View Full Version : I'm sad.. my grandfather..

05-19-2004, 03:11 PM
He just sold the house he had lived in for more than 50 years..

He and my mom are going to have a yard sale.. moving sale for 3 days to get rid of everything..

Mom had me make 4 signs that said "MOVING SALE.. w/his address.. and DATES/TIMES.."

And I feel like I shouldget something.. to keep something from his house.. as a memorabila.. like my grandfather gave me my grandmother's jewelries and her jewelry box..

and I feel a little bit choked up about it.. I want to go over and see it one last time, but I don't think that I can do it..

I don't know if I should go or not.. I'd go tonight.. but I don't know.. gosh.. It's so hard for me.. My mom knows it is hard, because I don't like going over his house anymore.. because of my grandmother's death in 1999.. seems so weird everytime, because I can smell her around.. like if she's still around me.. I know she is when I come over..

Anyway.. Had to say it..

But my grandfather got this really nice condo and I haven't seen it, but my mom took pics of it.. and so far what I've seen, it looks cool..

05-19-2004, 03:40 PM
I can understand how you must be feeling, but it sounds like your grandfather is ready to move on, he will be happy in his new home, and in time you will be able to see that, it is always an emotional time these sort of things.
Take heart in knowing Grandad will be fine, and yes maybe you could get something for your memories from the house, good idea. cheers.

05-19-2004, 04:31 PM
I'm sure you have some WONDERFUL memories at your Grandpa's house! That's something no one will EVER take away! Take one last tour of the place, take pictures and make an album. This way, whenever you get melancholy, you have something to look at and make you smile!

When I lived in CT, I lived in an apartment right around the corner from my childhood home. There was a fire in it when I was 18 and had been done over again. I'd go walking by it every night. One night, the owner was out front working on her garden. I walked up to her and told her how I grew up in the house and how different it looked from the outside. She asked me if I'd like to see the inside and I was elated!!!

Much to my surprize, it was SO different! They had a gourmet kitchen. The small dining room was gutted and so was my bedroom, to make a dining area with a sliding glass window that went out into the deck and above-ground pool. My parent's bedroom was turned into a family room, and the upstairs, which was my brother's bedroom was completely gutted and made into separate bedrooms!

It's something I will never forget!

05-19-2004, 09:38 PM
At first I was going to say not to go if it would make you sad. But then I remembered going to my grandma's house the last few times after she passed away. It gives you time to reflect on those happy memories you had. If that house is going to owned by someone else, you might not get that chance again.

Take care. :)

05-19-2004, 09:44 PM
I really thing you should go over and take one last look and if you have a good relationship with your Grandfather I don't think it would do any harm to ask for something.

When my favourite Auntie moved into a care home I did just that. I came away with some antique dishes that I treasure to this day. I remember she had this amazing clock that would chime on the hour and half-hour. I don't know where it is now but I really wanted that clock. I think one of my cousins has it, and so it should be.

I also think it's a good idea to talk to your Grandmother while you are there. I'm sure she will understand and be pleased that he's moving on. I guess I see this as a "closure" thing.

Hugs to you. I've been there.

05-19-2004, 10:39 PM
I know it would be hard but I think you need to go there and take lots of pics. I feel you would really regret it later if you don't. Those pics will mean a lot later on and will help you remember what good times you had there. It would also give your grandfather the support that he's really going to need right now.

05-19-2004, 10:45 PM
After my grandmother died, she left her cottage to my uncle (but she told me she wanted to leave it to someone who would keep it in the family - VERY important to her) anyway, first thing he did was sell it. My dad and aunt ended up buying it cause of how important it is, but it was annoying he would have sold it after my grandmother said what she wanted of it :( I don't really now if this relates to you or not, but it seems like it was important to you too

05-19-2004, 11:46 PM

I went..

Wow, I walked in the living room, and it was empty and I started to cry a little bit.. and I just walked around, and I couldn't help but think about the past.. (getting teary eyed while I type this)..

Anyway, I checked out his new place, the condo and it's SO nice! It's out in the country, sort of, and only 10 mins to get in the city..
So I decided to get something, and while I did that, I broke something of some antique thingy.. and it fell when i was trying to get something off to take it home with me, and it's a set.. two things. and 1 is broken and 1 is fine! I feel so so so bad & I can't believe that happened! God, I feel horrible! My mom got mad at me, but she knew how I was feeling, so.. she didn't do anything about it, but left me be..

So the thing I brought home was a wooden heart that said "Home is where you hang your heart".. it used to be in the kitchen, on the wall.. :) Ahh..

05-20-2004, 10:48 AM
"Home is where you hang your heart"

SO true!! I think that's a wonderful piece of your family "history". I hope it makes you smile everytime you see it!