up on the counter and took a bag of pitas off of the microwave and SHREDDED the bag. There was chewed up pita bread EVERYWHERE!!! What a brat...but of course, it's cute so i let it slide.

05-20-2004, 07:57 AM
I know this was posted early on, but, I want to emphasize it...PLEASE CUT THE HANDLES OFF THE BAG!

05-20-2004, 08:39 AM
I never leave the bags out for that reason! One time I was working in what is now my office. I had bought a ton of stuff at Walmart and of course had a ton of their blue plastic bags. I was unpacking some of the stuff in the room and it was really late - nearly 1:00 in the morning - so I just left everything out as it was and figured I'd finish in the morning. I never once thought about Allen and the bags.

Then somewhere around 3:00 I hear this thump thump thump ~~~~swoosh, clump! It woke us up from a dead sleep. What was that? I head a rustle under the bed and a poor panicked Allen was under there because he got his head caught in the handle! :eek: :eek:

Bags have never been left unattended again. Though he'd LOVE to settle inside one :) Yesterday I was working in the office moving some stuff around and found a plastic storage tub and Allen immediately claimed it as his. I guess thats ok since I won't bite him back! ;) you're right though, what is it about plastic and cats?

05-20-2004, 08:45 AM
That is a Good idea , as every once in a while a Found Cat , will get his head , stuck, in the Bag Handle , and race around , like a Lunatic , until you can, take it off!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-20-2004, 10:23 AM
Not only might they get caught in the handles of the bags, but if they chew and tear up the bag, it's possible they could swallow some of the plastic which could block their intestines. If caught soon enough this isn't a big deal, but if not caught soon enough, it could be fatal. No matter how cute they are with the plastic bags, it's always best to never leave a cat unattended with a plastic bag. I think some of the bags even have warnings on them about leaving children and pets unattended with them. Better safe than sorry.

And as an alternative, for awhile Peanut was in love with a Marshal Fields bag we had left laying on the floor. I think in other parts of the country you might have Daytons or something similar where they give you your newly purchased clothes in a nice fancy paper bag with handles on it. Somehow this bag ended up underneath Peanut's favorite chair and everytime we couldn't find her, we'd look under the chair and there she'd be on her bag. It even got to the point where we went to Marshal Fields and asked for extra bags for her. Must have got a cat loving clerk because she laughed and was more than happy to comply. Even gave us a few different sizes. :D

Phred, thanks for the "page out of the past." I'll never get sick of those Boots stories. :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-20-2004, 10:33 AM
As usual Phred has me in stiches!!!!

Ally loves plastic bags too - she will always crawl into one if it is lying around whilst I am unpacking the shopping. I also "collect" the square paper ones for her to lie in, but I always cut off the handles!

05-20-2004, 12:28 PM
Tito got his head stuck in a plastic shopping bag's handle once, it wasn't bad, just bad enough to scare me. Sophie, the new kitten, LOVES plastic of any kind. We're beginning to wonder if her momma didn't give birth to her on a tarp (she was born under my boyfriend's dad's trailer and there is a tarp down there). She loves plastic ANYTHING. My boyfriend is a bit lazy about taking out the trash and sometimes when one trash bag gets full, he'll pull it out, tie it off, and leave it sitting next to the trash can until the next time he goes out of the house. Well, seems like every time that happens, Sophie goes into the kitchen and we find her hours later, passed out dead asleep on a Hefty bag full of trash!! She also discovered where we keep her kitten food and managed to get up there and fall asleep on top of the (unopened) packages of canned food - they were shrink-wrapped in plastic.

Weird kitties!!

There is a toy called the Snuggle Bug you can buy on cattoys.com that has some sort of crunchy stuff in it that if you squeeze it, it kinda sounds like plastic crinkling. Tito LOVES his Snuggle Bugs.

05-20-2004, 03:25 PM
good advice everyone, I never leave my cats alone with plastic bags, infact i have to be very careful with Lexie as for some unknown reason she will chew and eat anything plastic, so little things like barbie doll toys must be put away. funny kitty she is.

05-20-2004, 06:58 PM
Both Katie and Simda like sitting on plastic bags but Simba loves smelling and licking plastic bags, what a weirdo :rolleyes: